
Thursday, June 15, 2023

A Face and a Walk


Several weeks ago I showed you this spread in my art journal that I had just started. It took me forever to work on it and eventually today I called it finished because honestly, I became fed up with it.

First off, I don't like the face. I traced it from an ad in a magazine, but during the process I found out that I'm really not that good with painting realistic faces. At least not with this one and I think I will take a break in trying to paint human faces. It also took me forever to get out of the "ugly phase" - that's when I decided to add flowers. This was a bit of an experiment, because I painted these flowers with watercolors. Now, the substrate - papers collaged with matte medium and painted over with acrylic paints - is less than ideal for using watercolor and of course they reacted completely different than on watercolor paper - and I actually liked that. As the final touches I stamped a few butterflies and of course birds. I like the right page of the spread, but not so much the left one.

This is for Nicole's Friday Face Off.

Last Thursday my friend K and I went for a walk at Riverfront Park near Windsor, two lakes snuggled among the vineyards. I hadn't been there for several years, but it hasn't really changed very much.

We walked along Lake Wilson and when we arrived at Lake Benoist we were greeted by the following sign:

I remember when I was here last, we weren't able to get around the lake on the trail, but had to climb over boulders at the very end of the lake to continue the loop. It seems that this is an ongoing problem...

Even though the parking lot was rather full, we didn't see many people. It was an overcast day, perfect for a walk or hike.

Beautiful willows line the shore.

The trail for the most part followed the shore and only every now and then would lead further away. It was an easy hike.

There weren't as many wildflowers as at Spring Lake or Crane Creek, but we did see a few.

Natives on top: Blue elderberry (Sambucus mexicana) on the left and California wildrose (Rosa californica) on the right

Non-natives on the bottom: Greater periwinkle (Vinca major, very invasive) on the left and Anthemis cotula aka Stinking Chamomille on the right.

For our way back we decided to not walk along the lake again but take a different trail a bit higher up. It was a lovely walk and I always enjoy introducing K to new places. We have so many lovely Regional Parks here and I love to explore them.


  1. I think you are much too harsh about your face painting skills - and love the other side too.
    That is a walk I would love to experience. Thank you for sharing some of its beauty. And for your courage in showing us a piece of your work that you don't like.

  2. The art journal looks so artistic!

  3. The wildflowers alone made the walk worthwhile, Carola. I expect there was a little bird sing to enhance the experience, too. Take good care - David

  4. ...what an intense face! Stinking Chamomile seems to be everywhere this year, what a name! The view of the lake is a delight.

  5. Wonderful photos, TFS! And your journal spread is ***Fab*u*lous***, love it. Keep going with faces! Have a happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  6. i like your art spread Carola, but like you, I can't do realistic faces. At least you know that now, right? Even if I do think the face is actually pretty good. And that's another pretty walk. I'd say the flooding is bad, but in California with the drought it might be good to see the flooding sign. Have a lovely weekend. hugs-Erika

  7. Beautiful wildflowers! It looks like a really enjoyable walk, and nice that you found a way to make a round trip despite the blocked part of the trail.
    best, mae at

  8. Well my dear friend, on the contrary, your face today is gorgeous. The tension in her face shows great emotion. I can see and feel the anxiety she is feeling. The wrinkling of the paper with her hand touching her forhead captures the soul of her. I love this face and think you did a wonderful job with it. What a nice walk. I had these kinds of areas to walk through when I lived in N. Idaho, here in Oregon where I live there is NOT. Thank you for joining FFO and sharing your lovely art. Have a great weekend.

  9. Beautiful pages and a lovely walk!

  10. I think your face is wonderful. I think we are always our own worst critic. I love the background, too. The flowers are amazing. I think they are very realistic.

    What lovely photos from your walk. Just beautiful views and awesome flowers, Carola.

  11. A mí me gusta tu diario, me parece muy bonito. El paseo genial. Besos.

  12. Ach herrlich euer Spaziergang, das hätte mir auch Freude gemacht.
    Danke für deine Fotos Carola. Du wohnst in einer fantastischen Umgebung...
    Ich freue mich darauf, mehr zu sehen und wünsche dir viel Spaß bei
    deinen Wanderungen.
    Mit der Kunst ist das so eine Sache... kennst du den Spruch "Kunst ist schön macht aber viel Arbeit" :-))) Ich bin in den Anfängen stecken geblieben und
    habe mich jetzt aufs Nähen verlegt (ich mache meine Schnitte selbst und fühle mich auch wie ein kleiner "Künstler" damit) - zumal meine Tochter Kunst studiert hat und unsere Zimmer mit ihren Werken geschmückt sind.
    Aber trotzdem so ein bisschen habe ich auch immer Lust den Pinsel oder Stift in die Hand zu nehmen, mich interessiert vor allem das Spiel mit den Farben sowie die Lichtverhältnisse... ja genau das hast du auch auf deinen Wanderungen in deiner wundervollen Natur.
    Eine Umarmung zu dir - wie gesagt viel Freude auf Schusters Rappen und mit deinen anderen Aktivitäten, die dir Freude machen, auch Stift, Pinsel und Farbe.

  13. A beautiful walk in spite of the flooding. This is such a lovely time of year. I think you should be proud of yourself for tackling faces - so difficult!


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