
Monday, October 31, 2022

Through the Alps


The last two weeks I took a much needed break from blogging. Those two weeks were very busy - I got a lot done and feel that I did get accomplished quite a bit.

In my last post about our trip we had just crossed the border from Liechtenstein into Austria. We stayed the night in Übersaxen, a small town in Vorarlberg. We had a delicious meal here of Cordon Bleu with Bratkartoffeln (left) and Ungarisches Rindsgulasch (Hungarian beef goulash, right), accompanied by some local beer. That, of course, is for Elizabeth and Bleubeard's T Tuesday.

The next morning we left after a wonderful breakfast (unfortunately I forgot to take pictures) and took a route through the Alps. We first hit Stubenpass and then Arlbergpass to get into Tirol (Tyrol). Those passes are fantastic mountain roads. In the picture below you can see how the road winds up along the mountain.

Austrians are just as skilled road builders as the Swiss.

We eventually reached Kaunergrat and walked out onto the platform to enjoy the view - which would have been spectacular if there would have been less clouds.

Nevertheless, we had a nice view of the valley with the river Inn running through it. From here, I saw the village of Prutz where I spent a three week vacation with my parents and bother when I was 9 years old - I could even make out the house where we had rented our vacation appartment at that time (red arrow). It was called "der Turm" (the tower) because it had a square form with a four-sided tapered roof. The view to the other side into the direction of Landeck was just as nice and a road that we often travelled during that vacation.

This was a wonderful little excursion down memory lane, and since we were making our own memories, it was time for a family photo (with Prutz in the background).

The destination we wanted to reach that afternoon was the Campanile di Curon in the Reschensee or Lago di Rèsia which is in Südtirol (South Tyrol), an autonomous province in Italy.

This bell tower is the only visible remains of the village that was buried here under water when three lakes - Lago di Rèsia, Lago di Curon, and Lago di San Valentino alla Muta - were joined together to form one big artificial lake. Curon Venosta was the name of the old town that was demolished and flooded soon after World War II. The bell tower is more than 700 years old and was restored in 2009. It serves as an imortant historic symbol for the region.

But what is happening here?

Sorry, I'm afraid you must endure the weirdness of the Bartz family.

As you can see, we thoroughly enjoyed being with our daughter and letting our weird side shine.

This tower has been photographed a million times, so I tried to find new POVs.

Not too successful, I'm afraid. So let's stick with family photos of which we took many. When you haven't seen your child for almost two years and you don't know when you will see her again, you take advantage of every opportunity to take pictures together.

And since it is Halloween today and Día de los Muertos tomorrow, my Talavera Frida will make an appearance here.


  1. I love your weirdness! Your Day of the Dead statue is a lot of fun too.

    best… mae at

  2. I love seeing all the beautiful views from your travels and reading about the bell tower and it's history.
    I think your "weird" family photos are fun and a great memory. It looks like you all have a lot of fun together. Your daughter looks just like you.
    Thank you for sharing the lovely places you have been.
    Happy Tea Day,

  3. I'm glad you're back with more travel photos Carola. It is always fun to go back to someplace you went as a child and see if you can find the spot or any spot that you have memories of. That's exciting that you did. There is a manmade lake in Mass. near where I grew up that was made by flooded towns. It is rather sad, but I must admit I got a kick out of your fun photos of the tower. Your Talavera FRida is great. I hope you are having a lovely holiday and T day day too. Happy November. hugs-Erika

  4. I really enjoy your travel photos so much too. we pretty much don't go anywhere these days so I do enjoy seeing all of your photos. fun photos too with the tower and your family
    I loved them. Happy T Kathy

  5. A truly lovely post from beginning to end.
    I am glad that your blog break was productive, and think that the world needs a lot more 'weirdness' just like your families.
    And yes, you and your beautiful daughter, do look alike. Very.

  6. LOL, bei mir wars genau andersrum, ich habe Elle´s Abenteuer begleitet. Stress ;-)
    Aber guter Stress.

    Cordon Bleu!!! Hmmm, yum.

    Und schöne Fotos, vor allem von euch Dreien. Und die "Love locks"! Unseres steht hier im Regal, ein anderes hängt in Perth.

    Krass mit dem Turm. Und ihr seid eine verrückte, tolle Familie! :-)

    Hoffentlich dauert es nicht wieder zwei Jahre bis ihr euch seht!

    Der Hund meiner Schwiegereltern heißt Frida. So wie meine Omi Nunja.... wenn das kein Zeichen ist! ;-)

  7. What a journey in this wonderful landscape. You certainly have fun in composition.

  8. Great travels! We are all quite envious, of course. Weird? I don't think so! Very creative is the term that springs to my mind. Such wonderful food you had too. As for your statue for the Day of the Dead, it is fabulous! I think you should have a picnic in the cemetery and take it with you. Be sure to let us know how that goes! Hugs - David

  9. You've been missed, Carola. Nice to see you back.

    I really enjoyed reading about the bell tower. So fun to see how Kaefer balanced the bell tower and held it up. You guys had quite a fun time with that trick photography.

    Your photos of Austria are amazing. I love seeing the winding roads and even the low hanging clouds.

    Your Cordon Bleu looks wonderful and I'm sure your beer was tasty.

    Frida is wonderful. A great doll made special for this day,

    Thanks for sharing this leg of your trip in Austria, the memorues you shared, the beautiful photos, your Frida doll, and your meals and beers with us for T this Tuesday, dear Carola.

  10. Wonderful photos, lovely to see you and yours having fun! And the food has made me hungry, it looks so yummy! Happy T day! I wouldx love to get snail mail from you, you can contact me at Hugs, Valerie

  11. As always Carola enjoy traveling vicariously through you ! Happy happy T day ! Hugs! deb

  12. Wow, the Alps look amazing and so atmospheric with the low clouds - beautiful 😊. I love seeing your travels and those tall glasses of beer look very refreshing, thanks for sharing and happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

  13. Those scenic views are gorgeous! I love your fun photos :) Happy T Tuesday

  14. Ohhh I just love this post. What a glorious trip. Fun photos too. I love your Day of the Dead girl too. She is fabulous. Have a great day today.

  15. What a fabulous post. The picture of your daughter holding the bell tower made me laugh. Such clever photographs and great memory makers for you. Happy T Day

  16. First, Carola, welcome back as you have been missed. That said taking a blog break is helpful to not only do other things, but also to re-think future posts. I really enjoyed this tour continuation and the "weirdness" of your family in having fun with perspectives was such fun. Keeping a sense of the absurd and having fun are always good things and too many people seem to miss out. Glad you and yours do not.

  17. Such beautiful landscape, and I LOVE the creative pictures! It's great to have fun in so many different ways.

  18. Wow it really is picture perfect isn't it, what a beautiful place. I love the photos you set up with your daughter, they are very funny and perfectly positioned too. Frida is looking good too. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  19. wow! All these are beautiful travel photos from Austria. I like the clock tower. It is photographed well. And, I like the photos of photo shooting. Those are really interesting moments.
    Thanks for sharing these moments with us. Have a great week!
    Amila -

  20. Old view or new, the tower is lovely -- and the family photo especially! I love the low hanging cloudy mists -- and then when it lifts, the fabulous views! What a marvelous trip you have had!


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