Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rilke Poetry in Pastels

Finally I'm back to the challenges at Inspiration Avenue, and this week's theme is "poetry". So beautiful. Reading poetry in another language than German is still difficult for me as I think too much gets lost and I am not able to understand the entire meaning, which is a real shame. However, I do love poetry in my native language, German. One poet I read over and over again is Rainer Maria Rilke. His poem "Herbsttag" (Autumn Day) is one of my favorites. You can find a translation at the bottom of this post; this one I like better than the one I found back in October and that I posted here. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find out who did this translation, I found it here. If you're interested in how many translations exist of this one poem (and thus show how difficult it is to translate poetry into another language) you will have a ball at this site.

Today, this poem inspired me to play with my pastels.

I found the pastels at a yard sale one year ago and since then they have been sitting in a drawer because I didn't really know what to do with them. But now I took them out and just experimented with them. I love their brilliant colors and that it is so easy to blend them. The best part though is that I can smudge them and get my fingers dirty - that really is my favorite thing about them! In this painting I also used Prismacolor colored pencils for the tree trunks, and as a final touch added the first line of the poem.

Lord: it is time. The summer was immense.
Lay your shadow on the sundials
and let loose the wind in the fields.

Bid the last fruits to be full;
give them another two more southerly days,
press them to ripeness, and chase
the last sweetness into the heavy wine.

Whoever has no house now will not build one anymore.
Whoever is alone now will remain so for a long time,
will stay up, read, write long letters,
and wander the avenues, up and down,
restlessly, while the leaves are blowing.

I'm linking to Paint Party Friday and Sneak Peek Friday - it would be great if you'd check out both sites.



Kay L. Davies said...

Beautifully done, Carola.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

INeedToColor said...

I like the poem, and love your take on it!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

The poem is wonderful. And you did a great job portraying it.:) Beautiful pastels!

Nicola said...

Lovely poem!!! I really like the beautiful warm colours in your illustration. I went to school in the UK (now live in Australia) and when was growing up studied French, German and Welsh. My most favourite language was German. I really love the sound of it and found it easier to pick up than the other two. I was disappointed when I moved to Australia and couldn't learn it at school anymore. Lovely work! :0)

WrightStuff said...

That's a beautiful poem - the translation is wonderful so reading it in the language it was written in must be even better!

I love experimenting too - I've been writing about it loads lately. Your picture really does capture that ripeness of autumn. Great job.

Abela said...

Beautiful poetry ... very much agree with the cake show. Regards

alexa said...

Wonderful colour and shading! So perfect for the line you've chosen... I read a lot of Rilke when I was a student and must go back to it. Your translation of the autumn poem reminds me of the wistful, very slightly melancholic tone of some of his work, which I loved ...

Sinderella's Studio said...

I also love how pastels make me feel so "artsy" with my fingers all messed up with color. Brillant!
cheers, dana

Theresa Plas said...

Lovely! Nothing's better than smudging and playing with art candy! Happy PPF!

carlarey said...

I always wonder how much more meaning there is in reading a poem in the original language.

Lovely pastel, you've captured the palette of Autumn perfectly.

Unknown said...

love these warm colors!!!

EVA said...

A wonderful fall scene! Pastels can create such beautiful intense images like yours - just wish they weren't so messy!

I linked to your owls today on my post. Happy PPF!

Molly said...

Lovely poem - BEAUTIFUL pastel. I hope some year to learn to develop that artistic side of me. In the meantime, I will enjoy yours.

Unknown said...

I have walked through these fields ;0) wondrous colour ;0) Dxx

GlorV1 said...

I love the poem and as I was reading it felt myself being pulled into your pastel work. Beautiful poem and great job with the stashed pastels. I too like the feel of it on my fingers, it's fun. Love the yellows and can feel myself walking in your canvas. Happy PPF!

Darla said...

It is a good thing you picked up those pastels, you did a great job with them.


Cori Lynn Berg said...

I'm so happy you chose Rilke! One of my favorites!

Julie Prichard said...

Great blending....what a good "experiment"! Happy PPF!

Anonymous said...

Wow....beautiful and I love the pastels you chose for your piece....the colors are some of my favorites! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Love the rich warm colors and the poem is beautiful! Happy PPF :-)

Julie said...

Wonderful images in words and colors.

Melisa said...

Lovely image and poem!

SHERI COOK said...

Loved the poem and your art is bold and colorful. It makes me long for Fall. HAPPY PPF!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What wondrous color you got in this painting. Not sure what a pastel is, but I love the look you get when you use them. Wish I could find something this cool at garage sales.

I have trouble translating German text to English. And to think I used to speak German in school. But there is something in the translation, especially the different genders used. Love your piece, though.

Ileana said...

Beautiful use of pastels and colored pencils...two of my favorite mediums! Like the warm fall colors. Inviting!

Netty said...

Love your interpretation of the poem, such fabulous colours. Happy PPF, Annette x

Fallingladies said...

You're right, the colors are so brilliant, and a wonderful poem!

PetraB said...

Poem and drawing are wonderful. I love the colours.

Maggie said...

I never thought about it before, but translating poetry must be even more difficult than translating prose. But I love this translation ~ it gives a wonderful feel of autumn and what lies ahead. Your pastel painting is a perfect depiction of the richness of autumn!

Kristin Dudish said...

I love the colors in this - I'm so glad you've put those pastels to such good use! It goes beautifully with the poem :)


Diana said...

So fun to experiment and play with pastels. So pretty and soft. I don't know what you say on there. Is it the name of the poem...I see summer is good, maybe.

Natasha said...

I love the poem ..Rainer Maria Rilke has always inspired me ..your piece is fabulous. There is such warmth in the colors and there is nothing like playing with pastels....dirty hands are a sign of a good, creative time!!

Carrie Martinez said...

Beautiful rich color, and a lovely poem to match!

Julie said...

I love these colours and the beauty of pastels is you can get your fingers stuck into them! Julie

Shelinwa said...

How awesome I have been in a stuck mode this week you have inspired me hope I can get creative today!!!

Adriana said...

Carola, I love what you did with your inspiration! The colors are so vibrant and the mood just pulls you in....

I own a copy of Rilke's Book of Hours and Letters to a Young Poet- both english translations but oh so wonderful for one who can't read German. How wonderful that you are able to read in the native language of Rilke!

Mary Hysong said...

Painting and poetry are both lovely. i think fall is my favorite time. Here in the desert it is not so pretty as in other places but it is like a big relief as the weathers cools from the heat of summer

gma said...

I really like that poem. Your art goes with it so well Carola.

Cindy said...

Thanks for introducing us to a new poet...the words are beautiful in English...wonder how it would sound if I knew the original German!


Priti Lisa said...

So happy to be on your blog Carola!
I love smudging with my is my favorite thing...your piece is vibrant and pretty and goes perfectly with the poem! I have always admired Rainer Maria Rilke, and never really thought about feelings getting lost in translation...but it is a favorite poem of mine no matter if I am missing some of the subtitles. ♥♥♥

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Wunderschön gemalt, die Herbstfarben sind ja genau mein Ding. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag.

Jen Price said...

Beautiful poem and beautiful drawing! Love them both!

artangel said...

I've never heard this poem before, it's lovely. Your smudgy, warm, autumnal pastel drawing compliments the words perfectly :)

Jo Murray said...

Love the poem, nicely illustrated.

Victoria said...

Hi Carola...gorgeous piece...beautiful words and poetry to match!! Shine on..a fantastic post!

Hybrid J said...

Wonderful vibrant color ... nice work!

Unknown said...

Lovely colors to illustrate a lovely poem!

Jennifer said...

Guten tag, Carola! The colors in your drawing are so vibrant but I love the softness of pastels, too. Beautiful poem.