
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Winterfest with German Christmas Cookies


Ten days ago we had our last German class before Christmas and that's when we usually have our "Winterfest". At our big campus in Novato this is usually an elaborate event, but at our tiny campus (only two classes) in Santa Rosa we usually have a "gemütliches Beisammensein" (a "cozy get-together"). Since we are a German language school, the main characters at this gathering are the Christmas cookies - German ones of course. 

These are very special cookies because they are all baked by our admin (her mother was German) who is a first class baker. One afternoon before our last day she stood in her kitchen and baked all these wonderful cookies for us and her husband made the gebrannte Mandeln (roasted almonds) which are a staple at German Christmas markets.

There were Raspelberge (coconut macaroons)...

Spekulatius (spiced cookies similar to speculoo) and Nusstaler (hazelnut cookies, some of my favorites)...

Zimtsterne (cinnamon stars) ...

and of course Vanillekipferl (vanilla almond crescents).

Some of these cookies you're probably familiar with. Now you know where they come from.

My personal absolute favorite aren't the cookies, but the roasted almonds. They are loaded with memories. Our admin put them in cute little paper cups.

These cookies fit perfectly Rain's theme this week over at Thursday Art and Dinner Date.

Our get-together was really nice. I liked how students of the two classes mingled and talked with each other. I got to know some of the students from the other class much better - they are beginners while my class is for advanced students. A good mix actually.

There were enough cookies to take some home. Our admin had provided some cute containers for exactly that purpose (she does think of everything). The Geek was very happy when I came home with a container full with cookies and a cup of roasted almonds.

By now everything is already gone, of course. Roasted almonds and home baked German Christmas cookies do not survive for long in our home.


  1. How fabulous. And I noticed that several of the cookies were gluten free. All praise to your admin baker/organiser. And thank you for sharing the deliciousness.

  2. These cookies look very lovely to eat

  3. I am sure that, upon seeing this amazing range of sweet treats, we all want to be a German for a day! Yummy!

  4. These look amazing! -Christine

  5. ...wonderful Christmas treats, low cal I assume. ☃️ 🎄 ❄️ 🎅🏼

  6. OMG those cookies are fabulous.
    Glad you enjoyed your get together.


  7. All those cookies is making my mouth water.

  8. Las galletas se ven muy bien y seguro que están riquísimas. Disfruta de una feliz navidad, rodeado de las personas que te quieren. Abrazos y Feliz Navidad.

  9. Oh these all look so delicious. I truly want to try them all. A beautiful display too.

  10. These look yummy. I've made the vanilla crescents before, and they are yummy. I think the hazelnut slices look delicious too. I enjoy seeing holiday food from "other" places, (meaning not from the US). Have a great holiday. Merry Christmas. hugs-Erika

  11. This is absolutely exquisite! What a beautiful baker she is -- I think I might like the nuts best too!

    Merry Christmas, my friend.

  12. I've had the vanilla almond crescents before, they are so yummy! Nice variety of cookies!


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