
Monday, June 24, 2013

Composing at the Lake

Waiting for customers

Recently I walked around "my" lake again. This time I wanted to take different pictures here than I usually do - no herons and egrets, no plants, no trees... but pictures of all the other "stuff" that I can find around the lake.

Since I had just gone through "The art of seeing" by Cathy Walters, I paid special attention to composing my image through my viewfinder and not later while editing. Now, don't get me wrong, I usually don't "snap" photos and then edit them later, I always have a vision and compose the image while taking it, but sometimes I feel time pressured or am not quite sure and then crop the photo accordingly in Photoshop. This time, however, I really wanted to have the finished composition in most cases, and I am happy to report that I succeeded in doing that. Not only did I allow myself more time for every single shot, I also had more fun and "saw" more.

I took several shots of these tables and chairs at the Lakeside Grill until I was really happy with the composition. I tried vertical and horizontal frames and felt that this one was more dynamic. I also like the monochromatic color.

The picnic benches were different. Since they were part in shade and part in sun, the exposure was a real challenge and I am not too happy about this final shot as there are still too many spots that are "burnt out".

The crow was another challenge - the black bird was in the shade, checking out the barbecue. I brightened it up in Photoshop, but it got the light blueish tint that I couldn't get rid off. However, I still like the shot for its "story".

photo of the week

What is it about boats that I find so attractive? I just love a boat on water - I took so many pictures of this rowing boat - from the side, from behind etc. - but this one kept being the favorite from the very beginning. There really isn't much to see, but you get the feeling of openness, the future before you... you know what I mean.

A little detail at the Lakeside Grill

This is one of those water distribution systems (I think). Actually, it's just a detail, the whole thing was much bigger - you probably know what they look like, you can find them everywhere (and if it's not for water distribution or regulation, please let me know in the comments). I am not at all used to this kind of "industrial photography" and I am not sure whether I really like it. It was interesting to try several shots, but to be honest, my heart wasn't in it.

I was delighted when I saw this guy fishing with his little daughter. Somehow it was so touching.

And seriously, who can resist these geese butts??? A different kind of water ballet.

And after all - even though I said so - I could NOT resist taking (tons of) pictures of my beloved black-crowned night herons.

Could YOU pass up a beauty like this one??? Yes, they have red eyes like this!


  1. Love all the blue! But I really really love those geese butts! Too cute!

  2. love - Love - LOVE them all!!!

  3. these are the most spectacular photos...all so clear and crisp with such good composition. Really wonderful.

  4. Wow. And wow again. I adore the geese butts and the heron, but the tables and chairs are an incredible photo. And yes, the monochromatic effect just adds to it.

  5. Wunderschöne Fotos von diesem Platz mit den Booten und so viele schöne Details. Das sieht nach einem sonnigen Sommerwochenende aus...
    Viele liebe Grüße Synnöve

  6. A great series of photo's. I think they are all well composed and like the crisp colors of the boats on the water.


  7. What a fun set, Carola! These are a departure for you, and you met the challenge well. The geese butts made me laugh. I think my favorite of this collection is that stack of yellow "inner tube" floats. I really like the composition and the color is very appealing. It speaks of summer fun!

  8. I love those butts ;o) LOL! The crow on the barbecue, excellent! The father and daughter picture so precious! Love the boat on the water! I love all the pictures!!! A+++

  9. These are really wonderful photos
    even though they are "different" from your usual photos.


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