
Saturday, March 2, 2019

I've Seen Fire and I've Seen Rain

This James Taylor song came to my mind over the last few days.

Last Monday it started to rain and it didn't stop for the next 48 hours. It wasn't just rain, it was a heavy downpour, a deluge. When the rain finally stopped sometime on Wednesday parts of our county were completely under water. The evacuation orders got out on Tuesday, schools across the county were closed.

It was the highest flood in a generation.

Thursday was a beautiful day with sun, blue sky and little white clouds, so Liz and I decided to go to our lake and see what it looks like. We knew that the park was closed and we had to walk in from the other side. Since I know all the trails away from the lake we were able to get around half of it.

We hadn't quite expected what we saw.

The lake had expanded considerably. This is what it usually looks like (almost same perspective):

Another look:

... and what it usually looks like. This view is from the dam, but the water had come half way up the dam. The treeline in the photo above - those three big pine trees - marks where the trail runs along.

It was shocking and fascinating at the same time. We spent four hours at the lake, exploring. Over and over again, that James Taylor song popped into my head. Yes, we really got our share - firestorm and deluge.

This is a paved path in drier times, now covered by the waters of the lake. I loved the reflections.

This lake is a reservoir designed to hold storm water from several creeks that run into it and it sure was doing its job. But it reminded us of a swamp.

Can you see the little turtle?

When we came to the parking lot at the boat launch, there was nothing there - except water.

Only the day before the water was much higher. You can see it because of all the debris that is left on the road. It's good to see that the water recedes rather quickly.

Under all this water is the parking lot. I've never realized the beautiful view because all I saw was the paved lot. Now it's a lake.

Geese and ducks and other waterfowl were everywhere, enjoying the extended terrain they're having for a few days. They explored the picnic area.

The birds sure loved it. I think they found a lot of nutritious stuff in the wet soil. Robins and California quails were abundant, but we also saw and heard many other birds.

This is one of the creeks that runs into the lake. It looks beautiful, right? It's hard to believe that this area is completely dry in the summer.

The little towns and villages along the Russian River that were evacuated now have to clean up - a huge task. Last night it rained again and there is more rain in the forecast. I just hope it's not another Atmospheric River.


  1. Well, that's impressive. Not necessarily in a good way but more of a scary one. Water can do as much damage as fire, I think.

  2. Wow, that is a lot of water! Gorgeous photos! I saw the turtle! Big Hugs!

  3. A really surprising event! I hope it dries up soon!

  4. Wow! Nature is amazing in both good ways and bad. You mentioned swamp and that was the first thing I thought of. The flooding reminds me of the swamps here that have trees growing in them. Unexpected and whimsical. Hopefully the damage is minimal once all the water recedes. Those are some lucky birds right now.

  5. Amazing how much water you received. It really must have been profound to explore it all. Your spring should be gorgeous and lots of flowers!

  6. I hope all that rain does some good by alleviating some of CA's drought. What a mess the high waters leave behind. I did see your little turtle - high and dry. It's snowing here - so far about 20' and still going strong. Our son and grandsons are skiing. Bob is busy plowing and shoveling.

  7. I am afraid that these abnormal events are going to become more and more frequent. When my daughter was a little girl we would often walk in the rain, she and I, her with her little yellow rubber boots and small umbrella, me with my black one. But the rain was a soft, gentle drizzle, the kind we don't get any more. It was pleasant to go for a walk. Now it is either a deluge or nothing. To call to mind another song, "The Times They Are A-changin'"

  8. Oh goodness - that is a lot of water! I hope it doesn’t get too much worse with the next storm!

  9. Oh my. You guys really have seen a lot of rain. It is amazing how the landscape can change so quickly with the weather. At least the birds are enjoying the wet weather with more worms to find.

  10. These photos give amazing perspective, to the power of Nature. To see how it usually looks there. And how it looks, after so much rain.

    Happy for the birds and fowl though. :-)

    So much work to be done, by the towns... -sigh- With luck, it will go quickly, and without any more rain.


  11. Wow Carola, I was just saying on my blog post today that California always welcomes rain. I didn't know it rained this much in your area that the schools even closed. Still, the birds seem to love it, and look at those wonderful California Robins, one of my favorites. Your photos really show the level of rain, and I am happy that we got much this Winter. By the way, your post title is awesome and perfect.


    *I received the photo cards in the mail, and thank you very much for throwing in the California Poppies. It's a beautiful photo, and I want to frame it sometime. : )

  12. OMG! the area is inundated! Fire, deluge, everything is happening in California.

  13. So much water.
    Your photographs have captured the scene so well.

    All the best Jan


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