
Monday, June 10, 2024

The 366 Project: May


Here we are in June and I haven't even written about May of my 366 project. But first, I want to thank you for all the good wishes on my last post - you are the best!!!

So, this was May in my corner of the world:

Many photos were taken of my garden because May usually is an exciting month there.  Like in every spring, the showstopper was the poppy meadow. It always reminds me so much of Germany.

When I'm out in the front garden it's always the poppies that serve as a conversation starter with neighbors passing by or people walking their dogs. It's been actually through my garden that I got to know most of my neighbors. I always enjoy a friendly chat over the garden fence.

May also brought a trip up to Mendocino through the Redwoods - more about that in a later post.

There were also some beautiful walks and a lot of PT which is not very exciting to write about. Tomorrow is my last session, I do all my exercises religiously, but I still have a long way until I can sit on my heels again (which is my final goal). My squats are getting better and better (or should I say deeper). I'm definitely on my way!


  1. had a colorful and exciting May, I can't wait to see your June.

  2. Your world looks glorious! I hope your recovery is soon complete.
    best, mae

  3. The bees and I LOVE your poppy meadow.

  4. The poppy flower shots stand out for me

  5. I would say that May in your corner of the world doesn’t look too bad, Carola! Glad to hear that you are making good progress on your recovery. I have no doubt that you will soon be your old lithe, supple self again. Take good care. Hugs from Ontario - David

  6. The poppies are fascinating, both as flowers, and as topic of conversation!

  7. May looks beautiful! I love your poppies. I just read your previous post and best wishes to you on your new life adventures!

  8. The star of May in your garden is definitely the poppies. They are gorgeous!

  9. I love this project and your photos. I just ended PT Monday (but will do the home program indefinitely. And yes, my squats are getting better too! Must be diligent so I don't fall back! Can't wait to hear more about Monetecito!

  10. Me ha encantado ver tu reportaje, me alegra que estés recuperandote bien, a mí todavía me queda,tengo que tener paciencia. Besos.

  11. Carola, those poppies are simply stunning and i can see why you get so much attention from the neighbors. They are definitely great conversation starters! As always, I enjoyed your May collage and have yet to start one of my own as my well intentions get waylaid, so thanks for sharing your past month through images. Glad to read that the PT is coming along and sure you will be able to sit on your hells again and achieve that goal.😀

  12. É importante estar ativa, daí a importância dos exercícios que refere.
    Vê-de que é uma pessoa de personalidade sensível, pelo apreço que revela pela beleza das flores silvestres.
    Espero que usufrua de uma boa semana.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

  13. Your May sounds enchanting!
    Your poppy meadow must be stunning.
    It's lovely how your garden fosters community connections.
    Looking forward to hearing about your Mendocino trip.

    Happy Tuesday, Carola!

  14. Wow..beautiful pictures..thanks for sharing dear :-)
    The Art Diary

  15. Dein Mai sieht gut aus, liebe Carola, interessant, bunt und fröhlich.
    Was ist mit dieser schönen Quiltdecke? Ich habe Tilda Stoff hier liegen... und überlege hin und her :-))) was und wie ich ein Projekt starten könnte... habe jede Menge im Kopf und mich noch nicht entschieden...
    Ja, dein Mohn ist wunderschön, ich habe in diesem Jahr Isländischen Mohn gesät, er ist genau so üppig wie deiner und von einem wundervollen gelb - orange.
    Bei mir erregen jetzt die Kornblumen im Garten - die ich auch gesät habe - die Aufmerksamkeit der Nachbarn... es sieht so gut aus dieses Blau mit den Gelbtönen und hin und wieder rot und violett von anderen Bienenanziehern dazwischen. Es ist doch einfach herrlich, sich gemeinsam zu freuen.
    Daumendrücken von mir für die Verbesserungen an deinem Knie... immer bis zur Schmerzgrenze arbeiten, nie darüber. Pausen gönnen. Viel Erfolg. Es wird werden :-))
    Ich hatte Fuß- (Sportunfall), Knie- (nur Meniskus) und kleine Rücken OP... uff, ist alles wieder gerade gerückt.
    Eine Umarmung für dich.


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