Thursday, March 31, 2011

Self Portrait? Hm... Not Quite

"Self Portrait" is this week's challenge at Inspiration Avenue. O-kaaayyy.

Easy, right? Just stand in front of a mirror and click away with the camera. Sure, no problem.

The thing is, that wouldn't be a challenge for me. I did that several times when I had finally hung up the mirror that I had found at IKEA and loved so very much, as I told you here. I wanted something more... daring. Something I hadn't done before. Something that for the longest time in my life I had convinced myself I couldn't do.

So I tried. In my art journal that is mostly for my eyes only and no-one would ever see it without my agreement.

Well, it doesn't really look like me. The hair, though, comes pretty close, not quite as red perhaps. But honestly, I don't care if it doesn't look like me. It's my first attempt and for that it's quite decent. I did my best - and I discovered how very very cool charcoal pencils are. So forgiving!

Here it is, the self portrait of Carola Bartz, as she sees herself in March 2011:

Have you done a self portrait of yourself? Does it look like you? Do you like it, no matter what?

I'm linking this also to Paint Party Friday, Sneak Peek Friday, and Creative Every Day.



Heather said...

YES! I love red heads and the texture of this is fabulous! I love what you have here- and the text on the face is cool, too! See you at Paint Party Friday, too!!!

Christine E-E said...

this is darling... i wouldn't even attempt such an assignment! perhaps a watercolor wash & a tree? fancy brush lettering? magazine collage? but, drawing a face or a person... i don't think so.
awesome, Carola... you rock!

Yvonne said...

This is fantastic, Carola!

Marilyn & Jeff said...

I love this. I would love to give this a go but I lack confidence!

Lynn Cohen said...

Very cool Carola...and brave...I especially like the words swimming across your face...showing a brain full of ideas no doubt and your many talents! I bet you got your mouth right! And I like the curls/swirls of red hair!

Yes, I've done several...some in fabric, some drawings! All fun.

foxysue said...

Oh my gosh! Yes I recognise you, it's that cheeky smile ;~)

Sue x

Christine said...

I've never done a self portrait. You've focussed on your hair, interesting. And it's nice hair.

Jenny said...

blimey, I haven't done a self portrait since I was at high school, many moons ago...maybe time I had a go..!
Well done for giving it a try, fantastic first effort, and love how you have used text in the background. Looks great! :)

Theresa said...

I am playing along with IA too this week. So yes I just completed my self portrait but yet to post. I love the red hair and big smile.
Happy PPF! Theresa

EVA said...

I've done one sketch and it did look like me (at my best - less some weight etc). I haven't decided yet if I'll try again for IA or not.

It's a very neat piece regardless of its resemblance (or lack thereof)! Fun!

Kristin Dudish said...

Yay! Hooray for trying something new... Such fab hair and I love the use of text for the face :)

I'm so glad you are joining the party this week!


GlorV1 said...

It's been a while since I last did a self-portrait. Perhaps soon. Very fun painting. Love the hair too. Happy PPF.

Abela said...

It's a great drawing exercise and a way to know yourself .... you are very bold. Greetings

Anne Butera said...

Visiting from Paint Party Friday... love your self portrait. I've never tried one.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

How fun! I have never done a self portrait... but you did a wonderful job. I love the multi colors in the background... and the text paper for your face! :)

Cindy said...

Self portraits have always seemed a little daunting to me! But in some of the faces I paint, I can see glimpses of me, or at least how I want to look like! Good work - and I can't wait to see the finished work...

Pam Tucker said...

Very creative self portrait! I LOVE what you did! :) Beautiful shade of red for the hair. Every time I even hear the words self portrait I cringe...

Elizabeth Claire said...

It should be a great experiene self portraing but I hade never try. I am nervous as soon as I feel I need to paint or draw me. For me and my fears YOU are Indeed Brave!

Heather Foust said...

I have done self portraits. I have never posted any! But I will someday. Love the self portrait!

Diana said...

Yeah! Very fun portrait! The background reminds me of pearls. Pearls for a classy lady.

Di said...

Brilliant self portrait. I'm still recovering from seeing the passport photos I had taken on Monday. I look like a mass murderer :( Just thought I'd hop by to say that I did get the bed all cleared of craft stuff on Wednesday :) Di

alexa said...

How very courageous to do this - and you are even smiling! Wow!

Unknown said...

Self portraits are HARD, and I love the way you did the hair! Your expression also is wonderful- almost searching?
Happy PPF- a day late!

Kat W said...

Good for you - I on the other hand have chickened out & am working on something a bit more abstract for the IA challenge. I'm a coward. Lol.

I love the hair, so vibrant and luscious) and the background is gorgeous. Great work!

Kat :-)

Jennifer said...

Hello, Carola! Visiting from Jennifer's Sneak Peek Friday. You are brave; I have never attempted a self-portrait but yours is so charming that I think it might be fun to try :)

WrightStuff said...

Well I'm totally lovin' that colour hair! Well done on stepping outside the comfort zone - there was I expecting a photo from you!!

Priti Lisa said...

I was definatly expecting a wonderful, artsy this portrait was a surprise...and I like it a lot! The hair is a beautiful time paint a camara in front of your face, then we will KNOW it's you :D)


Victoria said...

Gorgeous..your soul is shining through.such a beautiful spirit you are!

Anonymous said...

I really like your take on the self portrait and use of script over your face. I haven't done a self portrait for a long time unless the caricature i did of me and my husband for our wedding invite counts!

Sonya McCllough Lockridge said...

I love the text on the face too ... but what I love the most is how very happy and confident you see yourself ... Congratulations

Ginnie Hart said...

That is downright fun, Carola. Congratulations. I could pick you out in a crowd now. :)

Randy said...

This looks like something fun to do. I have done one in Illustrator and I do like it which is funny. I love shoot photos but I hate ones of myself. It was a class assignment.

Netty said...

This is such a fun thing to do. I did mine once and then rubbed out all my wrinkles and I looked positively
Have a great week, Annette x

Marcie said...

This is wonderful. I think it's more important to record an 'impression' of yourself...rather than a one that is perfectly accurate. Terrific!

gma said...

You have such a pleasant look on your face.It comes from inside you!
Very nice!

Anonymous said...

I've yet to do a self portrait, not brave enough yet. Great first effort!

Friko said...

Self-portrait? No, I frighten easily and it's scary enough to look into the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carola :-) Of all the comments here, I would have to say I agree with Marcie and Gemma in that you do have a pleasant look on your face, and you have recorded the "impression" of yourself...a lovely giving and sweet person. It's awesome that you posted what was in your private journal. :-)
Hugs xo ~ Rhonda

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Wie cool, Hut ab.... Zeichen/Malen ist etwas was mir total abgeht, das kann ich gar nicht und bin so dankbar, dass es Stempel gibt :) Dementsprechend gibt es auch kein Selbstporträt von mir. Ist bestimmt besser so.
Deine Frage nach dem WC-Papierrollenbuch ist schwierig zu beantworten, das ist etwas, was man sehen muss. Ich zeige es, wenn es fertig ist ;) Ansonsten guck mal hier: