
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

To all of you, my wonderful blogger buddies: Have a happy 2011! I hope that the new year will be a good year for you with many wonderful moments of joy and fulfillment. Stay healthy and live life to the fullest.

We just came back from 11 days in the desert - wonderful, exciting days when we visited places we love and explored new sites. Our hope to find snow was finally fulfilled on the almost last day of our trip in Utah. But even though the snow was rare over Christmas, we had a very relaxing time that we enjoyed as a family - and I never got near the laptop, not even once.

I hope I can tell you more about the trip in the days to come, I'd really like to share it with you. I'm still sorting through my photos, I took almost 2000 pictures and many of them are just crap, at least in my opinion. But you will get to see some of them.

One of the nicest things of coming home is going through the pile of mail (you know, the "real" stuff,  with envelopes and stamps...). Among them, I received two items I'd love to share with you.

The first one is an ornament handmade by my blogger friend Rhonda at Roban Studio. She had shown these ornaments on her blog sometime before Christmas and I thought how cute they were - but I had never thought that she would actually send one to me! What a lovely and thoughtful surprise. Thank you so much, Rhonda, the little nutcracker will have a home here for years to come.

The second one is ornament #3 of Louise Gale's Creative Color Challenge Ornament Swap, and this one is from Regina. I absolutely love this little scene, it looks very peaceful. Thank you very much, Regina, this is so beautiful.

Please come back tomorrow - I'm going to have my very first giveaway on the very first day of the new year.


  1. Very cute ornaments. Happy to hear you had a good and restful trip. I don't know about the others but the photo you posted here of the desert is georgous. Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year Carola! May you be Blessed in all manner of ways in 2011! Thank you for sharing my ornament on your blog. I'm so happy it made it safely to you. I was thinking about you today and wondering if you received it...was going to email you, then decided to check your blog...and you're back!! :-) Yay! The ornament from Regina is very cute! Can't wait to hear about your trip and see your photos.

    Hugs ~

  3. Wishing you a wonderful New Year! Glad you had a nice relaxing time with family.

  4. Happy New Year to you, may it be a wonderful year for you and your family and friends.

  5. Happy New Year Carola. I was so inspired by your comment you left on my blog. I know I don't get here often enough, but I am truly glad I got to meet you in blogland this year.

    Your photography is always a joy to see. I only wish I had a camera that took such lovely shots. No matter where you are, or what you are shooting, you always have the best photos. I'm always impressed with them.

    Again, happy new year.

  6. Moin Carola, auch ich wünsche dir ein frohes, gesundes und kreatives Jahr 2011. Bin schon sehr auf deinen Urlaubsbericht samt Fotos gespannt.
    LG Silvia

  7. Hey Carola, we are sending love and heartfelt wishes for a most amazing New Year to you and all your loved ones. I just know it is going to be an interesting and fun time! I am so blessed to have met you here.
    Susan & Larry

  8. Carola, that first photo is just magical!!! I do love the desert in winter. We used to take our motorhome out to the Anza Borrego for New Year's. Getting a little wimpier with age, I'm afraid, as it is often like 29 degrees and dark at 4:15 when the sun goes behind the mountains... we WILL get there, but maybe in a month or so. So glad that you were able to UNPLUG. Smart thinking!! And how fun to come home to such nice surprises. Cheers to you, my friend, I'm so glad we have kept in touch and I hope we can continue right on into 2011!!!!


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