We are lucky to have a wonderful State Park almost at our doorstep. It's pure wilderness, with wonderful paths meandering up the hills and along the cliffs. I used to hike here a lot, often on my own, but over the past few years I usually hike with my friend J.
And so we did a few days ago, and it turned out to be a pretty misty hike. It was magical and beautiful.
The animals tend to come out in weather like this and they are not afraid of humans at all.
Like this buck, who completely ignored us.
Or this one, who crossed the trail right in front of us.
The bench you can see in the background is the spot where J. and I met for the very first time three years ago - she hiked alone, I hiked alone. She came over to the bench where I was sitting and we started chatting. We very quickly found common ground. We sat there and talked for a pretty long time until it was time for me to get back and pick up Kaefer from school. We exchanged phone numbers, and a few days later J. called me. From then on, we have hiked together, mainly in this park - it seems to be our favorite one.
So it's a hiking friendship. This is the only thing we do together - hiking, talking, having a nice little picnic at the lake, and more talking. It's amazing how close you can get by only doing this - there are no lunch dates, no shopping together, just hiking. Still, she is one of my closest friends. I can be the person I am in her company. And we both get excited when we see the animals - from small lizards with blue bellies to a lone coyote. Once we even saw a bobcat - and fortunately haven't met a cougar yet (would love to see one, though - from a safe distance).
I like the beautiful shapes you can discover here almost everywhere. Can you see the little junco?
And then we met this little guy who was quite curious and wanted to check us out.
I just love this place. It's calming and peaceful. I'm grateful that it is so close to home, such a treasure.
Nature IS most important to me,
and the older I get the less I can tolerate anyone who treats it like a huge trash bin.
What is your favorite place to go for a hike or a walk?
My goodness Carol many of these pictures are worthy to be in a photography show...you really should think of doing that. Just lovely and so atmospheric, I felt like I was almost there with you.
Love to read your blog, Carola. Keep it coming! How lucky you are to live in such a wonderful place.
Wow - just beautiful! We had similar misty conditions on my retreat this weekend. I think it's my favorite photographic conditions. So ethereal and magical. And how special that you met your friend this way. It sounds like a wonderful friendship!!
I beleive people come into our lives for a reason when we least expect it. I a so happy for you that you found such a treasure on your walk that day 3 years ago. Real friendship is a true gift. The other gift you have is your gift of photography. These photos are amazing. I love the twisted branch that the junco is perched upon and the one with the silent buck relaxing in the rocky landscape.
How lucky you are to have all of this natural beauty and the beauty of a priceless friendship too.
what an incredible treasure you have just outside your door...these photos are wonderful, i love the rabbit, those ears! there is an old rail trail near me that has been turned into a footpath, i love it there, i love being outdoors, anywhere, among the trees.
Oh - just beautiful. It makes me want to drive up there and hike with you! So awesome. and I loved the little hare! He was great!
Gorgeous pictures, I've a pressy of sticky ribbon to send to you, can you send me an email with your address please?
The setting is lovely and your photographs are stunning. We are at our house in the mountains and I too took a walk this morning. Coincidently a buck crossed my trail as well. I also saw a flock, about 7, of wild turkeys. It is magical out there.
Was für schöne Fotos, wirklich ein wundervoller Platz um die Natur zu genießen. Danke für's Zeigen der herrlichen Eindrücke.
What a lovely post filled with beautiful pictures! Wish I could be there!
Oh my gosh, Carola--these are positively breathtaking pictures...wow!!
So wonderful to have a hiking friend...the best. I love your photo story, too.
What absolutely beautiful photography...wonderful place this is to walking.
I think we all want to go along!!!
i love this post and all the pictures. what a blessing to live near a place like this!
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