
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Just enough

This year I'm taking Kim Klassen's e-course "Beyond Layers" which will be a yearlong journey. I am quite excited about it and wonder where this will get me. This past week had been very busy, so only today I started to work on some images for the course.

This week's theme was "just enough" - simplicity in photos. Something I admire and I want to achieve with a good part of my pictures, but so far haven't always been very good at. I looked through my archives and found two images that I once edited a bit (you can see them here and here) and today edited again.

First I did some levels and hue/saturation adjustments. Then I added Kim's texture "awaken", blending mode soft light at 72%. After a brightness adjustment I first eliminated the yellows and cranked up the saturation adjustment.

With this image of a light hanging from the ceiling in a mosque in Cairo I also started with some levels adjustment (this is a scanned slide). I added Kim's texture "papergrunge" at 100% soft light, then copied it, multiply at 74% and did some hue/saturation adjustments.

It was fun editing some images I already had processed in a certain way and now try a different approach. This can get pretty addicting.

Is anybody of you taking this course?



  1. Oh, I dig the rose and the berries! It just popped out at me and demanded to be looked at!
    Have fun with that course, it sounds fun and challenging!

  2. I especially like the editing on the second photo, Carola. So rich!

  3. Not me, can't understand half of what you're saying! :^) But i think these photos are beautiful and you're just starting with the course! Have a great week! Patsy from

  4. That first photo is magnificent, Carola. I love it!

  5. no - not taking the course, but really enjoying your editing processes... lovely picture of the lamp & the paint dabbed background.

  6. Both photos are stunning. I took Kim' skinny mini and really liked it. Will be looking forward to see what you do with this class.

  7. I love both this new treatment of your photographs, Carola. The simplicity in the first one is so striking. Beautiful work :-)

  8. Sounds like a fun course to take, Carola. Your first image is simply beautiful! Well done!

  9. I'm laughing at what some of the others said about not understanding what you are doing; as I too was feeling HUH? But I appreciate the photos I am seeing even if I do not have a clue what you did to make them so! LoL is on me!

  10. no, but I like to look into it, how does it work and what are the costs?

  11. I'm not taking the course, Carola, but I do know how addicting these textures are! BRAVO to you.

  12. These are both gorgeous, well done. Negative space is as important as the subject itself I think, the top one is my fave :)

  13. I like both, kind of the second one a bit better ;-)

  14. Carola, I am in the class too - did not know you were there! (It's such a big group....)Really like what you have done, especially the first image!

  15. Adore how you got the reds to just pop in that first photo - awesome work!

  16. Wow, spectacular photos! I love the perspective on the light!

  17. This course sounds wonderful. I'm going to hop over to her blog & find details. If it's open I may try to find theobey to join. I could use a new spurt of inspiration in my photo editing.

    By the way I'm taking an ecourse thru in a month. Maybe you'd like it! It would be fun to know someone in class.


Thanks for stopping by. I'd love to hear from you!