
Monday, January 6, 2025

The 366 Project: December


This is the last month of my 366 project - yes, I did it. I took at least one photo each day of the leap year that 2024 was (hence 366 and not 365). Many days it wasn't difficult at all, especially while traveling, but on some days I struggled and sometimes even only remembered to take a photo shortly before I went to bed.  I'm glad that I kept at it, but I'm also sure that I won't do any project similar to this anytime soon.

So, here's December:

As you can see, the month started with rather familiar images like the winter lights on our home,

and fall vibes we still enjoyed in the first month of winter.

On two Saturdays I worked as a substitute teacher in my old class which was a lot of fun. And then, when we were talking about whether we want to invite friends for New Year's Eve, the Geek came up with an "alternative idea", as he called it - why not a road trip to the American Southwest like we so often did in winter years ago and haven't done since 2014? It was a crazy, spontaneous idea, and of course we went for it.

We took Highway 50 through Nevada, the "loneliest highway in the US" and into Utah where we visited beautiful national parks like stunning Bryce Canyon,

crowded Arches (first in fog that eventually gave way to sun),

beautiful Canyonlands (this is the Needles District),

enjoyed the last sunset of the year over Grand Canyon in Arizona,

and visited state parks like Cathedral Gorge, Kodachrome Basin, Gobelin Valley and Dead Horse Point as well as Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument.

More about this in much later posts, because I would like to continue sharing more of our trip to Europe.

But I do need a drink for Bleubeard and Elizabeth's T Tuesday. Can you believe that I didn't take a single shot of a drink in December? So I need to turn to the jerk - unfortunately, when you go to national parks you also can't avoid a lot of jerks. One of them we saw on the last day of the year at Grand Canyon. While most people enjoyed the sunset quietly from the viewpoint, this guy went to the top of the rim, unfolded his camping chair in front of allof us and set there for everyone to witness how he drank his can of beer and being a - well, jerk. That's my drink contribution this time - I wish it was without the jerk.

Since I was away from Blogland for more than two weeks, I didn't have the chance to wish you a happy new year. All my best wishes to you for an enjoyable and healthy 2025.


  1. ...I see that you have had your travelling shoes on, thanks for taking me along to see the sights. Fill 2025 with happiness, good health and fun stuff!

  2. That's a great December trip you took.It seems like a lovely time of year to go also. Too bad about the jerk though. And Congrats on getting photos all 366 days. It what fun to see what your discovered. Happy new year and happy T day to you also. hugs-Erika

  3. Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year & Happy T Day!

  4. Beautiful photos. I love those national parks in Utah and Arizona.
    Have a great year in 2025.
    best, mae at

  5. Well done on meeting that challenge.
    Huge sigh at the jerk - and I look forward to seeing more photos from your amazing trips - at home and in Europe.

  6. Das sind tolle Fotos! Und die "alternative Idee" finde ich klasse!
    Das alte Jahr in Ruhe auf der einsamsten Straße beenden und das neue begrüßen st eine tolle idee.
    Habt ihr einen Campervan? Wir haben damals im Auto geschlafen (Australien´s Outback), aber ob ich das jetzt noch möchte...? ;-)
    Bryce Canyon ist... WOW. Und oh, wie ich Nebel vermisse.
    Oh, boy.solche Idioten sind aber auch wirklich überall.
    Und dennoch: Frohes Neues Jahr!

  7. What an awesome trip! We love the southwest and you picked some of our favorite places. Bryce is hard to beat.

  8. Allem voran für dich und deine Lieben ein gesundes und frohes 2025, liebe Carola.
    Deine Fotos sind grandios. Dankeschön. Ich bin begeistert von den Bienenkörben aus Stein - so etwas sah ich in Irland auf Skellig Michael.
    Und hin und weg bin ich vom Nationalpark in Utah, diese Türme und Säulen aus rotem Sandstein... es ist wie aus einer anderen Welt... ganz unglaublich.
    Überhaupt liebe ich die gesamte Gesteinswelt. Ich freue mich darauf, wenn du weitere Beiträge machst, denn ich glaube nicht, daß ich es in Natura sehen werde. Nun, die Welt ist groß, man kann nicht alles sehen. Aber das was man sieht sollte man genießen.
    Eine Umarmung für dich und Dank. Viola

  9. Wow, the lights on your house are spectacular! So colourful and beautifully arranged - love them ☺️. Your photos are amazing and how wonderful to go on a road trip at New Year to all those National Parks, I have actually been to all of them on our travels so you brought back some fabulous memories for me - thank you! Wishing you a Happy T Day ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

  10. Congrats on completing the 366 project! I loved looking at your photos, those in and around Utah and the desert are just amazing. Happy New Year!

  11. I was considering doing the same in 2025 (a photo a day) and then you sort of discouraged me, especially since I don't seem to go anywhere. I LOVE the cute rocking horse. I don't have one even similar to that one.

    I laughed at the go outside piece. I am one who tries to look at worst case scenarios.

    That guy might have been a jerk, but it was an AWESOME entry for T this Tuesday, dear Carola. I always love outside the box entries.

  12. I love how your home is decorated for the holidays! I had thought about doing this (with every post you made) and then promptly forgot and haven't done anything much (except when I did a lot!) And Brice Canyon-- I don't think I remember you went there but oh, it is a wonderful spot. (Maybe you haven't posted it yet). In any event, it brought back memories!

  13. I'm with Elizabeth. That guy might be a Jerk of the First Water, but a very clever T Day post. The scenery you showed just beautiful. So different from my little corner. Happy T Day

  14. Oh what beautiful photos! I recognise a lot of the canyonland scenarios. I went on a Canyons holiday with Tauck Tours in the year 2000. And I loved it. I shall never forget it.
    Happy T-Day,

  15. Wow! Gorgeous photos. I've been on Hwy 50 before. I really like that kind of driving. Have the best 2025

  16. Congrats on completing your 366 project!
    That’s such an amazing achievement!
    Your December photos are beautiful, Carola.
    As for the jerk, what a way to leave an impression!

  17. Wow - ganz tolle Fotos. Diese Landschaften sind einfach faszinierend. Mal sehen ob ich es in diesem Leben noch dahin schaffe. Jeden Tag ein Foto und die dann auch noch so geordnet archivieren. Das verstehe ich, daß Du dieses Projekt nicht gleich wieder fortsetzen willst. Aber die Idee an sich hat was.
    Alles Liebe und eine gute Zeit, danke für Deinen netten Besuch bei mir.

  18. Happy New Year, Carola to you and the Geek, Nd what a lovely spontaneous trip suggestion! You captured stunning images, aside from the jerk, there’s one everywhere even in such a beautiful location😕. Also, congrats on the 366 project which is something I will do one day. Watching all the devastation in CA, I have been thinking about you and hope you are not in harm’s way. It’s such a sad and terrifying situation.

  19. Todo me ha parecido maravilloso, es un precioso viaje, has hecho unas fotografías preciosas. Te deseo un feliz 2025, lleno de salud y amor.

  20. Well done on completing the project.
    My good wishes for 2025.

    All the best Jan


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