
Monday, November 1, 2021

T is for Try an Abstract


Abstracts are something I have never felt drawn to and I certainly never imagined that I would try my hand on one much less four of them - but here I am today with four little abstracts. How did that happen?

While doing the Taster Lessons for Life Book 2022 I came upon Laly Mille whose pieces of art immediately spoke to me. Just shortly after the Taster Lessons she offered a free workshop "Abstract Color Challenge" which was open for just a week. We were asked to choose a color that we don't work with very often. It shouldn't be an intimidating color, but it should be challenging.

I chose green. Laly Mille likes to work in series and inspired us to do the same. So I cut my watercolor paper in four squares of 5 x 5 inches. Next I didn't find my masking tape and therefore had to use some washi tape to adhere my paper to a board - it did the job but was a bit distracting, especially since one of the washi tapes was green...

Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing. I was adhering collage papers to my substrate with no rhyme or reason, hoping that eventually something would evolve. Then I put paint to it, green paint of course. I did not take any progress photos except the following one:

It just looks too green to me! 

Good thing there is gesso - I used it a lot to tone things down a bit. Slowly I could see where I was going.

This first one is my least favorite one. I noticed the word "story telling" and circled it with a black pencil. Otherwise I didn't really know what to do with this square - I made patterns with colored pencils and oil pastels and stamped it. I declared it finished simply because I didn't know what else to do and I didn't like it.

The second one was easier. I had found the picture of the sculpted head in a magazine and knew that I would like to use it on one of the four squares. A stamp in the background before adhering the picture and I was done with this one.

The third one is the only one that has an additional color - purple, a color that I don't use that often either. The same stamp in the background and some oil pastels before I glued down the picture of the Lauren's Grape poppies from a seed package. The seed company Renee's Garden uses these beautiful painted flowers on their seed packages and I always keep them. Yes, I bought these seeds just because of the packaging, but also because I love poppies and they made a beautiful appearance in my garden several years ago.

And now my favorite one. I only added the same background stamp and then adhered the photo. It's from a Gudrun Sjõdén catalogue, my favorite clothing company - their catalogues are filled with stunning photography. As a final touch I painted around the picture with a copper oil pastel and called it done.

Since this is a T post we need a drink. Mine is just water in this bottle my daughter gave me. During three of her four years at UC Davis she worked with Student Housing, a job she loved. A nice little benefit was that the students were able to get these bottles - they hold cold drinks cold and hot drinks really hot for a long time. Thank you, Elizabeth, for hosting again this week!


  1. I wonder if the famous and widely commended artists work as you did, without having a plan or mental image of what they are creating, or if they do more pre-thinking than you described. Interesting discussion of your creative process.

    best… mae at

  2. I saw Laly's taster, but missed the follow up, which is now gone. I like all four of yours and I was with you all the way, as you shared how you created each of these. I like how you slowed us down, so we could stop and take in the beauty of these pieces you created. I have to admit, you have a TON of colored pencils. Your water bottle is fun. I like that it shows he UC Davis and Aggie Pride, too. It went well with your daughter's photo and your craft space.

    Thanks for sharing your four new abstracts and your water and water bottle with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear Carola

  3. Your favourite is also mine.
    I would love to walk down that green and leafy arch.
    Green is one of my favourite colours. In all it myriad shades.

  4. Hi I enjoyed seeing your art journey to the completed stage. I loved how your backgrounds turned out before you added the final elements-thanks for sharing I enjoyed your post. and I love cups like that-keeps things hot or cold for a long time. Happy T and Happy November hugs

  5. Looks like you had fun with the abstracts! And... guess you wouldn´t like our "green chamber" ;-)
    Cute last pic, that´s a "mini-Gurri" there, fun!
    Have a great T-Day.

  6. Laly Mille always makes the most delightful things. Abstacts are hard for me, too, I haven't yet finished that lesson, shame on me! Happy T Day, I'm just drinking coffee! Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  7. Your art is wonderful - I love the colors, layers, patterns, and interesing things you added. Wonderful to play like this.

    Great water bottle too and fun to have a look at your creative space.

    Happy T-day!

  8. Working with abstracts might be new to you Carola, but you made wonderful pieces. I know what you mean about never having really done it before (that's me), and I give you credit for doing it. I have always felt a little intimidated by it. Your pieces are great, and I love the view of your work table. Have a wonderful T day and start to the new month too. Hugs-Erika

  9. I love your backgrounds themselves as abstract art :) Happy T Tuesday!

  10. All are interesting though I like the last one best. Looks like it should be the cover for a handmade journal.

  11. I love your abstracts! I did this Laly Mille class last year as it was included in the Kaleidoscope taster sessions. I ended up working with red as that is not a fav colour lol. I love what you have done here with green and purple (two of my fav colours lol). Sometimes I work with a plan and most often not, and that way interesting things happen that you just don't expect, Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  12. Love your abstract art. They are so cohesive and the placement of you images are perfect. Beautiful texture.
    Happy Tea Day,

  13. Your abstracts came out beautifully- each one Carola! I love how you muted the background, it really makes all the difference doesn't it. My favorite is the last one too. Love a good bottle like the one you have - nice and sturdy, and one that keeps things hot or cold for awhile is a winner. Happy T day!

  14. Well done for trying abstracts. The results are truly stunning. I think the color green is quite a challenge, but you made them all beautiful. (as you rightly say: Thank goodness for gesso)
    My favorite is the one with the head.
    Happy T-Day,

  15. Abstract art is my thing and I think you did an excellent job. There are times I have an idea and others I allow the paint to take where it wants to go.

  16. I love your abstracts. They are amazing! Thanks for sharing. Happy T Day.

  17. I'm really impressed by these. I love the color palette and the layering feel. Sometimes I miss not doing mixed media more -- it's how I started. When I see work like this it makes me want to step back into it.

  18. I enjoyed the process of creating your abstract pages. Love the addition of the purple thistle. Purple, green, and blue are a favorite combination of mine for illumination. Happy T Day!

  19. This abstract art is different and delightful. I like the one with the purple flowers a lot. That last picture of your daughter and the water bottle and the colored pencils in the background is so creative. Your art projects are so interesting to look at, and you're very talented. I hope these November days bring you many pleasant surprises, Carola.


    ps. the Chinese pistache in your garden is beautiful. I used to see them all the time where I lived before. Autumns were so lovely there. Fall is pretty here in the mountains, and we get a lot of the golds, but it's the reds that I really miss. We had more rain, and I am thankful for all that we had. Your wind chime is really cool.


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