
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The 366 Project: April


The past four weeks have been busy and it doesn't look like the next two weeks will be any different. I honestly don't know why the end of the school year always has to be so chaotic and this year seems to be worse than all the other years. Two more weeks and then this school year will be over and I will also have some news for you then.

For now, here are the 30 pictures for April, one for each day:

My favorite photo of this month was the one of the red poppies. They are growing in abundance in my garden and some of them have been growing through the fence. Due to some pretty strong winds a few of them toppled over, and in order for them not to be trampled down by people and dogs on the sidewalk I brought them in and put them in a vase. I did not the "put in boiling water for 10 seconds" or scorch them, fully aware that their vaselife is extremely short (just one day). I still prefer them out there, but I wanted to give these doomed poppies one more brief shot on life.

In our local independent bookstore I found this beautiful journal. It has lined and very smooth paper, I'm sure it will be lovely to write in it. Journals are something I can hardly pass by.

I will try and come around visiting you, but it may take a while. As soon as the chaos will have subsided, I will have more time. At least that is what I hope.


  1. ...your April sure looked colorful, I wish you a exciting and colorful May!

  2. The end of the school year is always a frantic time. I hope you get through it without too much trouble. Your red poppies are indeed beautiful! And like you, I love journals. I like the blank ones, without lines, but they are more difficult to find. Have a good rest of the week.

  3. Your April looks beautiful - and busy. I hope the busyness calms down for you and that May is equally beautiful.

  4. The April Mosaic pictures are fantastic

  5. You mention that you will soon have news for us, Carola. I hope it will be that you have decided to retire and free yourself from school chaos. I will be waiting! Hugs - David

  6. Lovely photos Carola. Your April looks very colorful. Are you back working? I thought you had retired, but good luck with the end of the school year. hugs-Erika

  7. Carola, i really enjoy seeing the past month presented in little images and I tell myself that it's something I will month, so now that May is well started, I will have to wait until June. The red poppies are lovely and I wondered how long they last when picked and put in a vase. That journal would have been hard to resist for the cover alone.

  8. Tom is right, you have had a colorful month. The end of the school year is always so busy. Your poppies are beautiful!

  9. I love your 365 project and I agree with the poppy photo. It's beautifully composed and the poppies are exquisite. They are a flower I can't seem to grow but I just love them. That's a lovely journal -- and I know it will soon be filled! Happy May!

  10. Wow! So many wonderful photos for April. I love all the flowers.

  11. Genau das sagt meine Tochter auch immer, sie unterrichtet Kunst und Französisch und die ersten Abiturprüfungen sind vorüber... samt Korrektur...
    Deine Fotos sind wunderschön.
    Und die rote Mohnblume ist der Inbegriff des Sommers.
    Bisher hatten wir einen wundervollen Frühling... jetzt blühen gerade noch die letzten Rapsfelder. Und der Rhododendron zeigt sich in allen Facetten.
    Komm gut durch deine arbeitsreiche Zeit.
    Bis bald. Viola

  12. Lovely April photos. Red poppies are my favourite too and I would love to grow them in our garden.


  13. Your April mosaic is delightful and the red poppies are stunning.
    I can only imagine how hectic the end of the school year must be, but I hope you find moments of calm.

    Happy Tuesday, Carola!


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