
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Solar Art

Lacking some real art of my own for Rain's Thursday Art and Dinner Date, I turn to the solar light I recently bought for my garden.

This decorative solar lantern is made from durable Tyvek® material and is weather resistant in rain as well as in snow (which we don't really have here). While the lantern looks beautiful on its own, its true magic shows up in the dark hours when illuminated patterns appear on the ground.

Isn't that pretty? I know it doesn't quite fit Rain's theme of "silhouettes" this week, but maybe just a little bit - with a lot of imagination?

We're still having a lot of tomatoes, both from my garden and the farmers market. I'm not someone who uses tomatoes to make tomato sauce - a little bit, yes, but there are so many more ways to use tomatoes in delicious meals.

We love gnocchi. One of our favorite dinners is crisp gnocchi with brussels sprouts and brown butter. When I found a recipe for crispy gnocchi with burst tomatoes and mozzarella I thought I give it a try. It asks for small tomatoes and I had tons of them from the garden.

I only used half of the amount that is given in the recipe, and it turned out delicious. Cooking gnocchi directly in a pan without boiling them first leaves them crisp outside but chewy inside. It is heavenly. You can find the recipe here - it is from NYT Cooking, so for those of you who don't have a subscription the recipe is at the bottom of this post.

Over the past two and a half days we got a new roof. Those were noisy days, but the company's employees did a great job and cleaned up everything afterwards. My porch has never been that clean! We chose a local company since we believe in supporting local business. We also opted for light colored shingles for reflecting the light - it looks beautiful. The stanchions for the solar panels that will be installed toward the end of the year were already put in as well - another local company. Going solar has been on our radar for a long time and I'm glad that we finally took all the steps in the right direction.

Yesterday we got a stark reminder that we're living in earthquake country - at 6:39 pm, I had just started to make dinner, the ground beneath us woke up with a jolt and some very strong rumble, immediately followed by a second, weaker aftershock. We learned that the first quake was 4.4 and the second 3.9 - not much, but the epicenter was less than 3 miles from our home, therefore it felt much stronger. A few things fell down, nothing was damaged and I had the presence of mind to immediately shut off the stove. Our dinner was just delayed by about ten minutes. However, Otis, one of the permanent feline residents in my garden, took off like a rocket and I haven't seen him since. His owner told me later, that he showed up at her home, and that's where he should be anyway.


  1. Sehr schöne Laterne! Hier ist es nun lleider zu kalt zum draussen Sitzen.
    Rosenkohl! Ich warte hier drauf!!!
    Und Mozzarrela, toll, jetzt bin ich wirklich hungrig (und hier gibt´s bloss Käase-Salami Brot zum Frühstück).
    Gnocchi ist auf der Liste :-)
    Verdammt, mir fällt es schwer, im Kopf auf Deutsch zu übersetzen, komisch. Wir nehmen auch immer ortsansässige Unternehmen.
    Erdbeben klingt gruselig.
    Auf dass alles heil bleibt und guten Appetit!

  2. Your solar light looks great, but I am more drawn to the wonderful food, it sounds sooooo good! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Yummy food.
    The lantern in the night is enchanting

    Have a nice Thursday


  4. I have never experienced an earthquake, Carola, and I think that I can gladly pass on the experience. As for the gnocchi, however, set an extra plate and I'll be there! Hugs - David

  5. Beautiful light and the gnocchi looks good

  6. Oh I do love that light for the garden. It is so pretty. The Gnocchi looks delish. Yes, we felt a small rumble over here too. Glad there was no real damage. Have a great day today.

  7. The gnocchi and tomatoes sounds wonderful and I've saved the recipe. Thanks!

  8. My daughter gave me some pretty solar lights for the garden, and I just love them, but they are not like yours. Yours is so pretty with those colors and patterns, it makes me want to look into what other such lights I might add to this space.

    I love gnocchi, but I have never done anything interesting with them. Your recipes look wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

  9. That's a gorgeous lantern. I love how it looks both dark and in the light. The gnocchi looks good!

  10. The dish looks amazing and solar lantern really pretty! We got the earthquake warning and went outside right away, but didn't feel anything. I am glad you are all right and Otis too.


  11. Great idea for gnocchi. And your lantern is lovely. I hope you don’t have any more earthquakes!

    best… mae at

  12. The solar lantern is beautiful! And the gnocchi recipe sounds delicious. I've bookmarked your page. Oh, how I hate earthquakes!

  13. I'm a great fan of solar power, and solar items like your lantern.
    As for the gnocchi dish - anything with potatoes is good for me.

  14. I love this lantern and it is definitely a group of floral silhouettes, but what is most interesting to me is how this solid blue lantern reflects many colors, beautifully I might add. As for your Gnocchi with Tomatoes ...yummmm :) I had a friend who was married to an old world Italian and she used to make Gnocchi from scratch ... so delicious. I have copied your recipe and will buy some Trader Joe's Gnocchi and surprise my FH with it. Can't wait :)
    Wonderful post Carola ... stay well :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  15. ...I like your lantern too, we have a pierced lampshade that is similar.

  16. Thank you for letting my know about the misplaced comment. Sorry to have bothered you with it and I now will know that I still owe Nicole a comment.
    Don't get old, Carola ... strange things happen all of the time :)



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