Thursday, January 18, 2024

Northern Lights


Until last Monday we had a lovely exhibit in the sculpture garden of our Center for the Arts. It was called "Northern Lights".

The sculpture garden is not particulary big and it took just half an hour walking through it and admiring all the beautiful light installations that were so fitting for the season and truly "lit up the night" - at least until 9:00pm.

I don't know how many LED lights were displayed, but since it's LED these lights didn't use much energy. There were a couple beautiful archways and the Geek couldn't resist taking a photo of us in one of them. (First two faces for Nicole's Friday Face Off)

This one was my favorite display - I liked the sculpture and the way the lights led up to it.

And this one was a close second.

Do you see the faces? These are the second two faces for Nicole's Friday Face Off.

Maybe you like some spheres better. They were constantly changing their color.

I also liked the lights in some of the trees.

It could have been a really beautiful experience, if - parents would have set a better example for their children. Everywhere were signs to please not step into the displays and stay on the path, however, there were quite a high number of parents who encouraged their kids to walk right into the display, trample around the area and behave like the little devils their parents showed them to be. Since when have people become so incredibly entitled and disrespectful?

The Geek and I decided to leave when this behavior became too much. It's so sad that some people have to spoil an otherwise beautiful experience for others.


Valerie-Jael said...

Absolutely gorgeous, a fabulous idea to brighten the dark winter nights!

roentare said...

The light ups are beautiful at night

Elephant's Child said...

How very beautiful. I am so sorry that some people's behaviour put a dampener on it for you.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Parents - respect - discipline …… do those words even go together for some? Apparently not.,

Tom said...

...I love this "artistic" light show, thanks for taking me along.

My name is Erika. said...

Those lights are really lovely Carola. And I like how it didn't end on December 31 and how it didn't have a Christmas theme. That's a great photo of your and your husband also. I hope all has been well with you. hugs-Erika

DUTA said...

The display of lights - quite an interesting initiative!
I particularly like the two faces for Nicole's link, and the tree with the lights. Nice photo of you and the Geek!

Gene Black said...

It certainly looks lovely. I like all four of the faces.
I understand what you are saying about bad parents. I think the place needs security to run out the people who disobey those signs!

DVArtist said...

omgosh what a incredible place. I was ohhh and awhhing and then you showed the speres and I became mesmerized. I would so love to visit this place. Thank you so much for sharing it and the faces with FFO. Have a wonderful weekend.

Jeanie said...

Entitlement and disrespect seem to be a product of the Trump era, although I'm sure it started before. I see it in every aspect of life from events like this to driving. I've often heard the saying that there are no bad pets, only bad owners (which I'm inclined to believe about 95 percent of time with a few outliers!) and I'm beginning to think the same about children!

Iris Flavia said...

Sehr schöne Fotos, ihr zwei eingeschlossen :-)

Mae Travels said...

What a lovely way to decorate a garden! Too bad about the misbehaving kids.
best, mae at

Lowcarb team member said...

It looks very beautiful.
Shame though that the event was tarnished by some bad behaviour.

I like the photograph of you and the Geek.

All the best Jan

peppylady (Dora) said...

Both of you have lovely smile.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Such beautiful lights. Reminds me of some I also saw before Christmas. Loved the spheres and the stars. Nice photo of you and the Geek, too!

Sorry I'm late visiting. High winds knocked my electric out. Nothing worked. Even my heater and hot water heater have electric starts, so the cats and I huddled under blankets until the heat came back on.

Teresa said...

Me parece preciosos. La buena educación se está perdiendo, los padres tienen mucha culpa. Besos.

Rostrose said...

Liebe Carola,
das sieht wirklich nach einer sehr hübschen Ausstellung aus - und stimmt, mit LED-Beleuchtung hält sich der Stromverbauch auch in Grenzen. In unserer Nähe (im Schlosspark von Laxenburg) gibt es seit ein paar Jahren immer in der Vorweihnachtszeit eine Lichtskulpturenausstellung, aber bisher haben wir es dorthin nicht geschafft. Vielleicht im nächsten Winter, wer weiß? In der dunkleren Jahreszeit kann so etwas durchaus gut tun... immer vorausgesetzt, es wird einem nicht so verdorben wie euch. Edi und ich haben auch schon vor einiger Zeit festgestellt, dass Rücksichtnahme zu den aussterbenden Arten zählt. Traurig, aber offenbar wahr. Und was den Umgang mancher Eltern mit ihren Kindern betrifft: Sie haben nicht begriffen, dass Laissez-faire auf Dauer nur selten zu einem guten Eltern-Kind-Verhältnis führt und aus diesen ungebändigten Kindern auch häufig unglückliche Erwachsene werden... Verpflichtende "Elternschulen" wären in meinen Augen eine wirklich sinnvolle Sache... Seufz.
Alles Liebe, Traude 😊