
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Rainbow Hearts and Open Minds


June is Pride Month. Supporting LGBTQ+ people is important to us, not only in June. But June is the month when all the fun events take place and we celebrate life and love in all its colorful shades.

The Geek's company participates in our local Pride Parade every year and of course we joined them. Dressing up for the event is half the fun already. The Geek was standing out with his rainbow wig.

 Next to him I was almost boring with the rainbow flowers I had arranged on my hat.

We were in third position in the parade which meant we could watch almost the entire parade after we had reached the finish. Everybody in our team took up some kind of "job" - the Geek was giving out some colorful necklaces to the people who were watching the parade while I was one of the flag bearers of the rainbow flag. You can see that I had real fun with that!

photo by B.S.

We sang and danced along the streets of downtown. It was such a happy and joyful atmosphere, smiling faces wherever you looked. It was inviting, inclusive and welcoming to everybody. I especially liked that our police department took part in the parade. The entire parade deserves the title "Love wins".

Even the dogs (of our friends M and J) "walked" with us.

When we were done and the team pictures had been taken, the Geek and I walked back along the entire parade. It was so much fun to see the creativity, the joy, the laughter. 

photo by J.M.

A week later we did a Pride Walk "Gays and their Allies" through our neighborhood. We live in a pretty gay neighborhood and have good friends here. We walk with them with pride.

photo by S.C.

There are so many faces in this post that after a long time I finally join Nicole's Friday Face off again.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Auf der Straße nach Mendocino (On the Road to Mendocino)

 Why a German title?, you might ask. "Mendocino", the German adaptation of the song with the same name by the Sir Douglas Quintet, was a German Schlager (hit song) by Michael Holm back in 1969 and the biggest selling single that year. I was nine years old at that time, right before I started high school (high school in Germany starts with 5th grade). At that time I was still listening dominantly to German pop music, which changed a couple years later when I had learned enough English to at least understand a little bit of all the British pop music that was swapping over to the continent. But in 1969 it was German Schlager for me, and "Mendocino" was a real earworm. Of course I had never heard of a place with that name, had no idea whether a place like that actually existed and had no clue where it would be located.

Fast forward 32 years, when we moved to Santa Rosa in Northern California. On the map I saw that up north along the coast on Highway 1 there was a place called Mendocino. My childhood came back visiting - guess where we took one of our first bigger trips that summer of 2001? 

We fell in love with Mendocino right away when we first saw it sitting on the cliffs. It's a quaint little town, often shrouded in low clouds and coastal fog, with cute little shops - a wonderful independent bookshop, a fantastic optics store where many years ago I bought my binoculars and later our scope, and a delicious chocolate "Haus" among them - and a trail out to the Mendocino Headlands. Mendocino has become our annual Mother's Day trip.

You can drive up Highway 1 to get to Mendocino, but we usually opt to take Highway 128 for the trip to Mendocino (and back along 1), and so we did on this year's Mother's Day as well. After a very good breakfast in Cloverdale, we drove up into the mountains on a very winding road, trundled along the vineyards of Anderson Valley and finally dipped down into the Redwoods.

This is a favorite part of the drive for us. Driving through the forest with those towering trees is truly magnificent. See for yourself:

Of course we stopped several times. It's not just what the forest looks like, but the way it smells. I have always loved the scent of a forest.

It's not only the towering trees that capture my attention, but also what happens beneath them, on the forest floor.

But looking up to the canopy is still my favorite thing to do here.

Shortly after leaving the Redwoods we merged with Highway 1 and drove the last short stretch to Mendocino. The moment we hit the coast we experienced the typical Northern California phenomenon - sunshine everywhere, fog at the coast. In the same old fashion Mendocino appeared overcast and gray. No surprise.

What I like most about this little town beside the wonderful gardens people have here, are the many old towers, most of them watertowers. It's just a couple years ago that Mendocino was in a severe water crisis when much of the drinking water needed had to be trucked in daily. Just imagine that, sitting right next to a huge body of water.

Of course we decided to walk the Point Mendocino Trail out to the headlands. It was windy and chilly, but still we enjoyed it. 

Someone left this bouquet at the bench near the start of the trail. 

When we were in Mendocino last year the Headlands were covered with native lupines, but we were hard pressed to find any this year. Instead, the land was covered with these yellow flowers that I haven't succeeded in identifying.

But we did see some native plants like Checker Bloom (Sidalcea malviflora), Silver Lupine (Lupinus albifrons), Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica), Douglas Iris (Iris douglasiana), and California Sea Thrift (Armeria maritima californica).

Of course we also saw gulls, but I'm not even attempting to identify this one since I have a hard time in correct gull identification. I leave that to David who travels with birds.

I was never able to find out the story behind the Mendocino Headlands Totem Pole.

The views from anywhere on the Headlands are stunning and even more so when the sun makes an appearance. We didn't have such luck this time.

Afterwards we got our treats at the Chocolate Haus (so so good) and visited the bookshop where I found Rosanna Xia's book "California Against the Sea - Visions for our Vanishing Coastline". Ever since I had heard her talk in a webinar, I wanted to get my hands on this book. Then we slowly drove back via Highway 1, stopping in Gualala at the Seafood Shack for fish and chips as we always do, and just enjoyed this stunning drive, that always takes my breath away, no matter how often I drive here. The sun finally came out as well and let the ocean sparkle.

Here is a very short snippet of the drive, already closer to home just north of Jenner:

If you are interested to read more about Mendocino, you can find posts and photos (some even with sun!) here, here, and here

Monday, June 10, 2024

The 366 Project: May


Here we are in June and I haven't even written about May of my 366 project. But first, I want to thank you for all the good wishes on my last post - you are the best!!!

So, this was May in my corner of the world:

Many photos were taken of my garden because May usually is an exciting month there.  Like in every spring, the showstopper was the poppy meadow. It always reminds me so much of Germany.

When I'm out in the front garden it's always the poppies that serve as a conversation starter with neighbors passing by or people walking their dogs. It's been actually through my garden that I got to know most of my neighbors. I always enjoy a friendly chat over the garden fence.

May also brought a trip up to Mendocino through the Redwoods - more about that in a later post.

There were also some beautiful walks and a lot of PT which is not very exciting to write about. Tomorrow is my last session, I do all my exercises religiously, but I still have a long way until I can sit on my heels again (which is my final goal). My squats are getting better and better (or should I say deeper). I'm definitely on my way!