
Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Tree, a Girl and Lots of Hugs

Sometimes a painting just flows.

It doesn't happen too often since my head is mingling in my painting too often, and I still haven't learned to quieten it. But when I started this girl, the entire process was smooth - the painting almost created by itself.

The prompt was "Tree of Life" in Life Book 2014 - and then take it from there. First of all, I loved the prompt since trees are important to me - can you imagine a world without trees? Second, I imagined something tender and strong at the same time, protecting - and I saw this girl embraced by the tree. Lots of tree hugging, so to say. I picked up the graphite pencil - and off the painting went. 

I love when that happens.

It feels like it is my heart that is pouring into the picture, that my hand is guided by my inner self, by what is really important to me - uh, I sound like being "enlightened" - don't worry, I'm not, it's still me. Anyway, I loved how this painting developed without much thinking, it was done quite fast (very unusual for me) and on top of that - I like it. 

My idea of creative happiness.

It's the first day of spring - so I wish all of you in the Northern Hemisphere a wonderful spring with lots of blossoms and flowers, and to those of you living in the Southern Hemisphere enjoy the abundance that autumn brings. 

I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday - even though it's Thursday. Enjoy the beautiful artwork you can see on all those artists' blogs who join this special party.


  1. Hi Carola. Happy Spring to you too. It is a great painting. The girl seems embedded to the tree. It's awesome. I would say she is a tree girl.:)

  2. It seems 'meant' and so very, very right when your creativity just flows through your fingers.
    Yay for trees, your painting - and tulips.

  3. I love the flow of your painting Carola, so gentle and full of love.
    Happy PPF, Annette x

  4. Oh, I love it when that happens. And your painting looks like it was created from the heart. Enjoy the spring over there!

  5. Gorgeous painting!!!

    Happy spring!!
    Saskia :)

  6. your painting is so soft and lovely. And no, I couldn't imagine no trees...
    gorgeous tulips! Happy Spring and happy PPF too!

  7. Such a pretty piece, she seems to be growing with the tree. Thank you for your wishes for the southern hemisphere... sometimes people forget we're here!

  8. Eine wunderschöne Seite - gefällt mir sehr.

  9. I love trees too...once bought a house because of the tree! Lovely painting! Glad you felt in the flow...such a great feeling!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. Oh this is lovely Carola!
    I always have this excuse for moving, unless there are trees, great big ones, not just small ones I wouldn't budge : ) Happy Spring!

    Annabelle ~m..m~

  11. Trees are important to me too. My heart bleeds when lovely old trees are cut down. It takes 50 - 60 years of growing and 30 minutes to cut down.
    Your tree and the girl are so beautiful.

  12. Your girl is wonderful! I love the flow of her hair and how the tree limbs go over her ;o) The flowers are beautiful! Take Care ;o)

  13. I love trees also and the colors of spring. The colors in this painting are perfect for your painting – the tulips below matches pretty well. She looks pensive in a happy way.

  14. Your painting is amazing!
    Love the colors - especially the girls hair.
    Beautiful tulips too :)

  15. Beautiful! I just love when a painting almost seems to paint itself! Happy PPF!

  16. It's a beautiful painting and I so understand the process you describe!


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