Monday, July 31, 2023

Picnic in the Vineyards


Last Friday the Geek and I met with our friends P and B for a lovely picnic in the vineyards. We had thought about that for quite some time and finally we could settle on a date that worked for all of us. We chose to go to Navarro Vineyards in the beautiful Anderson Valley.

Navarro Vineyards is a family owned small winery that has been making wine since 1974. Most of their wines is not available in stores, but can be  purchased directly in their tasting room or through their website. We have been drinking their wines for several years now and we have yet to find a wine of theirs that we don't like. The winery is located in Anderson Valley in Mendocino County, away from the crowded Wine Country hype in Sonoma and Napa Counties. This results in no tasting fee, more affordable wines and less crowds, so reservations are not required. There is ample space to sit and sip some wine or have a decent picnic with a bottle or two of their wine that can be purchased in the tasting room.

We had our picnic right at the edge of the vineyards under the wisteria cover.

Our table was covered with a lot of tasty food that the four of us had brought from home.

I had baked a whole wheat bread, which was delicious with red pepper aioli and smoked ham.

You can see that we had a wonderful time!

Let's see what kind of drinks we can find for Bleubeard and Elizabeth's T Tuesday: a bottle of Rosé of Grenache, a bottle of Pinot Gris, several re-usable bottles of water and grapefruit juice and a glass bottle of Gerolsteiner sparkling water (I simply refuse to buy sparkling water in plastic bottles which leaves only German and French sparkling water). The food we had included meatballs, smoked salmon, several cheeses, bread, red pepper aioli, tuna bowl, chocolate and vanilla pudding, blueberries, peaches and tomatoes from my garden. It was a feast!

Navarro not only has vineyards, but also beautiful gardens with mainly drought-tolerant or native plants. I found some inspiration for my garden. Roses right next to a vineyard is something you see often here.

We stayed in the vineyards for three and a half hours. We decided to drive back along the coast, via Highway 1 - THE ONE, as my husband would say. It certainly is THE ONE for us - one of the most beautiful roads that hugs the California Coast in an often spectacular way.

We stopped at Point Arena Lighthouse, at 115 ft (35 m) the tallest lighthouse on the west coast of the US. It is also the closest location in the lower 48 to Hawai'i at a distance of about 2,350 miles (3780 km) (you always wanted to know that, right?). The first Point Arena Lighthouse was constructed in 1870, but was damaged in the Great Earthquake of April 18, 1906. The current lighthouse that is built to withstand earthquakes began operation on September 15, 1908. It features a 1st Order Fresnel Lens (built in France) that is made up of 258 hand-ground glass prisms. These prisms are all focused toward three sets of double bulls eyes which gave the lighthouse its unique light "signature" of two flashes every six seconds (that was before the installation of an automated aircraft-type beacon on the tower balcony in June 1977). This is probably more information than you ever wanted...

This is a very windy, often cold location, but oh! so beautiful. I never get tired of it, and I have been here many times in the past 22 years. The geology is interesting and just like at Salt Point, I wish I knew more about it. The Coast Buckwheat (Eriogonum latifolium), a California native, is found in abundance here.

This is also close to where the infamous San Andreas Fault (the bad boy of 1906) dips into the ocean.

I leave you with a last picture of the lighthouse and the interesting fence that was built just a few years ago. Before that, there was a white picket fence. For this fence, older growth mica schist hand split flagstone material from the Mojave desert was used. From a distance it looks like wood, but as you apporach it looks more like a thick jagged stone wall.

May a light shine throughout your week.


Mae Travels said...

Thank you for all the beautiful California images! I love the vineyard pictures and the lighthouse.
best, mae at

nwilliams6 said...

Wow! What a feast and such a lovely view. Yum, Yum for the wine and food! The lighthouse and Hwy 1 are lovely and such a great share for T-day, Carola. I got to drive part of Hwy 1 when I went to CA earlier this year and it was much prettier than I had expected. You live in a magical place! Happy T-day and hugz

Elephant's Child said...

That looks and sounds like a wonderful day - and certainly made for a wonderful post.
Of all the wonders and beauties in it, it is that very unusual fence that will probably stay with me longest.

Sharon Madson said...

What a wonderful table spread beside the beautiful vineyards. And the lighthouse photos are amazing. Very interesting details about the lighthouse, too. Thanks for sharing. Happy T Day.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a wonderful place to have a picnic and all the food looked so good in the photos, but surely tasted better in person! That drive along Rte 1 was spectacular and I can "see" why you would choose that route.

My name is Erika. said...

You had a fabulous day out Carola, at least from what it looks and sounds like. That's a lovely cookout. All the food looks delicious. And what a beautiful vineyard too. And of course, route 1 is a gorgeous. It's been a long time since I've driven along the upper part of route 1, and I don't remember that lighthouse. But I loved all those facts. It's interesting that it is the closest point to Hawaii from the lower 48. And what a great fence. Thanks for taking us on a day out. Happy T day and start to August too. hugs-Erika

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

The ONE is right, Carola. It is the most beautiful highway and I also love the PCH.

Your visit to that winery is unbelievable. I am so in awe that you were able to buy the wine and have a picnic there. You got the most amazing site for a picnic and there was enough food for leftovers, too. That was a special and beautiful site and I am in total awe of your photos you shared with us.

Thanks for sharing your day at Navarro Winery, your charming photos of the vineyard, your picnic, all the wine, the sparkling water, and the lighthouse you stopped by afterward with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear.

Gretchen Joanna said...

That schist wall/fence is so artful, I love it! And the coast buckwheat, all the buckwheats, which you photographed so perfectly, are my favorites. But all your photos here are lovely!

Iris Flavia said...

Kein Wein-Trinker hier, aber so toll ihr dürft dort euer eigenes Picknick machen!
Und do eine schöne Gegend!
Naja, das mit dem light shine through wird eher nix hier. Grau, grau, Regen, grau, kalt. Die ich zähle nicht mehr mit wievielte Woche (nörgeln auf hohem Niveau, ich weiß).
Einen schönen Sommer-T-Tag dir :-)

roentare said...

What a gorgeous vineyard to enjoy a meal. The coast is fantastic too

David M. Gascoigne, said...

This is living at its very finest, Carola. Dining outdoors, with good friends, with delicious food and wine, is the pinnacle of human relationships it seems to me. And not a shred of disposable crap in sight, nothing left to littler the landscape, to get blown into the ocean. Bravo, congratulations and thank you. You are Number One in my estimation. Muchos fuertes abrazos - David

Valerie-Jael said...

Just a short, generic comment today, as I am not up to much just now. Happy T Day and have a great week, hugs! Valerie

Lorrie said...

A vineyard, a lighthouse, the sea, and delicious food with friends all add up to a fantastic day! Such gorgeous photos.

DVArtist said...

Just beautiful. I miss some parts of CA. and this would be one of them. LOL The photo are just stellar. Love the food too. Have a great day today.

Divers and Sundry said...

What a delightful setting for a picnic. I'm impressed with the lighthouse and the information on how that earthquake cased changes in how the replacement was constructed. That fence is impressive!

Happy T Tuesday

Kate Yetter said...

I have never been to CA but I have heard it is lovely. Your photos show off the magnificent beauty of it's landscape. Looks like a picture-perfect place to have a picnic. Your bread looks delicious!
Happy Tea Day,

pearshapedcrafting said...

This looks like an amazing day. The vineyard looks like a great place to visit and your picnic really does look like a feast! The lighthouse was in a spectacular setting - that fence looks fantastic, Happy T Day, Chrisx

Teresa said...

Se os ve felices. El reportaje se ve precioso. Besos.

Spyder said...

What lovely pictures! That sea looks gorgeously blue! And a lovely picnic setting too and the pictures of all that food! Think its time I had a snack!! Happy T for Tuesday, late as always

Amila said...

Carola, it seems like you had an absolutely fabulous day out!
Thank you so much for taking us along on this day out virtually. Your descriptions and pictures really brought the experience to life. Wishing you a Happy T Day as well, filled with warmth, joy, and more delightful adventures! Cheers!

Lisca said...

What a wonderful place to have a picnic! Did the winery supply the chairs? I can't believe you took them with you. Great! Someone should introduce winery hospitality to our area. I'd love to visit a winery, but here they are not open to the public. And then the idea of having a picnic! Absolutely fab.
I love the lighthouse and enjoyed all the info about it. Very interesting.

CJ Kennedy said...

The winery looks like the perfect spot for a picnic. Love your polka dot plates. The scenery along The One that you showed is so beautiful and the lighthouse is awesome. Happy T Day

Caty said...

This is a super wonderful place to have lunch, between vineyards ! Sure you had a magnifique T-day. I have enjoyed all your so beautiful photographs, and your comments. Thanks so much for sharing.
I wish you a very nice Thursday
big hugs, Caty

Jeanie said...

I love how they have picnic and viewing tables there. What a terrific idea for a picnic site. And it looks delicious -- that bread looks to die for! Your photos are beautiful. I'm such a sucker for lighthouses and that one is a beauty. It looks like such a wonderful gathering -- what a treat!

Fundy Blue said...

What a wonderful picnic and gorgeous scenery! Thanks for sharing, Carola!