
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Purple and Green

Purple is not necessarily my color, but I love green - therefore, I was a bit torn with the weekly challenge at Inspiration Avenue. And since this week was the last week of the school year AND I have started a new online course last Monday, it was quickly sent to the backburner because there was so much else to do. Every now and then I remembered it just to send it out of my mind as quickly as possible. Silently I decided to skip this week's challenge.

While visiting the wonderful artists who participate in this week's Paint Party Friday I came upon Stephanie Corder's take on purple and green - and suddenly, inspiration hit me. I took out my watercolor crayons to create a background in my little sketchbook, saw the stamped owl lying on my table and grabbed it, quickly drew up the tree with Pitt pens - it was just play, nothing really serious, but it ended up in this little owl scene.

I've discovered that "just playing" works very well for me. I don't really worry about what I will end up with and just enjoy the process. It is very liberating to banish any images out of my head and just see what will happen instead. If I envision a certain image I am ALWAYS disappointed about how the real image turns out which only leads to frustration and discouragement. So I try to play - it doesn't always work, but I'm getting better at it.

What about you - do you always have an image in your head before you start creating?


  1. There's nothing like creative play to get you working. Well done.

  2. Here's to playing! Lovely colour combination.

  3. Almost never do I have an image. Unless of course I am doing a watercolor from a drawing I did of one of my photos...but more often my fabric work just evolves as I go. It's a lot of fun that way.

  4. Loving your journal page. Playing is so good for your well being. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  5. An excellent way to do it, Carola. Have fun, and see what develops. I love the purple and green scene, and the owl is perfect!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. Hi Carola...this is a fabulous piece..the colors draw me in..and I love the energy flowing from the whole scenery..a very magical feel to it which i love!
    I have never tried water color crayons..they sound awesome! Yes..I sometime have an image in my head that won't let me go until I go and paint it a seed i must explore! and other times no image..but i feel prompted to create and let whatever it is..OUT!
    Fabulous post!

  7. Yes, yes, yes...playing is much more productive. If I have something definite in mind it is like trying to paint with handcuffs on. I don't tolerate the restraint very well. :) All the intense purple in my piece must have been a bit hard for you to swallow! :D Appreciate your taking time to comment on my blog.

  8. How whimsical and lovely! Your "just playing" yields some beautiful results.

  9. I like your piece. I love the background you created and your owl in the tree is a cute addition. I relate to what you have written too. I will get an idea in my head and then if it turns out different I feel disappointed in it. So I have been trying to get an inspiration that is not completed in my head and then what is the finished piece is what it is to be. BUT I find that a challenge too.

  10. sometimes I do, but then it can even turned out completely different, that is creative freedom I think

  11. lovely, fun piece. I enjoy the experience much more when I just play and respond to each stage of the process. I like to start from a prompt that is an emotion or broad descriptor to help gudie my decisions of how to play.

  12. Eine tolle Seite, mir gefällt dein Eulenbaum sehr.
    Ja, meistens habe ich das geplante Werk vor meinem geistigen Auge, was aber nicht heißen soll, dass es dann schlussendlich auch so aussieht wenn es fertig ist ;) Die Feinheiten entwickeln sich im Laufe der Arbeit.

  13. Yours is one of the few blogs I can seem to leave a comment on. I'm glad, too, because I sure love how you "play." I wish I were that creative and artistic. Very lovely and adorable addition to this week's IA challenge.

  14. "Just playing" can produce some great work! Love your little owl :)

  15. So glad you just DiD IT!
    You are an inspiration for not take the easy way out...just try! xox

  16. Having an image in mind is the surest way to disappointment for me. Just slapping some paint on the paper and going where it leads is the only thing that works.

    Love that you just played and were happy with the result.

  17. I'm such a darn perfectionist, Carola, it would probably be very hard for me to just play and let something come out of the blue without forethought. However, I'd like to become more loosey-goosey, truth be known. You've just inspired me. And BTW, I LOVE the way Wimbledon uses purple and green together...and Mardi Gras, too. :)

  18. Lovely! Yes, the less I think about creativity, the more creative I end up being! Thanks for stopping by my place and saying hi!

  19. So glad you decided to 'play' because this turned out great! I really like this cute and expressive picture!

    If you enjoy 'just playing' with no expectations I think you'd be good at the TIC TOCC challenges. Hope you get chance to join in sometime.

    Kat :-) X


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