Monday, January 1, 2024

Zwischen den Jahren - Between the Years


Looking for the new year...

In German we call the time between Christmas and New Year "zwischen den Jahren" - between the years. It's one of my favorite weeks in the year.

This time we spent that week extremely slow and lazy. The weather - rainy, chilly and even stormy - supported our lazyness and was a great excuse to stay home. We used the car only once, because I needed to get to my PT appointment.

We did a lot of reading, puttering around the house and even some cleaning. I baked my "seastar" bread, a hearty whole-wheat bread that has a hint of sage, and I cooked tasty dinners, like this teriyaki chicken with broccoli, green onion and rice (cooked in the wok).

On two afternoons I worked on classroom Valentines for my Etsy shop. When Kaefer went to kindergarten and the first two or three years of elementary school I used to create the little Valentines that each kid could bring for the classroom Valentine's party because I never fancied the cheap and quite dreadful Valentines you could buy. From this the idea was born that I could actually offer different sets of classroom Valentines in the store and it has become a great seller. I'm down to three different styles and I also think this might be the last year of classroom Valentines in my store. 

In the middle of the week a storm approached the West Coast and the ocean reacted with some very huge waves that were pounding the shore. We didn't go there because as someone who lives close to the coast we know how dangerous the Pacific Ocean can get in those conditions. I admit that I would have loved to see such big waves, but the reasonable side in me that every now and then takes the upper hand kept me at home. A good decision as we later found out, because there were so many people at the coast and the stupidity of some (mainly tourists) didn't know any limits.

Up to almost the last day of the week I didn't get any orders and finally was able to knit my poncho-style sweater again. I had started knitting it last spring, but then the "knitting year" became so busy that I had to put it aside. The yarn is bulky weight, 100% Peruvian Highland wool - "Wool of the Andes" from Knit Picks. The color is a warm terracotta that my camera unfortunately can't represent accurately.

The Geek and I "celebrated" New Year's Eve with a good dinner and a glass (or two) of bubbly. We didn't make it to midnight - he was already fast asleep while I was still reading my book (I love reading in bed and do that every evening; it's my way of getting ready for sleep). The bubbly is for Bleubeard and Elizabeth's T Tuesday and with it I wish all of you joy, laughter and good health for 2024.


Tom said...

...Happy New Year, we never make it to midnite!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love this post between the years. I'm delighted you shared this week with us. Of course, you had me at "cat." Your neighbor's cat is beautiful peeking through the window. Great photo, too.

I was quite impressed with your sea star bread. It is beautiful. Your chicken and rice dish made me hungry and I think those owls on the chopsticks are adorable.

I think your Valentines are lovely. I think they work for all ages, too. Loved seeing Kaefer watching as you made these.

WOW, those are huge waves. You were wise to stay home.

Goodness, that sweater looks complicated. It's a beautiful color, even if the camera didn't exactly represent it.

It was great to see your smiling faces as you toast the new year with a bit of bubbly.

Thanks for sharing your between week and your bubbly drink with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear Carola.

DVArtist said...

What a lovely post. The food, the bread and that knitting. WOW! Wishing you a wonderful year.

My name is Erika. said...

Happy New year Carola. It sounds like you had a lovely week between, and a great New Years celebration too. I love reading in bed before I go to sleep also.A nice dinner and a toast is perfect. Who needs all the craziness? And your sweater is looking lovely. This is a good time of year to knit, isn't it? I finished my sweater on New Years Eve while watching a movie, and I'll share it on another T day. I hope you and your family have a wonderful 2024 with lots of smiles, good days and good health too. And have a great T day too. hugs-Erika

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That bread looks incredible! Your comments on valentines reminded me of my elementary school days when we had paper bags on the front of our desks and exchanged cards with other kids. Ours were always those cheap cut out one. I hope the kids appreciate you hand crafted ones!

Elephant's Child said...

Yet another lovely post. Those days between Christmas and New Year are precious aren't they? Perfect relaxation time.
I didn't see the New Year in either. Again.
I particularly liked the owls (one of my favourite birds) on your chopsticks.

Iris Flavia said...

Wir waren zwischen den Jahrenn auch einfach nur faul (naja und haben vorgesorgt für unseren Urlaub).
Valentinstag wird hier in Schulen - glaube ich - nicht gefeiert. Ich kenne das nur von "Die Simpsons"!
Aber sehr süße Karten!
Gruseliges Wetter. Wir mussten einen Umweg gehen wegen Überschwemmung, verrückt.Das wird ein schöner Pullover!
Ingo ist auch früh eingeschlafen, beneidenswert. Hier hat es bis 02:00 so geknallt, ich war wach. Was für ein Start ins neue Jahr.
Aber dennoch wird es ein Schönes, das wünsche ich dir :-)

Lorrie said...

Happy New Year, Carola! We didn't do much during the week between the years, either. It's such a lovely time to just relax and rest. We did make a short trip to see family and that was very good.
Your knitting is beautiful.

roentare said...

The beef looks nice. Happy New Year

Jeanie said...

As always, a post filled with beautiful photos, but my favorite is the last one -- your portrait! You both look so happy. I love this in-between time as well. It is quiet, restful, and the rat race hasn't started up anywhere. We went to the movies on NYEve and Day and both times the theatres were close to empty. (Yesterday we were the ONLY people in our movie). Here is to exciting things for 2024. And good ones. Happy New Year!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You do have a way of encapsulating your life, Carola, even in its sluggish moments, as captivating and interesting. Wonderful post. All the best for 2024 - David

kathyinozarks said...

I have always enjoyed staying home-since when I worked before retirement I had to drive long distances every day.
I love that you have made and sold valentine cards-so special Your bread and food looks so delicious
Happy T Kathy

jinxxxygirl said...

I love the idea of calling that time 'Between the Years' and i like how you spent it.. Hubby and i have found in retirement its difficult to stay home and do the things we need to do at home.. Always something pulling us away.. The bread looks wonderful and so good to see you two! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

Let's Art Journal said...

So lovely to see what you've been up too between the years and wow, your knitting looks amazing and of course your neighbours cat is adorable 😊. Happy T Tuesday and wishing you all the best for 2024! Hugs, Jo x

Divers and Sundry said...

I've never heard it called "between the years". Cool! That bread looks delicious, as does your chicken. Here's to a year that brings you joy :) Happy T Tuesday

Valerie-Jael said...

Between the years is a time just to float! I always made Valentine's with the students in art class. The boys always jeered but took their cards with them at the end of the session . fun! I wonder to whom they gave them?! Hugs, Valerie

Lisca said...

Happy New Year Carola, I'm glad you had such a relaxing 'zwischen den Jahren'. And what a lovely photo of you and Geek.
I have not hear of the expression zwischen den Jahren, but I think it is a very at expression.I'll remember that one.
Teryaki chicken sounds delicious, and I am very impressed by that bread! It looks perfect. I can almost smell it....
Your classroom valentine cards are so cute. I have never hear of children sending each other valentines. In Europe it's something lovers do (as far as I know).
Happy T-Day,

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a fabulous post! The food looks tasty - I have been trying new recipes lately! Your jumper is coming along nicely - gorgeous colour! Those waves do look spectacular but a wise decision to stay home I think! Happy New Year and Happy T Day, Chrisx

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a lovely description for the week between Christmas and New Year's, Carola, and ours was spent visitng family and friends in our Native NJ for a few days. Patrick and I celebrated both Christmas and New Year's (including the eves) together at home. We talked, prepared a charcuterie board, drank wine, wore our PJs and watched old movies. It was a great holiday! I enjoyed this post about how yours was spent as well. That final photo of you and your husband was wonderful and I wish you both all the best for 2024. Thanks for all your posts and comments on my posts last year.

Michelle said...

Happy New Year! I never stay up for the new year anymore. I find that it will be there waiting for me in the morning :) Your food looks wonderful!

Spyder said...

I love the colour of your jersey, I haven;t knoteed anything for years! I did when my girls were babies. Food looks very yummy! Happy T day! Happy 2024 ((Lyn))

CJ Kennedy said...

I love how between the years forces you to slow down. Sounds like you had a perfect week. Love the kitty looking for the new year. The Valentines are adorable. We saw the rogue wave on the news. Oh, my! Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and creative New Year. Happy T Day, too.

Violetta said...

Ja, diese Zeit zwischen den Jahren - das ist ein typischer Ausdruck aus deutschen Landen- hat schon etwas besonderes. Ihr habt es ja schön gemütlich angegangen und kulinarisch auch genossen. Kriegt man ja richtig Appetit dabei. Die Wellen schauen ja fast furchterregend aus. Hoffe, daß nicht allzuviel passiert ist.
Danke für Deine netten Besuche auf meiner Blogseite - freut mich immer sehr.
Dir ein tolles 2024 und alles Liebe

Veronica Lee said...

Yet another delightful post, Carola.
Love your beautiful photos.
Your knitting looks amazing and the food looks delish.
Your Valentine cards are adorable.

Hugs and blessings

Teresa said...

Me encanta verte feliz. Me gustaría probar ese pan, se ve tan bueno, también el pollo. El jersey se ve bonito, yo los hacía hace tiempo. Me encanta leer en la cama, ahí es donde más me concentro. Te dejo abrazos y deseos de un Feliz Año Nuevo.

Barwitzki said...

Prosit Neujahr :-)))
Ein herzlicher Gruß zu Euch von Viola.
Alles Gute für das Neue Jahr 2024, Freude, Glück und allem voran eine gute Gesundheit.
Dein Brot sieht sehr gut aus. Ich habe gerade meinem Mann eine Freude gemacht und eine Quiche Loraine aus dem Ofen geholt. Unsere Tochter war vor vielen Jahren ein Jahr in Frankreich und wir hatten das große Glück in der Champagne bei den französischen Gasteltern viele Gerichte - so auch diese Quiche - gemeinsam zu kochen. Seit dem ist es der RENNER meines Mannes. Mit den Bewohnern des Dorfes konnten wir damals auch die Weihnacht feiern... es war grandios... sehr fröhlich und die Folge der Speisen der Wahnsinn samt dem Champagne. Nun manchmal bekommt man etwas im Leben das einmalig ist und in schönster Erinnerung bleibt. Also, dein Brot sieht sehr lecker aus.
Viel Freude wünsche ich dir beim Stricken. Ich habe auch ein liegengebliebenes Teil - eine Jacke - hervorgeholt und beginne seit längerem mal wieder mit stricken... und ich freue mich.
Umarmung für dich von Viola

Rostrose said...

Liebe Carola,
das ist ein guter Weg, die Zeit zwischen den Jahren zu nützen und auch ins Neue Jahr zu gleiten - möglichst entspannt Deine Valentinskarten sind entzückend! Nicht kitschig, sondern einfach nur herzerwärmend. (Wie übrigens auch der Blick eurer Katze auf Foto #1)
Dein Brot und das Teriyaki-Hendl sehen extrem verführerisch aus, dabei ist es hier schon 23 Uhr, also wirklich keine Essenszeit mehr ;-) Ich werde mich nun auch mit einem Buch ins Bett zurückziehen - denn für mich gehört das ebenfalls zum Einschlafritual. Vorher aber noch kurz zur Welle: Mich würden da keine zehn Pferde hinbringen - ich weiß nicht, warum einige Menschen so schaulustig sind, selbst wenn sie sich dabei in Gefahr begeben.
Dein Pullover scheint ein Prachtstück zu werden - die Farbe (auch wenn sie hier offenbar nicht ganz richtig abgebildet wird) sieht toll aus, das Muster ebenfalls - ich bin gespannt, wie er fertig aussehen wird.
Und das letzte Foto mit euch beiden drauf ist total süß! (Hast du eine neue Frisur oder ist mir dein kürzerer Haarschnitt schon vor längerer Zeit entgangen? Der Schnitt steht dir jedenfalls super!)
Ich wünsche dir und allen, die du liebst, ein glückliches, gesundes und friedliches Neues Jahr 🍄🍀!
Alles Liebe, Traude

Lowcarb team member said...

That's a great photograph of you and the Geek.
Happy New Year Wishes.

All the best Jan

Empire of the Cat said...

Hi Carola, and thank you for your lovely card. I love this week also and the first week in the new year too, lovely and quiet, many people off work. I try to do as little as possible but that doesn't always work out. That wave is huge and those people are nuts! Ah Wool of the Andes! Is that Red Clay colour? I have been obsessing over this yarn, I keep seeing it everywhere, and saw a beautiful blanket pattern, but I can't get it here without ordering from the US and therefore custom charges etc which I refuse to do. I have been looking at substitutions though. Cute kitty photo, your bread looks delicious and I love the classroom valentine cards, what a sweet idea. Sorry for my lateness, it was a crazy week Happy New Year and Happy T Day! Elle xx