Last Sunday I was completely exhausted and spent a super lazy day, not even bothering to look at my computer. Therefore, my Sunday gratitude today extends over the past two weeks. Full weeks for sure.
Kaefer had her first prom yesterday. Not only did she and her friends look pretty, they had a blast as well. And - most important - they returned safely. We had a small pre-prom at one of her friend's home where they had dinner, cake and then took off to the school where the bus waited for them to transport them down to San Francisco. I don't know why her school always looks for places outside our county, perhaps because it is so that all the students are on a bus and none have to drive themselves (and perhaps store some alcohol in the trunk and get drunk etc.). It was a safe event, and why not add some pizazz to the boring school life... Anyway, I was the "official" photographer for their pre-prom and I'm happy that I got some decent photos of all the girls.

After having received a gold award for the German National exams with the ceremony taking place at Stanford University (such a beautiful campus!) and taking the German Language Diploma I in Mountain View (yes, there was a lot of driving over the past two weekends) the school year at the German School is over - it was Kaefer's last day yesterday. Saturdays will be ours again with leisurely spent mornings, strolls at the farmers market, lazy mornings in the garden. How wonderful does this sound. However, I'm quite proud of Kaefer that she stuck it out and did quite well in her exams. She has decided to take the German Language Diploma II next year, but that class will be mainly online with only a few visits at her teacher's home in Novato.
The week before I had jury duty, but I was never called in. On the one hand I'm quite glad that not another task was added to the hectic month May always turns out to be, but on the other I would have loved to make this experience. Being a US citizen doesn't come with rights only, but also with responsibilities. I am glad to add them to all the rights we have here and that we often take for granted.
Finally a photo of the female Hooded Oriole
I spent a lovely morning with my friend K again, and the same day I met one of my old neighbors in the Safeway parking lot. We stood and talked quite some time. He was updating me on the happenings in our old neighborhood and then we contemplated how in the world Kaefer is a junior now while just a short while ago she was a little girl helping him wash his truck. Yeah, I wonder how did that happen?... Wonderful memories!
It was a good week to plant veggies and they're all in the ground now. I usually only plant tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini and bell peppers. Later in the month when the soil has warmed up some more I will add some charentais melons, if I find them. I tried to grow them from seed last year, but that didn't work out at all. I love to eat my homegrown food, and while last year's crop didn't turn out very well I am hoping for this year.
My "Vancouver Starry Nights" clematis
And - as you have seen in my last post - I found the first peonies in the store! Such delight. I planted peonies in my garden, but it will still take a couple years (or even more) until they flower. Usually they take their sweet time, but then they're amazing.
Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there in Blogland!