
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Rainbow Hearts and Open Minds


June is Pride Month. Supporting LGBTQ+ people is important to us, not only in June. But June is the month when all the fun events take place and we celebrate life and love in all its colorful shades.

The Geek's company participates in our local Pride Parade every year and of course we joined them. Dressing up for the event is half the fun already. The Geek was standing out with his rainbow wig.

 Next to him I was almost boring with the rainbow flowers I had arranged on my hat.

We were in third position in the parade which meant we could watch almost the entire parade after we had reached the finish. Everybody in our team took up some kind of "job" - the Geek was giving out some colorful necklaces to the people who were watching the parade while I was one of the flag bearers of the rainbow flag. You can see that I had real fun with that!

photo by B.S.

We sang and danced along the streets of downtown. It was such a happy and joyful atmosphere, smiling faces wherever you looked. It was inviting, inclusive and welcoming to everybody. I especially liked that our police department took part in the parade. The entire parade deserves the title "Love wins".

Even the dogs (of our friends M and J) "walked" with us.

When we were done and the team pictures had been taken, the Geek and I walked back along the entire parade. It was so much fun to see the creativity, the joy, the laughter. 

photo by J.M.

A week later we did a Pride Walk "Gays and their Allies" through our neighborhood. We live in a pretty gay neighborhood and have good friends here. We walk with them with pride.

photo by S.C.

There are so many faces in this post that after a long time I finally join Nicole's Friday Face off again.


  1. ...simply put, there is nothing boring with the two of you! Now we have to work on open minds. They are in short supply these day.

  2. Es ist immer wichtig. Meine Freundin lief Hand in Hand mir ihrer Frau, der Sohn war dabei und sie wurden verbal vor dem Sohn attackiert. Unfassbar. In Deutschland!!
    Nix mit boring, ihr seht beide "cool" aus!
    Hier haben wir bestimmt im August auch wieder CSD-parade.Wir werden dabei sein.
    Warum, zum Himmel, kann man nicht einfach respektieren, akzeptieren.
    Die Frau meiner Freundin wurde eifersüchtig, bis klar gestellt wurde, dass ich Ingo liebe. Na, also, geht doch :-)

  3. I have smiled all through these delightful photos. Thank you both.

  4. Herrlich, liebe Carola, bei dieser fröhlichen Parade wäre ich mit meinem Regenbockenrock und meinem selbst gehäkelten Regenbogen-Dreieckstuch auch gerne dabei gewesen. Ich empfinde es als Glück, in einer Zeit (und in einer Ecke der Welt) zu leben, in der Liebe und Sexualität nicht durch überkommene Moralvorstellungen oder religiöse Interpretationen zu reglementieren versucht wird. In meinem Freundeskreis befinden sich seit meiner WG-Zeit (ab 1987) ebenfalls einige Menschen aus der LGBTQ+-Community (auch wenn es damals noch nicht so hieß ;-)) ... und ich wünsche mir für sie und für die Welt, dass der allgemeine Rechtsruck nicht wieder alles zunichte macht, was in den letzten Jahrzehnten so schön, bunt und offen geworden ist. Ich finde übrigens, dass ihr beide hübsch ausgesehen habt - dein Mann ein bisschen Hippie-like und du mit deinem tollen Hut hättest gut ins Publikum einer Art Flower-Power-Ascot gepasst... ;-)
    Alles Liebe, Traude

  5. Kudos to both of you, Carola. To make a statement like this is very commendable, and there is a certain degree of bravery attached to your action too. I am impressed! Hugs - David

  6. I love your hats and feather and hair. This looks like so much fun! And Tom is right. We have to work on open minds as they are in short supply these days. Have a great rest of June Carola. hugs-Erika

  7. You can both be proud of yourself that you support Pride so well. Everybody should be able to live and love as they want! You both look great in the Pride rainbow colours. Hugs, Valerie

  8. I like like the outfits of both of you, and, of course your attitude to the entire parade.

  9. Great parade... and you had so much fun.
    It should be so...
    in life. Be happy about what you do. This is ignored far too often.
    A cheerful greeting comes to you.
    Thank you for the happy photos.

  10. I think all the really good parades I’ve been to were in California! Clearly that’s still going on — what a great set of photos.

    best, mae at

  11. Wonderful to see everyone supporting this Pride event. Love your colorful hat!

  12. You two look totally fantastic!

  13. Se ve que lo pasaron muy bien, me alegra. Besos.

  14. Wonderful post, great photos too. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a nice weekend.

  15. Happy Pride Month! I do love your flowered hat :) I've been watching LGBTQ+ related movies recommended on lists and by the streaming services I subscribe to.

  16. Your rainbow flowers on the hat are stunning, and the Geek's rainbow wig is fantastic!
    The parade sounds like an amazing celebration of love and inclusion.
    It's also great to see the community, including the police department, coming together to show their support.

    Happy Saturday, Carola!


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