
Monday, December 18, 2023

Autumn Meets Winter


Charles M. Schulz, the creator of the comic strip "Peanuts", lived in Santa Rosa for more than 30 years and died here in February 2000. Therefore it's no wonder that many Christmas decorations in my neighborhood depict one or more of his characters, the most popular among them Snoopy and Woodstock. 

Winter has arrived here with heavy rain which, of course, is very welcome. In the higher elevations of the county there are warnings we might see snow on top of the mountains, however, I do think it is not cold enough for that. I'm thankful for the rain, and am enjoying the spots where autumn meets winter.

This is the time when the Geek and I often have a cup of hot chocolate in the evening, which is my ticket to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's T Tuesday this week.

This is only a short post and I hope to be back by Thursday with some German Christmas cookies.


  1. I'd love to see so many Snoopy and other Peanuts decorations. It might be overwhelming if you live there, but not being there, it sounds fun. And that is a great mug. I really like it. Coco is a great drink for cooler nights. I made a cup the other night myself. Have a wonderful T day and Christmas also Carola. hugs-Erika (and PS, thanks for the lovely card. It arrived today.)

  2. far we have had one day of winter and it lasted for only a day. this sure a strange year. Take care and stay well. ☃️ 🎄 ❄️ 🎅🏼

  3. I love your photos and your mug. I will pass on hot chocolate for a few months though.

  4. Red berries and red leaves are looking good

  5. Your autumn meets winter photographs are beautiful.
    The Snoopy decorations are so cute. (I didn't know Schulz had lived there)
    Yes, it's been strange weather. The climate is certainly changing. Scary.
    Hugs and happy Christmas,

  6. It is really quite astounding that the Peanuts Gang has transcended national boundaries and has become universal. Charles Schultz accomplished what he never set out to do. I wonder how many households around the world will refer to a Charlie Brown Christmas tree this year? But few will enter into the spirit of what that implies. Merry Christmas, Carola.

  7. It's great that so many love Charles Schultz and Snoopy and Peanuts. Those were clever and thoughtful decorations.

    Autumn may have met winter in your world, but I got 8 inches of snow two weeks ago. Its melted now, but at the time, it was shocking.

    Your hot chocolate sounds delicious. I also love that adorable mug. Thanks for sharing your week with us, the decorations in your neighborhood, your drink, and your charming mug with us for T this Tuesday, dear Carola. Merry Christmas, dear friend.

  8. A truly lovely post. Each photo is so pretty. I like your mug too. Have a great day today.

  9. Lovely photos Carola, and I have never seen Snoopy Christmas decorations before so thanks for sharing them. They are very cute, much nicer than some of the monstrosities they sell here. I also really love your mug. Your Christmas card arrived this morning, thank you so much for thinking of me. All my cards were posted late due to flu but hopefully you will receive it before the big day. Happy T Day! Elle xx

  10. Carola what a beautiful mug of cocoa... hubby and i do the same .. We like to put a spoon of marshmallow fluff on top... Lovely photos. Snoopy is a fave of hubbys from his childhood.. He tells me he can draw a passable Snoopy but i have yet to see it.. lol Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  11. Great decorations! I like that mug. It usually looks more like fall than winter here at Christmastime, too. We still have some leaf color and highs in the 50s. No chance of snow. Happy T Tuesday!

  12. Oh ich liebe Snoopy....schöne Idee, den als Weihnachtsdeko zu verwenden. Ja bei uns ist auch wieder Herbst eingekehrt, der ganze schöne Schnee des Winterwonderlands ist leider wieder verregnet worden.
    Frohe Weihnachten und Happy T-day

  13. Wonderful post, your garden is still so pretty. I'm looking forward to seeing your Weihnachtsgebäck! Yummy! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  14. Snoopy is popular :)

    I did enjoy all of your photographs and like your mug.

    All the best Jan

  15. 'Red'' seems to be predominant in the above post; it's a color that warms up the heart. It's always a pleasure to drink cocoa from such a lovely mug!

  16. Tus fotografías son preciosas. Espero que lo pasen bien. Un abrazo.

  17. Wunderbarer Weihnachtsschmuck bei Euch an den Gebäuden.
    Wir haben jetzt eine warme Wetterlage bekommen 6 Grad mit viel Regen,
    ich denke immer, das wäre eigentlich unser Weihnachtsschnee :-))
    Es ist jedoch nicht so schlimm, weil ich dieses mal mit besonders lieben Freunden auf vielen verschiedenen Weihnachtsmärkten war... oft durch den Wald streife, wir uns zu Hause ab und an gemütlich einen Glühwein gönnen, ich ein hübsches Buch lese und auch ab und zu ein Märchen schaue...
    na klar habe ich auch Weihnachtsplätzchen gebacken und dann wohne ich ja in
    Pulsnitz - wo es acht kleine Küchlereien (so heißen die Bäcker - Küchler - die nichts anderes als Pfefferkuchen und zwar das ganze Jahr über backen) was bedeutet, dass ich keine Pfefferkuchen (Lebkuchen) backe.
    Ich bin gespannt auf deine Weihnachtsplätzchen. Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß beim Backen.
    Eine Umarmung zu dir von Viola.

  18. Hi Carola, I have a feeling I might have sent you TWO xmas cards lol. I don't know what happened, I will blame the flu, but checking what I posted, I think there might be two on the way to you - hopefully they are at least different to each other lol ~ Elle xx

  19. It's kind of like that here -- Green Christmas, some trees still with leaves (albeit dried ones!)

    If I don't get back, all good greetings for a Merry Christmas. I would try to write it in German -- and would probably massacre it!

  20. Love that the berries are adding to those fabulous Snoopy decorations! Hot chocolate in the evening is definitely a great idea! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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