Thursday, January 13, 2011

Inspiration Avenue Challenge

"What inspires you?" was this week's question over at Inspiration Avenue.

Well, I didn't really have to think very long. Everybody who comes here knows how much I am inspired by photography - color, composition, light, focus.

And turn it into art.

I love it.


Deborah Frings said...

Wonderful collage! I do like your photography - wish I was as good.

Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment about my card - much appreciated.

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Great page....all the facets of your inspiration....multi-talented at that too.

Darla said...

What fun to make art with your own photographs. Of course each one you take is a piece of creativity by itself.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was blown away by your IA entry this week. I am always impressed with your photography, and the way you presented it on the page is superb. You are right. Great composition and the perfect amount of paint for the background. Super entry this week, Carola.

bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

This is wonderful, Carola! The colors are so bright. I love the way you used the photo of yourself in the collage.

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Orange - das tut richtig gut bei diesem trüben und grauen Wetter.

Lorraine said...


patty said...

Carola, I have been doing the same thing - cutting up pieces of photos and using them in collage. I love it! So many variations and possibilities.... fun, fun, fun!!

WrightStuff said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful inspiration with us - a pleasure to soak it up with you.

Theresa said...

Wonderful, I love your page. I enjoy photography too. Great to meet you! Happy Creative Weekend, Theresa

gma said...

Isn't it fun? Looks like it!
Wish I had more time to create to my hearts content!

Priti Lisa said...

Trust your crazy ideas!
Cheers to that! and to your incredible artwork :)

EVA said...

Wonderful! The words, the colour, the images and most of all the way you know yourself!

Judy Goddard said...

I love it too! Thanx for sharing!