
Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Blueberry Muffin Kind of Weekend

We had a very quiet weekend, the last one of spring break. On Saturday Kaefer had a friend over, and the girls did their history homework. I thought it might be nice to sweeten up the work for them and decided to make blueberry muffins.

As usual I went to Pinterest to look for an easy and fast recipe, and luckily I was successful and very quickly found one. It was a bit of a stretch to finally get to the recipe, but it was well worth it.

I love the smell that fills the house when something tasty bakes in the oven. It feels comfy and very much at home. Making the muffins was a piece of cake - I loved when the dough turned purple after I had added the blueberries (I used frozen ones). 

These blueberry muffins were yummy! The teenagers devoured them in no time at all. If your mouth is watering right now - here's the link to the perfect blueberry muffins!


  1. Yummo. Our weather is finally cooling down and these sound like a perfect celebration. Thank you so much.

  2. Yum! But no cake for me today, as I just "survived" my Dad's 70th birthday. ;)

  3. Hi Carola....your muffins do look delish. And, I can almost smell their goodness. Thanks for sharing!

  4. The muffins look delicious, such a nice treat for the girls doing homework. Blueberries are good for you too.


  5. These really make me want to bake. I use a very healthy recipe with fiber 1 cereal and yogurt.


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