Monday, July 1, 2024

The 366 Project: June


Already July - I almost can't believe it. Somehow I had the illusion that with retirement things would slow down a bit, but so far that hasn't happened.

So here's June:

Beside all the bigger and smaller events to celebrate Pride, we had one wonderful event happening in our garden - to be precise, on top of our solar system box. A couple of Mourning Doves had decided to build their (rather flimsy) nest there and raise their little family, all within three weeks or so. One evening while we had dinner outside the Geek discovered the nest. From that moment on, we observed the doves and learned a lot about them.

This is how it started out:

The parents took turns in sitting on the eggs, and very soon the chicks - called squabs as far as I know - had hatched. They were tiny and very hungry.

This was the day that the Geek took out our scope and mounted his phone on it. This is the setting and all the following photos (with the exception of the last dove picture) were taken this way by the Geek.

The little guys grew quickly.

Family photo:

It was quite astonishing to see how quickly the kiddos grew.

This is the set-up as a whole where they chose their home:

Then they were gone. A couple days later, one of the parents became dinner for a hawk family - sigh. Well, this is nature.

We have the memories of these beautiful short weeks.

Yesterday we had the first day of a heat wave and what better way to end such a day and the month with a refreshing cool Bavarian beer, a Paulaner Hefeweizen. Cheers to Elizabeth and Bleubeard on T Tuesday!

A very happy Canada Day to all my friends in Canada.