
Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Dream

I'm still painting, though not quite as much anymore - because I have discovered the joys of baking bread. The house is filled with wonderful bread-baking smells every other day at the moment while I try different recipes and desperately search for a store here that sells fresh yeast. I haven't been successful so far.

But I digress.

Painting... on Pinterest - another addictive obsession - I found a painting by Marc Chagall, one of my favorite painters, called "The Dream":

I love the colors, the idea of the people in the "bubble" - and I decided to work from that idea and make my own "dream" painting. Which, of course, turned out my style and has absolutely NOTHING to do with the inspiration. 

Perhaps that's what inspiration is for...

This is the Carola-version - don't even mention Chagall, please. But... I wouldn't have painted this if I hadn't seen the beautiful painting by him. So there.

I'm linking with Paint Party Friday - so happy that I can join this awesome group of amazing artists again.


  1. Baking bread is one of the BEST smells isn't it?
    I love your painting, and it doesn't have the melancholy that I think is attached to Chagall's.

  2. I'm fond Chagall's work. I like how you took the inspiration from his painting and created your own dream. Lovely! Happy PPF!

  3. Beautiful, your beautiful creation, inspired by beauty!

  4. You're right I would not have thought Chagall seeing your version, but that doesn't make yours less interesting. Nothing wrong with just the circle element borrowed for your dreamer! Love the tress below, and the collaged writing on them!

  5. Very nicely done! Chagall is a wonderful inspiration! Wow baking bread is so yummy...good for you!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Hi Carola!
    I like seeing your paintings! I like the colors you used, and the girl really looks sleeping and dreaming... Chagall is a master of course, but we learn from masters!
    Aww... I've heard about home made bread and would like to try myself, but I have no oven and no microwave as of now. So this dream stays a dream for a while :)

  7. Love it, and that's excactly what inspiration's all about. A wise person once said : It's not where you take it from, it's where you take it to that matters.

  8. My husband has an obsession with breadmaking and as you say the smells coming from the kitchen are fab. Love your source of inspiration, one of my favourite artists, he always had a story to tell. Beautiful mixed media piece Carola............see I never mentioned his name
    Happy PPF, Annette x

  9. Inspiration is only a starting point. You made it your own and that's a lot more important than doing a good job of mimicking another artist! :)

  10. Hi Carola,
    Carola's version is lovely and your right , if you hadn't seen his work you probably wouldn't have done this particular version of your dream.

    About the bread, I'm a diabetic and I adore bread and sweets and guess what, I've been indulging in this amazing artisan bread from a local bakery and have been looking for a similar recipe, no such luck. In a way it's a Good thing ….just imagine if I did : ) Enjoy your baking and art.


  11. I used to bake a lot of bread- I gave it up for more art time:):) Thank you for sharing your inspiration for your own beautiful painting. It's amazing what sometimes will trigger inspiration and yet seem so far removed. But actually it isn't. Happy PPF!

  12. Your work is lovely, and Chagall a great inspiration!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  13. I love both Dream paintings! Both different and both beautiful! Hugs ;o)

  14. Hi Carola. I love Chagall's work. Great job, lovely pieces. Have a great day and Happy PPF!

  15. Wundervolles Bild, Chagall ist eine tolle Inspiration! LG aus Deutschland, Valerie

  16. Wundervolles Bild,es sieht sehr friedlich aus,und die farben sind ein traum.
    ich mag marc chagalls bilder auch unheimlich gern.

    GLG Jeannette

  17. I also think it's fantastic to bake bread :)
    Very nice dream-picture. Really beautiful.
    Thank you for the nice comment on my blog.

  18. Zwei wunderschöne Bilder, besonders das obere gefällt mir sehr gut. Beim Anblick der Muffins und Brötchen ist mir das Wasser im Mund zusammen gelaufen.

  19. Gorgeous! And very you. Chagall is one of the artists in the on-line Studying Under the Masters class I'm taking, but I haven't had a chance to do anything more than look at some of his gorgeous images on line.
    I think baking bread is a wonderful reason to not paint. Much better than work, which is my excuse.

  20. Wonderful how you made the inspiration your own unique painting! Love your woman floating - she is beautiful! Happy PPF!


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