Wednesday, July 26, 2023

In the Forest by the Lake


I love to walk around our lake, but when the days are hotter I prefer to hike through the forest next to the lake, away from the more popular paved trail right at the water. The forest is so much cooler with far less people. The trails are dirt trails which I prefer to paved trails anytime. The trail in the photo above leads up the hill and is lined with California buckeye (Aesculus californica)  and Western spice bush (Calycanthus occidentalis). From here you can take other trails that go deeper into the woods.

The solitude up here is wonderful! But eventually I have to leave the forest and get into a more typical dry landscape. Even though it's much hotter, I love this view of the Mayacamas Mountains in the distance.

This is where I saw a family of turkeys today - two females and three youngsters.

The forest has many wildflowers, but even here I still find some beautiful plants, like these Blow Wives (Achyrachaena mollis), a native and therefore well suited for this area.

Pacific Madrone (Arbutus menziesii) is a beautiful tree with a reddish bark that contains water and stays cool in the summer - quite handy in the summer heat.

 Salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius) looks like a fairy plant after its bloom when it's about to disperse its seed in the wind.

Eventually we arrive at the water. If you look really hard you can see an immature Black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) perching on the log in the bottom left.

Today I walked out on the peninsula because I had seen muskrats there and sometimes saw otters frolicking in the water. But I had no luck - instead I found this:

Plastic containers, old socks, a soda can, a food container, a napkin and a bit later I found a giant plastic soda container with plastic lid and straw. It made me incredibly mad. This is such a beautiful place that many people enjoy without leaving all their trash behind that is not only disgusting but can harm the local wildlife. Is it really too much to ask to pick up one's own trash and dispose it in a trash bin? Granted, there wasn't one right there, but is it so hard to carry it to the next available trash can? If they were able to bring it in, they can also take it out. I'm tired cleaning up after people who have absolutely no respect for nature and no regard for other people.

Okay, vent over.

Rain's theme at Thursday Art and Dinner Date is "heat wave". Although the last two weekends were very hot, so far we have been spared the incredible heat under which much of the country and Southern Europe have to suffer. But when it's really hot, I don't like to cook and prefer cool food.

Strawberries, peaches and nectarines mean "summer" for me and are great snack food on hot days.

Poké is great summer food for dinner (or lunch), there are so many ways to make it, and of course it always reminds me of Hawai'i. Caprese is a favorite, preferably with tomatoes and basil from the garden, followed by plum clafoutis for dessert (with plums from the neighbor's garden).

But the best, of course, is gelato!

Stay cool, everybody!


Elephant's Child said...

Thank you so much for taking us on this cool and beautiful walk.
Vent away on the people who can take things in but not out.
And I love your meals. They all look delicious.

roentare said...

The strawberries and the ice-cream make my day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I too seek the shade of the trees on a hot day, or their protection from winter’s wind for that matter. You can feel the change in temperature as soon as you enter their embrace. Your caprese salad looks very much like mine. We make it quite frequently in the summer and this year has seen the best basil ever. Ours is in a large pot on the deck and looks like a bush! As for the trash you picked up on the peninsula, it disgusts me too, and we face the same issues here. I too am sick and tired of picking up after people who have not a shred of decency but it is better than leaving it. I am especially concerned for the welfare of the wildlife. When I look at the trash that I have cleaned up it makes me wish I knew where these people live so that I could toss it in their living room. All the best - David

Iris Flavia said...

Seht schöne Landschaft aber argh. Ich weiß nicht. Es würde mir nie einfallen, Müll einfach irgendwo hinzuschmeißen.
Wie dumm und rücksichtslos... "rant over" - ist dsa gleiche hier...
Toll, jetzt habe ich Hunger! ;-) Das sieht wunderbar aus...

Christine said...

Cooling fruit!

kathyinozarks said...

oh Yum I am hungry now every thing looks sooo delicious.
enjoyed the pretty photos Happy Friday Kathy

Lowcarb team member said...

Such fabulous looking food.

All the best Jan

My name is Erika. said...

That looks like a lovely walk, well except for the trash. I've been slacking on the walking this month. I need to get back into my routine but it will be cooling off come Sunday. Hurrah. And all your summer food looks delicious. I had the most delicious nectarine yesterday, and isn't it great to have such yummy fruit in the summer? have a super rest of your week. hugs-Erika

Tom said...

...I hope that you will enjoy a yummy week!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I love a walk in the forest. We have many forest preserves in our area and they are a wonderful cooling and refreshing experience. I don't know what happened to teaching decency to children so they grow up with a sense of respect for others and for wildlife. It is simply laziness ... It is the same everywhere. My pet peeve is people who leave their grocery cart in their parking space instead of walking 10 feet to put it in the wrack that is meant for it ... or a wrack that is marked small carts and big carts and the people put the cart in the wrong one making it 10 times more difficult for the the workers to bring them into the store ... so you see you aren't the only one who can rant 🤣 As for your food ... it all looks delicious, but the gelato makes my mouth water. We had a restaurant that served all flavors of gelato where I used to live ... another reason I miss my lake house :( So enough said ... a lovely post, Carola even with the rant 😁

Andrea @ From the Sol