
Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I haven't participated in WOYWW for quite some time - first we were on a trip up the coast of Oregon and Washington and after we had come back it was only two more weeks until school started and I spent time with Kaefer and not so much at the computer. This week school has started again and I'm slowly finding back my routine.

Some of you had previously asked about the sheet that was covering my work area. I finally decided to retire it and cut it up.

 Unfortunately I didn't take a picture before cutting it up, and here I already used some of the parts.

One part became the background for my art journal page that you can see on the right side:

 Since I don't like to wait for paints etc. to dry I started another page on the left so I can work on both of them. On both pages I didn't use any brush for spreading the acrylic paints but just my fingers. It feels great, is wonderfully messy and gives a great texture. When I gessoed the face on the background paper on the right page I liked how the colors beneath it started to bleed through and thus gave the face its own characteristic.

This is the third project I'm currently working on, a 6x6 canvas:

You can see that I cut the shape of the head out of the old worksheet.

That's what's on my work table today. If you want to see more desks and don't mind a trip around the world, hop on over to Julia and find the entire list.



  1. Love, love, love your art. Like you, I really enjoyed Christy's workshops and it is great to see what you are now doing. Always so creative.

  2. Love your sheet all chopped up and ready to be used and the journal pages look lovely too... now doing two at a time so you don't have to wait for paint to dry is the way to go... I have no patience for such either... which is why there are always fingerprints on my stuff!!

  3. such a great sheet...contains a real history of artfulnesss!
    Thanks for sharing your desk today. Sarah at 2.

  4. Traveling is fun. It's the one thing I love more than art. Byt doesn't it feel so good to get your fingers all painty again?

  5. Great looking desk this week. I use paper sheeting to protect my desk and then repurpose it too. Glad to hear you are back. I feel so out of the loop not having school age kids any longer. My baby is 32! Enjoy them while you have them! Vickie

  6. Glad you are back! Looks like you are going to have a lot of fun with that sheet. Loving what you have done so far.
    Happy WOYWW

  7. Well it's good to see you back... that all looks very interesting, so have a great week creating and don't forget my birdcage swap!!

  8. Aah, fingers - the best tools known to man!! Love those pages, and the use of your background sheet is perfect!

  9. Some interesting artwork in progress there - you'll have to post the end result to satisfy my curiosity!! xx

  10. Good you're back again. love the sheet on your desk. It's big enough to use it for different kind of projects. Like your journal and canvas too. Have a happy WOYWW.
    Bye, Franka

  11. Love it Carola, wondered how long it would be before you used the protector paper! You're right about the characteristics for the face, isn't that amazing. Am loving the start and colour of this next canvas..a self portrait?

  12. Great pages! I'm impacient about drying time, too. :)

  13. Oh wow - so creative - Hazel WOYWW #65 x

  14. ohoooo ery busy! Lots of paint...thank you for my snoop have a crafty week!
    Happy WOYWW!!

  15. Hi Carola. I like what you are doing there with the head from the old worksheet. It's one way of recycling. Great idea. Thanks for sharing your lively work.
    Happy WOYWW!

  16. Love how the sheet turned out so usable, amazing really to think what's gone into it. And now you get to start a new clean sheet off and see how it develops too!

    Brenda 80

  17. people who put family forst live long happy lives,

    if you do art too,

    you are already in heaven,

    love the cut away under sheet,

    glad you are back online,


  18. Oh my your journal pages are lovely! I'm like you...don't like waiting for things to dry either! Your canvas looks amazing and I can't wait to see it done! Happy WOYWW

  19. It's a lovely sheet. If it's any consolation, I forget to take before pictures too, even DDs birthday cake this year. Hope your Wednesday is wonderful. #89

  20. I'm having a quick trip round the WOYWWers before I start on my next batch of little African dresses. It's great to see what you're busy with this week.
    A x

  21. Welcome back from your holiday. The children here went back to school this week so it feels like summer is over :( Love what you are doing with that sheet - your journal pages are lovely. Elizabeth x #70

  22. Now that's recycling! Have a super week!

  23. Isn't it amazing how these sheets turn out. I used bits from one for my message in a bottle on my blog and for the pages in my domino book.
    Great artwork from you - glad you are back with us.
    Thanks for sharing- Neet #19

  24. You're obviously inspired these days! Great projects! Patsy from


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