
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Circles in the Sand


While spending our short vacation in Bandon, Oregon, we were lucky to see the Circles in the Sand on their last day before a two-week break. On Monday morning while the tide was out several artists under the guidance of labyrinth artist Denny Dyke began drawing circles and spirals in the sand that are connected in a labyrinth with just one way in and out.

Here you can see some of the artists putting the final touch to the labyrinth.

By ten o'clock the circles were done and after a short talk the labyrinth was opened to the public to walk it. We had been there early and were able to take pictures before big and small feet wandered through it.

Circles in the Sand were started by Denny Dyke when he created them for his own walking meditations. This year is the seventh season of the Circles in the Sand, located at Face Rock Viewpoint. It was just a pleasant 20 minutes walk on the beach from our hotel.

We didn't walk the circles right after they were opened. We explored further along the beach and came back an hour later when most of the people were already gone. Thus the walk through the labyrinth became indeed much more of a walking meditation.

The intention of Circles in the Sand is to share love, joy and kindness. Therefore it is no surprise to see empowering messages and many hearts.

Of course this message was something that the Geek and I couldn't pass by. As you can see, it was a chilly and windy day (while the remaining Pacific Northwest was sweltering in a heat wave).

Usually the path is available to walking for about two to three hours until the tide comes in and the ocean claims the circles. By the end of the walk visitors were encouraged to do their own sand drawing in a side area. 

We climbed to the viewpoint up on the cliff to see what the circles looked like from above. It was quite impressive and I love Face Rock in the back.

When we came back in the evening to watch the stunning sunset, all of the circles were gone.

If you want to know more about Circles in the Sand, here is a lovely six minutes long video.


  1. Very cool. The messages are sweet, and the drawings are artistic. I would have loved to seen this is person. The message, "you are loved" is a powerful and special one for every person who walks that path. This is a beautiful sunset, Carola.

    I hope the August days bring you much goodness. : )


  2. What a very, very "cool" event! I hope you don´t mind I´ll share it? It would so fit in to tomorrow´s post.
    Wow, what a great idea! And so beautiful. Clever, lovely... "inspiring".
    Cute pic of you two, too :-)

  3. This is fabulous, Carola, what a wonderful idea. And thanks for sharing the video. Glad you were able to enjoy it! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Das sind wunderbare Bilder von einer großartigen Aktion. Man kann sich nur wünschen, dass noch viele solcher Ideen umgesetzt werden.

  5. How wonderful it would be to see such a thing. Plus, the coastline is beautiful all by itself.

  6. What a fabulous experience, Carola, and one which we would have enjoyed seeing, perhaps at a future date. The cliff viewpoint shot really showed off the maze and the final one with the sunset and showing the sand with no mazes was a great end to this post.

  7. This is unbelievably cool. I can't imagine doing it; you have to be so precise. And it's gorgeous. I love your distance shot where you can see the whole thing, and the xoxo pic. All that and it washes away. I'm completely wowed.

    Thanks for telling me this. My reading list disappeared again and I didn't know you'd posted again!

  8. This is so cool, Carola!

    Love the idea.

    Happy Thursday!

  9. This is just wonderful.
    What a special event.
    I did enjoy your photographs and those last two are fabulous :)

    All the best Jan

  10. just found your blog from Jeanie Croope, Lansing MI whom I follow her blog. love your photography and comments. refreshing to see a place that I probably will never get to visit. grew up in San Diego, now reside in Las Cruces NM. Love the ocean, nature. so relaxing.
    thanks for sharing your blog......... Sharon Gaskill

  11. Thank you so much for this post! My heart is smiling! Big Hugs!


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