
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Warrior

February is almost over and I am far behind with my 29 Faces. Oh well...

Today, I only have one to show you, and I will also link this one to Paint Party Friday. This is the Warrior, based on a photo I found on Pinterest.

I'm sorry that I'm not in Blogland very often these days. My Dad died a week ago. I hadn't seen him for almost five years. We had planned to travel to Germany this summer and celebrate his 90th birthday together. Monday a week ago he went to bed in the evening and peacefully died in his sleep during the night. He is with my Mom now which is what he has always wanted since she died almost exactly seven years ago.

I will be back soon.


  1. Please accept my sympathy, I know how hard it is to loose a parent. What a blessing though to go so peacefully..and now they are together again.

  2. I am so sorry Carola! I think everybody wishes a death like your father had. 90 good years for sure!

  3. I am so sorry Carola.
    And his peaceful (beautiful) death is lovely, but doesn't diminish your pain.

  4. Am so sorry to hear your news Carola. Sending you hugs.

    I love your magnificent painting. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I hope you get some time for yourself. Your post is beautiful.

  6. Oh Carola, I am so sorry for your loss. It is wonderful to know that he is with his beloved wife now, though. Hugs and prayers for comfort for you in the days to come. And I do love your Warrior!

  7. I add my sympathy about the death of your father to the others who commented here. It is hard to lose a parent.

    Your warrior is magnificent. Painting may be what helps you in this time of grief.


  8. Please accept my sympathy for your father's death.

    You have submitted a lovely face.

  9. Bless your father! I am so happy he died peacefully! Your Warrior painting is stunning! Sending you a big healing hug ;o)

  10. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love and blessings. Your warrior is magical and strong! thank you for sharing

  11. Oh what sad news...I am so sorry!
    (your warrior is wonderful.)

  12. So sorry for your loss....I know how difficult it is to lose your last parent! My parents went five years apart....both at was so difficult! Wishing you peace at this time! Lovely pensive artwork!

    Hugs Giggles

  13. Oh Carol, I'm so sorry to hear about your father. My sincere condolences.
    Your painting is fabulous, by the way.

  14. Dear Carola I am so sorry for your loss. As difficult as it may be I feel that one can only pray that a loved one departs from this life as your father did in his sleep. Hugs and prayers.
    Your warrior is wonderful-strong, yet has a sense of peace about him.

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad Carola. It's so painful that you had planned to visit him this summer. At least it's good to know that he died peacefully in his sleep. That is the best way to die in my opinion, and might be of some comfort to the ones left behind. Wishing you strength ♥

  16. Carola - I am sorry that you lost your dad, but was glad to hear that he passed peacefully in his sleep. That painting is so wonderful - so much strength of character shows in the portrait

  17. You know how much we all grieve with you, Carola, over the loss of your dad, but you are so right...because he is now with your mom. The same thing happened with my mom, only two years after Dad died. It was Easter week for both of them when they "left," and it felt so right.

    Your warrior is YOU and I love how you have drawn her. Everything about her is just you.

  18. Carola, I'm so terribly sorry about your dad's passing.
    May you find comfort in knowing he is now with your mom, what he had wanted.

    Love your warrior , he has peace and serenity in him.
    Take care Carola.

    Annabelle : )

  19. Oh, I am so sorry for your loss! Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way.

  20. Oh! I am sad for you and your dad's passing. Sending gentle hugs!
    Your warrior shows me your strength for dealing with your grief.
    It's beautifully painted!
    Hugs, Lynn

  21. Sending hugs and well wishes for you and your family.

  22. I like your warrior very much. I am so sorry for the loss of your father; it is so painful to lose a parent. My heartfelt condolences to you.

  23. this face caught my attention, strong and beautiful.

    then i read your words. sending you and your dad light on his journey.


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