
Friday, August 5, 2022


Today I don't have a new face for Nicole's Friday Face Off, so I'm returning to a painting from 2013. This was my first try painting on a wood panel and also the first time that I worked with tissue paper. I liked the effect it had when it crinkled up after I had glued it down. It gave a lot of texture.

Now, the portrait is nothing to write home about. I see all the flaws in it - and still, this is one of my favorite paintings in all its imperfection. The inspiration came from the "Botswana" catalog of the Swedish company I wrote about in my last post.

I called this painting "Confidence" because this is what this woman represents for me. It also stands for growing more confident in myself as an artist.


  1. Lovely portrait. Who needs perfection? Life is never perfect! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Ooh, l love this creative face very much ❤️ Her expression is so kind
    and wise. Fashionable 🌹🎨

  3. I love this piece and never thought about using tissue papers for a painting. I did allot of faux wall at our woods home and I had gotten some great results for the wall. Need to see if I still have some of those papers-Happy Friday

  4. She is beautiful and awesome art work ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. This is beautiful and with your explanation even better!

  6. I like the painting. I specially like the tissue paper look. I see no flaws.

  7. Perfection is a myth. Confidence? Something to strive towards and I love that this beautiful piece encouraged yours.

  8. Carola, what do you mean it's nothing to write home about??? It's GORGEOUS! You have captured a beautiful moment!! I love how you named your work of art!! ♥

  9. This is so wonderful! I want her! haha. With the red roses and the sweet face with deep eyes, she is a true beauty. You did an excellent job on it. And your confidence in art is getting better and better each time. Thank you for sharing her. Sometimes it's the imperfections in a person that show us their true self. But I don't see any imperfections in this painting. It's a work of art.


  10. Ohh Carla I love her! The mask around her eyes is brilliant. Well done my friend. Thank you for joining Friday Face Off.

  11. I think you have done an exceptional job, Carola. I like it very much. Flaws are there if you want to see them I suppose, but so are all the components that are just right. Life is not without a few blemishes here and there, so let's just focus on the overall appeal and the 'wow factor' is there. I give it my seal of approval!

  12. She is quite amazing Carola. I too love your crinkly tissue paper. You did a great job, and I hope you share some more of your art with us. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

  13. I love her Carola, she looks great and I love her dotty mask. Happy Face-off Elle/EOTC xx

  14. Liebe Carola,
    sie hat eine wunderschöne Ausstrahlung - das ist viel wichtiger als "Perfektion", sowohl bei echten Menschen als auch bei Kunstwerken. Und sie erinnert mich mit ihrem blumigen Haarschmuck an Frida Kahlo - für mich eine der inspirierendsten Frauen der Kunstgeschichte.
    Mich wundert es nicht, dass dieses lebensfrohe Bild eins deiner liebsten ist!
    Hab einen guten Start in die neue Woche!
    Herzlichst, Traude

  15. She certainly does look confident, well done you.

  16. What a lovely portrait :)

    All the best Jan

  17. I'm glad you went back -- otherwise we never would have seen this lovely piece!


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