
Monday, January 3, 2022

T is for Take Your Pick


Here we are for the first T Tuesday post in 2022, kindly hosted by the lovely Elizabeth at Altered Book Lover. I hope all of you had a good New Year's and I wish you only the best for 2022. The end of the old year and the beginning of the new one was pretty chilly here in my part of the world, with frosty nights and even some snow (we usually don't get much snow). So we had hot chocolate in the afternoons, one of the things I love about winter.

As usual in January, I'm giving away three photo cards of photos I have taken in the last year. Just like in 2020 I didn't take as many pictures in 2021 as I usually do - something I want to change in 2022. 

So, how does this giveaway work? It's pretty simple - you will see 15 of my photos and I would like you to tell me in the comments which ones are you favorite three photos. Maybe you might like a photo so much that you want to give it all of your three votes - you can do that, too. You can divide your three votes however you like. All the photos have numbers, so just put in the numbers in the comments. By the end of the week I will see which three photos will have received the most votes. One of you - chosen randomly - will be the lucky winner to get those three photos as greeting cards. This giveaway is open worldwide, so don't hesitate if you live on the other side of the world.

1. Mustard

2. Winter Vineyard

3. The Ocean at Sunset

4. Salvia

5.  Cow Parsnip

6. Rocks at the Beach

7. The Apple

8. The Lighthouse

9. Looking up at the Redwoods

10. On the Ground

11. Windchimes

12. Ocean Sunset

13. Circles in the Sand

14. Ghost Dance

15. Wild Teasel


  1. You are very talented! I have always wanted to learn how to take amazing photos like these.
    I love all your photos but my favorites are Mustard, Redwoods and Ocean Sunset.
    I hope that you get the chance to travel, explore and take more lovely photos over the coming year.
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. Hi this was pretty difficult to choose because I liked most of them but my choices are 3 6 and 4
    I love hot chocolate in the winter too-with marshmallows too-smiles Happy T wishes

  3. They are all such gorgeous photos Carola!! I couldn't pick three- but my top faves are the ocean themed ones, and the nature shots of the flowers and such are a very close second as I love nature. OK. I guess that means I love them all:):) Happy New Year, and happy T day!

  4. Your photos are all very lovely.

    best... mae at

  5. These are great photos Carola. I always love seeing your photos. They are all wonderful, but my picks are photos 10, 1 and 2. I love taking photos too, and maybe I need to go through and see have been my own favorites (not posting them but just seeing). What a great idea. I hope you are having a wonderful 2022 so far and that you have a great year. And happy T day too. Hugs-Erika

  6. You make it very, very hard to choose.
    My picks are 3, 6, 13 - but it took a lot of scrolling up and down to decide.

  7. #3 and 4... 6 .. no, I can´t! #14 is too funny!
    They´re all great!
    To a Happy 2022 and more great chances for taking pics!

  8. All are wonderful - you are talented! 4, 5 and 13 for me if I had to pick, but I do like them all.

    Happy T-day and happy New Year, Carola. Hope it is a fabulous year for you and your family! Hugz

  9. Lavender, Rocks and Ocean sunset are my fave photos, but they are all wonderful! Happy New Year and happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  10. Hallo Carola,
    ich wünsche dir ein friedliches und gesundes neues Jahr! Bei uns fängt es sehr verregnet an. Es ist viel zu warm und Dauerregen. Man mag gar nicht nach draußen. Mir fehlt mein Garten.
    Deine Fotos sind alle sehr schön. Ich schaue sie immer gerne. Bei diesen fällt die Auswahl auch sehr schwer, aber ich habe eine getroffen.
    Die Nr. 2, weil ich Weinberge liebe. Wir gehen zu jeder Jahreszeit gerne dort spazieren. Die Nr. 3 weil das Meer bei Sonnenuntergang zum Träumen verleitet. Die Nr. 9, weil diese Bäume so imposant sind und aus dieser Perspektive herrlich ausschauen.

    Liebe Grüße

  11. I don't send cards any more so will opt out of the contest, but my favorite is the salvia (times 3) :) You can see I _really_ like that one lol

    Happy T Tuesday!

  12. Gosh, your photos are beautiful! It was really difficult to choose. I like the first one and the last one. But my votes go to 4 (vineyards) and 8 (lighthouse) I like the light house so much I'm giving it two votes, as it would make a lovely postcard. So one vote for 4 and two votes for 8.
    Thank you for doing this contest, and a special thank you for being prepared to send it across the oceans.
    Happy T-Day,
    Stay safe,

  13. Correction! I meant number 2 (vineyards)
    One vote for 2 and two votes for 8
    Happy T-Day,
    Stay safe,

  14. I'll tell you my favorites but because I won last time, you probably shouldn't enter me in the drawing (much as I hate to say that because I adored the cards I won from you before!) I love Mustard (1), Ocean at Sunset (3) and Salvia (4) most -- although those dancing ghosts are loads of fun!

  15. Please do not include me in your draw...

    I think all of your photographs are lovely, and it is so hard to choose favourites.

    Happy New Year.

    All the best Jan

  16. It's hard to choose. Great photos! 4, 8, and 10 would be the ones I'd pick.

  17. These photos are so superb, each and any one of them, that I cannot choose. So, I'll just enjoy contemplating them.

  18. Beautiful!

    I give two votes to No 1 - mustard and one vote for No 5 - Cow Parsnip.

    Wild Teasel I have seen a lot in my life but I didn't know its name. Thank you for identifying it for me.

    Happy New Year!

  19. Awesome photographs and so hard to choose favorites. Even your hot chocolate is beautifully photographed. My choices #3, #6, #8 Happy T Day

  20. Beautiful photos all but my favorites are The Lighthouse, Ocean Sunset (it is, you know, a soul place) and Ghost Dance (I've seen ghosts dancing).

  21. I must say your hot chocolate looks delicious - that is one good thing about dark afternoons - and we have plenty' Our lights have been on and off all day today!
    I love all of your photos but if pressed would choose 4,9 and 15.
    I am hoping to get out more in 2022 too! Belated happy T day, Chrisx

  22. I don't know how I missed this post. Just beautiful photos.

  23. I love that first photo of the hot chocolate. Would you consider adding that to your list in your giveaway? I can see it hung up in my kitchen with a cute frame. : ) Such lovely photos, Carola.


  24. Sorry I'm late visiting. I've had no internet or phone since last Monday, but stopped by to say I love your hot chocolate photo. Of course, they are all perfect, too. I really love them all, but I won't enter the contest. Instead, I will just thank you for your visit and participation in T this past week, dear Carola.


Thanks for stopping by. I'd love to hear from you!