
Friday, December 31, 2021

Reflections on 2021


So much has already been said and written about 2021 that I want to keep this short. In general it certainly was a rollercoaster ride with vaccines being available and the hope that the pandemic would be way more manageable (it will never be completey gone, I think we all know this by now), with a lighter way of life during the early summer, then Delta struck, boosters were made available and then we got Omicron. Up and down. It seems we better get used to it.

For me personally it wasn't such a bad year. Yes, I did have some anxieties, but I have learned (still do) to deal with them by meditating and trying to look at the brighter side, at all the good things in my life. There is a lot to be grateful for and I practice that every day.

It is still hard for me that my daughter lives so far away and I have no idea when I will see her again. I miss her very much, but I work hard on living my own life and enjoying the moments of connection. Some days are better, some aren't. That's life I guess.

My best decision this past year was to quit my high school library job. I have been feeling so much better since then - I have never regretted taking this step. As a result I started creating again, playing with mixed media, making tags and cards and working in my long negelcted art journal again. I had time to read and, of course, work in the garden which gives me so much joy. I haven't blogged as much as I wanted to, but maybe this will happen next year.

I thoroughly enjoyed connecting with many of you again through participating in the T Tuesday posts. I loved discovering new blogs and revisiting "old" ones. It was wonderful to read so many lovely comments from you - thank you for all your kind words that were often encouraging for me. You are the best.

I wish all of you a happy, joyful and healthy new year. 

"See" you in 2022!



  1. Beautiful post, your photos are amazing! we need to do what makes us happier in life-I try to do that too
    Happy New Year and hugs from the lake Kathy

  2. Awesome pictures!
    We'll perhaps, somehow get used to the pandemic, as we'll have to deal with its serious economic effects.
    Good Luck in the New Year with your creativity, gardening, blogging!
    Wishing you a Happy, Prosperous 2022 Year!

  3. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this year. Your beautiful photography is something to always fall back on in difficult times. I know what you mean about daughters living so far away, but it's good that you fill your life with many things, and I hope you see your daughter again soon. The reflection of the sunset/sunrise in the water is just beautiful. And I don't use that word often.

    Happy New Year Carola.


  4. Such lovely photos to go with your wise thoughts. I hope you have a good year in 2022, and that the world recovers from some of the global misfortunes, including the self-inflicted ones.

    best... mae at

  5. Gorgeous photos.
    Here's to a Healthy, Happy, Hopeful New Year - for you and for the world.

  6. Wonderful pictures.
    I agree. It must be hard to not know when to see loved ones again. Haven´t seen mine in two years.
    Year 2000. I drove to Göttingen and just quit the job (I was but a trainee, well I was an Engineer, but what the heck).
    When I came back Ingo´s Grandma said.... "you look so happy, did you quit that job?".

    To good decisions and a very Happy New Year!

  7. Happy New Year, Carola. Life has it's ups and downs, so let hope for more ups than downs in 2022. Hugs, Valerie

  8. Happy 2022, Carola! I like your attitude - you must live your best life. I read this thought recently and would like to practice it in the New Year: "hold difficulty in an open hand". Stay well.

  9. I'm so glad you have found joy since retiring from your job at the high school. Well done. I love the art you have been sharing. Happy New Year and more creative ventures to come!

  10. Happy New Year Carola. Such beautiful photos - I love the beach, sea, the salty air, even the seagulls - your photos bring all those memories to the surface.


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