Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The 366 Project: August

 September already! Can you believe it?

This was August:

These were my thoughts that I wrote down on the last day of August: 

August was a month that flew by too quickly, again. The month brought fresh summer fruit and produce, tons of tomatoes and therefore time in the kitchen making tomato sauce in order to keep the ripe tomato flavor through the winter. It brought gatherings with good friends and fun game nights with my "old" students. Time at the ocean and in the redwoods. And time to read, garden and paint. It was a good month.

August ended on a very high note when the Geek and I spent a long weekend in Gualala (pronounced wa-LA-la) on the coast. We had booked the same cabin where we stayed back in 2019 - it had changed just a tiny bit since then. The furniture in the sitting area was re-arranged since they had added a microwave to each cabin - result of the pandemic, I assume. I did like the sitting nook even better this time.

We did a few outings - down to the beach at Gualala Point Regional Park...

... twice to the hidden Bowling Ball Beach...

... to the Point Arena Stornetta Public Lands...

... and to the Bluff Trail in Gualala Point Regional Park.

We enjoyed beautiful sunsets and evenings with a lot of atmosphere.

I will write more about this long weekend in future posts. For now I wish you a lovely first week of September.


Elephant's Child said...

Your time away looks and sounds blissful. Did you build the cairn in the last photo or find it there?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s not hard to understand why you return to this beautiful place, Carola. I would too. Coastlines, especially those with tidepools and rocky shores, are a naturalist’s dream come true. So much to explore, so much to discover, and if you add a romantic interlude to it all so much the better. Happy September. Hugs - David

Tom said...

...you had an Awesome August, but no on to a Spectacular September.

My name is Erika. said...

I not only think your photos are quite artistic and beautiful Carola, but your selection is pretty nice too. From those photos you did have a good month. Add to that a little trip away sounds wonderful too. August was a good month for me also, but you did remind me I need to do something with all those tomatoes. :) Happy September to you. hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

Your holiday on Gulala sounds divine. But what REALLY looks divine to me is your tomato sauce! Yum. I've yet to get tomatoes to make mine and I'm not sure it will happen this year. Love your 365!

Rostrose said...

Ja, liebe Carola, das sieht nach einem guten und erfüllten Monat aus. Schön, dass ihr auch eine angenehme "kleine Auszeit" in Gualala hattet. (Ich musste erstmal googeln, wo das liegt 😉.) Der Bowling Ball Beach erinnert mich an die Moeraki Boulders in NZ - ich liebe solche ungewöhnlichen Naturformationen.
Fein auch, dass du so viele Tomaten hattest, um sie für den Winter zu konservieren. Bei uns ist dieses Jahr vor allem die Butternut-Kürbisernte sehr üppig. Tomaten reichen gerade mal so zum Naschen, da müssen im nächsten Jahr wieder mehr her. Aber hier haben wir Traubengelee und Zwetschken-Kornellkirschen-Marmeladen eingekocht, auch ein bisserl "Sommer für den Winter" 😎😋
Aktuell gibt's in meinem Blog die Zeit zu sehen, in der wir in San Francisco waren und unser Treffen leider nicht klappte... (Aber wir hatten dennoch eine wunderschöne Zeit dort.)
Alles Liebe, Traude

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

As always, i really enjoy your collection of the previous month, Carola, as it's so creative and full of wonderful imagery. your weekend getaway sounded wonderful and the images show what a wonderful adventure you and the Geek shared. I've been reading about the high temps in CA and hope these have not been affecting your area. By the way, I was wondering if you have ever shared his actual first name, forgive me if I missed this detail in an earlier post.

Teresa said...

Has hecho mucho en agosto, espero que septiembre también sea bueno para ti. Besos.

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh my Carola, what a beautiful time away.
Your photographs are amazing.

All the best Jan