
Thursday, March 28, 2024

Watercolor Woman

 After a long time I'm joining Nicole's Friday Face Off again with this watercolor I did quite a while ago. I had mixed both colors until I liked them - the blue is actually more of a light blue-green, kind of teal color that my camera didn't capture. The stars are stencilled on with acrylic paint. I was really happy with this painting until I changed the background by adding swirls and stenciled shapes, and I didn't like it at all. To make things even worse I tried to cover it up with titanium buff which didn't work either. I guess I have to live with it. Lesson learned - if you're happy with a painting, don't fiddle with it anymore.


  1. Knowing when to stop is always difficult isn't it? From my perspective though, this is lovely.

  2. ...I like your one eye lady. Take care and have a Happy Easter.

  3. Not fiddling is sometimes advice that it hard to take, Carola!

  4. Wow Carola. This face is just gorgeous. This is mixed media/watercolor at it's best. Have a wonderful weekend and hope the knee is still improving. hugs-Erika

  5. LOL, ich muss da leider zustimmen - das Porträt ist wunderbar geworden, aber über den Hintergrund habe ich mich gewundert ;-)
    Danke fürs Teilen, ein wertvoller Rat!

  6. OHHHH My Gosh she is stunning. Very well done with the colors, especially the skin tones. Very well done my friend. Thank you for sharing her with FFO and have a nice weekend.

  7. Your woman is fabulous. Hugs, Valerie

  8. Oh, I love this! It is very evocative!

  9. Das schaut ja echt gut aus, Dein Aquarell. Sehr gelungen. Ich würde sowas nicht hinbekommen- ich bin eher auf der musikalischen Seite.
    Alles Liebe und eine gute Zeit

  10. When my mother was painting, especially watercolors, she was always tempted to keep going when she knew she should stop, and would say “Cut off the artist’s hands” to indicate how she was thinking.
    best, mae at

  11. This is just lovely, Carola. And I'm glad you are painting!

  12. So true. About knowing when to quite.

  13. Hi, Carola! The lady's face and her intense eye are so compelling that I didn't notice the background. I rather like the softened, muted background. It makes her face even stronger. I think this image is beautiful! Have a lovely Easter!

  14. Carola, yes, it is difficult to know when something is finished without "tweaking" it just a bit more. The same happens to me with photos. That said, I did think the colors were lovely, even if not quite to your vision.

  15. Schöne Farben, mir gefällt das retuschierte Muster... es sieht aus wie alte verwaschene Wandbemalung... mußte so sein!
    Frohen Ostermontag wünsche ich dir, wobei ich denke, dass dieser Tag vielleicht nicht in Gebrauch ist in deiner Gegend? Jedenfalls habe ich gerade gefärbte Ostereier im Topf für das Frühstück. Viele liebe Grüsse zu dir und
    alles Gute. Eine Umarmung von Viola

  16. Hi Carola - thanks for your comment ... and as the others have said 'knowing when to stop is never easy' ... but I love your art - you're obviously very talented. Happy Summer in northern California! Cheers Hilary

  17. Yo lo veo muy bien. Besos. Que tal sigue tu rodilla?.


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