
Monday, April 20, 2020

There's a Tiger in My Backyard!

Would you believe there was a tiger in my backyard?


Well, I have photos to prove it. See for yourself.

First he was a bit shy and hiding behind the strawberry tree, but then he became bolder and trotted through to the other side of the backyard...

... where he made fast friends with Otis.

Otis, however, didn't turn out such a great companion, so tiger went on exploring the garden.

He wasn't always happy though and let us know his displeasure.

He liked the shady corner (which is also my current favorite part of the garden), maybe because he found some water to drink there.

Then we wanted to get inside!


Maybe he felt a bit uncomfortable, but then he quickly calmed down and became a tame pussycat.

Want to have your own tiger (or raccoon or snake or wolf or...) in your garden or home? Just google "tiger" (or "raccoon" or "snake" or "wolf" or...) on your phone and see what happens. Fun for families stuck at home.


  1. Oh what fun.
    I usually avoid my phone but will have to try that - and loved the visiting tiger. Of course.

  2. Oh my gosh, Carola. I even called in my son to look at it! I thought it was real, but he thought it wasn't. So, I kept scrolling down and saw the picture of him next to husband on the couch. These are awesome pictures though, even though the tiger wasn't real. I thought maybe there WAS a tiger around your neck of the woods cause you live around a lot of nature. Great post, Carola. By the way, I love your red couch. : )

    Stay well and safe.


  3. This is a lot of fun... I wasn't sure what was going on at first ;D)
    Love your garden too by the way, beautiful bird bath and lovely plants.
    Thanks for your visit. I found a substitute yeast you may like to try, I typed it out in my reply.
    All the best as you keep on within your isolation bubble - and my warmest good wishes to you and yours Carola xx
    P.S. Otis is very brave !

  4. I already have a tiger in the house. Her name is Miriam!

  5. One of the times I wish I had a smart phone. This is VERY nifty! I need to share that with Molly and the boys.

  6. Oh, this is adorable!! Thanks so much for the smiles! Big Hugs!

  7. What a fun digital find. This is a great post. It made me smile and it is a great story. Hugs-Erika

  8. Oh my gosh, this is amazing, I don't know how it works but it sure looks real.

  9. Wow - that's crazy! At first I thought it was a statue, then briefly thought it was real until I saw the cat - the tiger would have eaten Otis!

  10. This tiger is gorgeous. I still don't quite know how you did this, but it is sure fun.

  11. Isn't this fun :)
    Makes for some great photographs.

    Happy May Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  12. Ohhhhh Süüüüüß!
    Scheint in Deutschland nicht zu funktionieren, hast du mehr Infos?
    Mutige Katze, muss man ja mal sagen ;-)
    Und dein Hubby erst! :-) Schön!


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