Thursday, June 2, 2011

Art Journal: Sweet Songbird

Almost two weeks ago I started a new ecourse with Christy Tomlinson about Art Journaling, "She Had Three Hearts". This is my second class with Christy, and I really like it. I felt a bit stuck with my art journal and needed a kick in the butt - and I certainly got that one! I feel so inspired, I've learnt new techniques and remembered old ones, and the best, I paint and paste and write all the time. I absolutely love it. I'm actually working on two books at the same time so that I don't get too impatient during those drying times. I'm more than happy about this creative boost and hope it will last for some time.

This page only needs some journaling and then it will be done. I used acrylic paints, watercolor crayons, oil pastels, Pitt pens, stamps, fabric, music sheet and book paper. I was surprised how quick the page was done, I'm usually a slow worker. But at the moment I can't get my ideas on the paper fast enough. A completely new feeling. It's gorgeous.

I'm linking this to the ever growing Paint Party Friday and Sneak Peek Friday - on both sites you can find wonderful artists that you don't want to miss.


Hybrid J said...

Such happy colors makes me what to sing ... well done!

Tammie Lee said...

a lovely and lively !

GlorV1 said...

Hi Carola. I like your journal page and the awesome yellows/oranges/ and reds. You really look like you are having fun with these pages you are learning to do. Great job. Happy PPF!

Anonymous said...

This page is wonderful Carola. The class must be really great if you're taking it again and becoming so inspired! I will have to check into it. I could use some of that inspiration. :-) Happy PPF

Jaime Haney said...

I so understand about not being able to get my ideas on paper or canvas fast enough! Not a bad problem though. Better than no ideas, right?

I love the happy feeling this gives and the colors are great.

Chantal said...

you have such a creative mind Carola

helena said...

wonderful vibrant colours and I love the birds

Sunshineshelle said...

The tune lifts off the page & floats to my ears, it's happy & I love it!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

You can never go wrong with birds. :) I love the vibrant colors here and that music sheet as a background.

Anonymous said...

your enthusiasm is palpable and its great to discover something/someone who inspires you to work abd create! this is a lovely colourful piece and i love the music sheetpaper background.

Unknown said...

Really lovely. The colors are great and have certainly brightened my day!

Netty said...

Great page, so zingy. Happy PPF, Annette x

Abela said...

It is important to work with ilucion ... when something is enjoying the process is fast. Saludos

Rosie Kaplan said...

Now that's what I call mixed media! And love that you are enjoying doing it so much. ♥ Rosie

Unknown said...

I LOVE all the color and texture this has...a kick start to the butt? Hmmm, maybe I need one of those too!
PPF Hugs,

WrightStuff said...

I'm singing too - tweeting along with the little bird!

Marlene said...

Love this, it makes me happy and has a very charming appeal to it.

Crystal said...

Ooooh wonderul! I love how you added the music pages! :-)

Terrie said...

Happy and lighthearted, bright and energetic - fun depiction!

La Vie Quotidienne said...

This is great...wonderful colors, it is such a happy creation!

Melisa said...

So vibrant and colorful!

EVA said...

It is really lovely! The music sheet background really works well to bring out the sounds of Spring.

carlarey said...

This is lovely. I can actually hear the birds singing.

Jenny said...

so lovely! and how wonderful to feel so inspired..I can feel you exuding it from here! :) There is no better feeling that is for sure :)

honey said...

i keep forgetting to stop over at your blog and get inspired. i LOVE collage and journaling and am a big fan of ali edwards. i learn so much from colors, story, and joy. love your journal...and great comments already from your fans!

Kristin Dudish said...

This post makes my heart sing! I love the vibrant colors and bold shapes on the sheet of music... beautiful :)


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...


This is amazing. I can see why you are excited about this new class. You are making some gorgeous art. I have been in a real slump lately, so I think your page is a real inspiration to me.

Nancy said...

This is so cute and is cheering me up -- this week has been "one of those." :)

Victoria said...

Hi Carola...absolutely magical and so beautiful...such a charming piece..and the colors..joyful!

Carissa said...

Beautiful... I have wanted to start art journaling, but haven't figured out where to start. Beautiful inspiration :)

Julie Prichard said...

Cheery, happy, fun! I could look at this page a long time. :)

Happy PPF!

Christine said...

such a happy mixed media, nice work.

Priti Lisa said...

Wow! Take that Muse by the hand and run, Carola! It is a blessing when she comes to play ☺ I love your page! It is so HAPPY ♥♥♥

SHERI COOK said...

SWEET SONGBIRD is skillful and very pretty. I like it and your class sounds great. Keep on creating and sharing. HAPPY PPF!

Nelly said...

This is a fun page, the colors are great. I do the same thing, I work in several different books at a time. I have no time for drying! Happy PPF!

Heather Foust said...

This is wonderful Carol!! I love the colors!! So vibrant! I also love journaling! Nothing like it!

Sacred Yoli said...

Your Journal entry made me smile. Nice and warm color scheme. Happy PPF!

Sonya McCllough Lockridge said...

I love that this mixed media piece is on sheet music ... most awesome CB!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you are having a blast and I love your Sweet Songbird, it makes me smile. Happy PPF!

Elizabeth Claire said...

OMG Carola. I love it. It has all my favorite things in it and the colors are gorgeous!! I would love to ake that course, too.

John said...

Beautiful work, so vibrant and having it all a sheet of music, brilliant!

I checked in to wish you peace and joy following on from your "sacred" comment!

Anne Butera said...

Wonderful journal page and how fantastic that you're so artistically fired up at the moment! Congratulations! I can't wait to see what else you create!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Such a sweet and happy piece Carola! Love the pretty colors. Great idea to work on 2 books at once so you don't have to wait during the drying time! :) Thank you for joining our 'studio sneak peek'!

A'n'G Johnson said...

this is sweet! Lovely warm colors

BahamaDawn said...

such a fun and happy piece!!! i have been wanting to sign up for She Had 3 Hearts, and after reading you post i may just do that soon!
happy PPF!

Julie said...

great colors and textures and I love the sheet music background.

Junelle Jacobsen said...

We are in that same silly/fun/messy class together. I can see that we are both attracted to the same colors too...I keep going for the yellows!

Must be happy heart colors. Beautiful and music and sweet~
See you in the classroom!

Roberta said...

Wow...great job and I'm seeing many great works coming out of this class. Sounds like you are really enjoying it and that's wonderful. Have a great week. Fondly, Roberta

Pam Tucker said...

Love these happy colors! Great composition with all of the elements. :)

Cindy said...

I really like the entire composition...and I am like you - stuck in the art journaling area...I always just go straight to canvas, but keep a sketchbook going where I jot down and/or doodle the ideas...I just never get the sketchbook made into a work of art itself...but this class sounds like a good one to check out...


Her Speak said...

I love the warm pallet and all the layering! Happy PPF!

Unknown said...

oh Carola~ this is lovely!!! So fun to watch your creative journaling process!

Ginnie Hart said...

Do you think you could get Daughter or Hubbie to take a picture of you working on these pieces, Carola? I would love to see that!

Heather said...

very pretty, and this is happy work here! happy ppf a bit late, xo

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Your enthusiasm is contagious! :D