Thursday, January 30, 2014

Be True to You

This was the theme of week 4 at Life Book 2014. We were asked to pick three things we really like, that we are drawn to.

Well, that has to be the ocean for me. I just LOVE everything ocean - seashells, starfish, driftwood, lighthouses, waves, mermaids, seals and sea lions, whales... seagulls.

So this is what I created:

The colors in the background are teal, red oxide and raw sienna, three colors I like very much. However, I thought they were a little too powerful, so I used Titan Buff to tone it down a bit. Titan Buff is my first choice for toning something down, it works really well for me.

The seashells were stamped on tissue paper. I love how the tissue paper almost disappears when glued down. I love that effect. "Near the sea we forget to count the days" - now, isn't that true?

I'm linking to Paint Party Friday - my favorite party on Friday, and really, I am not a party girl. Except for this one!


Laurie said...

Your creation is beautiful Carola and yes it is true....I forget to count the days when near the sea. It's a magical place for sure.

DVArtist said...

This is beautiful. I really like the vibrant colors. The layers are wonderful.

Helen Campbell said...

This page is great! I love the ocean and all things related to it as well. The tissue paper melds in and disappears especially well with beeswax collage too. Happy PPF!

froebelsternchen said...

wonderful collage!
Happy PPF!

jane said...

I haven't done that lesson yet, but the ocean would have to be one of my three favorite things, too!
Love the tip on toning things down with titan buff :)

Lynn Cohen said...

This is quite wonderful. Very summer feel to it! Almost the weather we are having now isn't it? Almost! Collage is such fun.

Martha from ilove2paint said...

I love the colors you used here, very peaceful and happy!

Netty said...

Love your mixed media page Carola. Happy PPF, Annette x

JoZart Designs said...

That's so lovely.... a little bit dreamy and quite sensitive. The shades and balance superb. Roll on Summer but, until then, it is a beautiful taster.
Jo x

Darla said...

What a good depiction of your love for the sea. All the elements are there.


denthe said...

Beautful colourcombination .... And yes: the ocean is a great inspiration!

Julie said...

I LOVE this! With all of the cold weather we have been having, I've really been longing for the beach. =)

Giggles said...

Very pretty! I also love the beautiful and calming!

Hugs Giggles

Maria Medeiros said...

Wonderful! Makes me miss the ocean.

SLScheibe said...

How lovely! Super colors and a really pretty design. I wish it were summer now.

Cheri said...

This is gorgeous Carola - I love the colors and everything in it! :)

Susan said...

I too love the beach. This is lovely. Happy PPF

foxysue said...

I love the ocean too,
Your work is lovely, thanks for explaining the process...
Happy oceanic days on the horizon...x

Linda Kunsman said...

I am so with you about the ocean theme-beautiful collage!!

Annette P.-L. said...

Wonderful picture and words! I like it very much!

Faye said...

Such perfect colors for your beautiful sea themed art.

Paper rainbow said...

I have never done the book of life, but it does sound fun, I love your sea theme piece, as I do so love anything sea related.

Unknown said...

oh how amazing !!! this piece made me so happy today!!! Happy PPF!!!!

Anonymous said...


Vagabonde said...

That is a very creative piece of art – and the colors are gorgeous. I can feel the sea breeze just looking at your creation.

Renee Dowling said...

I love the ocean too! In fact, my post today is about the ocean! Wonderful job in creating a piece of ocean treasures! Your quote is so true about not counting time when you are at the ocean!

I absolutely love the photograph in your header! The colours and texture and of course, the ocean, are gorgeous!

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Eine wunderschöne Seite mit vielen tollen Elementen, es gibt herrlich viel zu entdecken.

Magic Love Crow said...

This is so pretty! I love the colors and the movement!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Absolutely gorgeous. Love the colors and the layering. Best wishes, Tammy

bellefrogworks said...

Lovely collage - the beach is my favorite place. I use Titan Buff to tone things down all the time.

Tam Hess said...

Wonderful piece! I feel just the same way about the ocean and beaches...especially those mermaids, haha! I especially like the shell images on tissue and those awesome colors.

Happy Paint Party Friday!
A little late, my Sis went into labor Friday and had her baby Saturday. Yay!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love all the layers and the unique color scheme. Happy belated PPF and Blessings!

Erika said...

Liebe Carola, ich liebe Dein Ocean-Bild.Die Farben, die Motive, einfach alles. Ja, ich würde die gleichen Symbole nehmen und bei jedem einzelnen tauchen sofort Bilder in mir auf.
Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir!

Annabelle said...

Lovely collage work of the seaside. I really like your choice of colours and layering, particularly with the use of tissue paper which I think perfectly captures in essence the ocean's way of playing with the sand, fading and depositing granuales in different places.

I'd be lost in time dreaming dreams by the sea : )

Annabelle xx

Tammie Dickerson said...

Wonderful color harmony! Beautiful :)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Gorgeous. I, too, am drawn to the sea and have at least three of those stamps! LOL!