
Sunday, March 3, 2019

An Image and Its Story - February 2019

The shortest month of the year, still, I shot a good amount of photos in relation to the length of the month. The photo that made the cut for February isn't my best or even favorite image, but it summarizes the month perfectly.

Usually I'm more than grateful when it rains because I know that it fills up our reservoirs and gets us safely through the year water wise. But this month just was a bit too much. The "last drop" (pun intended) was the past week's deluge that caused havoc in so many communities along the river. It is still raining (after a two day break) and the forecast promises more rain is on the way.

I'm done with it. Too much of even a good thing is just that - too much.

Still - I feel guilty writing these words since it's not been that long ago that we were in a terrible drought and were waiting for rain that didn't come. It feels wrong not to be thankful, but it is very difficult to feel gratitude when you see the severe damage this flood has caused for so many people. The thankfulness carries a bitter tone with it, but I hope in the end it will survive all the bitterness.


  1. Just catching up. That's a lot of rain. And it's the cycle in California. Hope the weather clears up for you soon!

  2. Too much of anything is not a good thing - I can see where it would be difficult to feel grateful. I hope that the current deluge comes to an end soon and your weather has a chance to moderate somewhat!

  3. The image definitely say rain. Nature has been really tough lately. We had to take shelter last night in our bathroom with a tornado warning. It hit ground various times in the area but luckily no one was hurt. I hope things improve soon where you are.

  4. I totally understand. We have had too much rain in Kentucky and no sunshine for weeks. It gets a bit depressing after a while.

  5. What a beautiful photograph!

    I completely understand, how weather can confuse us, at times. Here, we need snow in winter, to have enough water, in summer. But sometimes, the snow storms get tiresome. Especially, when accompanied by ice. -sigh-

    But, like you, I remember summers, when outdoor water use was rationed. Would not want that again.

    I guess we do our best, to accept whatever weather, comes our way. Easy to say this today, as it is a beautiful sunny day here! And we did not get as much snow, last night, as we expected. :-)


  6. I understand the guilt -- but it's a great photo!

  7. Too much of anything often veers into unpleasantness! That much pouring rain would be giving me cabin fever. At least with our snow, I can get outside daily to exercise. Your photo reminds me of "rain, rain, go away"!

  8. Yeh! it is still raining, and it'll rain throughout march.. :(

  9. I'm with you 100%. Everything feels so soggy. I swear I'm growing moss myself. And here it comes again this morning.

  10. I do understand how you feel Carola. We are having extremes of everything to do with the weather.
    All the best xx

  11. Too much rain is not a good thing. I hope you are seeing sunny skies soon.

  12. Isn't it amazing, we so often either get too much or too little !!!
    I liked your photograph.

    All the best Jan

  13. I feel for you and I understand!
    I do love the photo! Big Hugs!


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