
Monday, October 10, 2022

Misty Mountains


Last week you could read about our rainy day in Luzern, and today we're just continuing with rain. We began the day with a good breakfast and a cup of delicious coffee - this, of course, is for Bleubeard and Elizabeth who every Tuesday get into the "drinking habit" with T Tuesday. Since we were in Switzerland we decided that we have to go into a grocery store and stock up on chocolate. Swiss chocolate is just the best. What you see here is just a small portion of the chocolate aisle.

We drove around Vierwaldstättersee while it was raining on and off. The mountains were hiding in the mist and we could only see in our minds what this place would actually look like on a clear day. But a clear day we didn't have.

And into the mountains we went. The Swiss are masters in building high elevation roads, tunnels and concrete protections from avalanches. I always find it quite exciting driving along those roads through the Alps.

We got higher and higher with less and less traffic - but unfortunately not less fog. It stayed with us throughout the day.

We chose to drive via Klausenpass which is a rather narrow mountain pass road with thankfully not much traffic on this misty day.

Halfway up we stopped at this bench that was on top of - nothing. You can see there is a protective fence in front of the bench. Unfortunately we couldn't find out what all the symbols meant - the clock, the hiking boot with flowers in it - but the five-to-twelve seemd like a warning.

On we went, up into the misty mountains. The road became even narrower.

It was just as misty and gray at the pass with the addition of some leftover snow and low temperatures. We walked around a little bit, but pretty soon got back into the car.

On the other side of the mountain the weather hadn't changed. This is Kanton Uri where Wilhelm Tell, the national hero of  Switzerland, came from (if he ever existed). The villages are small and picturesque and often have a monument of Wilhelm Tell with his crossbow (sorry, I didn't take a picture of one).

When it finally stopped raining, we found a place to eat our picnic, something we had bought in the grocery store in the morning. It was a nice location, heavily scented with wood and a view of the rising mist.

Not long after that we left Switzerland and crossed into Liechtenstein.

The Principality of Liechtenstein is a VERY small country, located smack in the middle of the mountains. The language is German, its capital is Vaduz and it's the world's wealthiest country. I can't say that it made any permanent impression on me.

We did find an old castle ruin, Obere Burg Schellenberg where we hiked up to. We had a lovely view from there and also used the opportunity to take a family photo.

I did like this reminder to pick up after your dog!

Only minutes later we crossed into Austria at the smallest border crossing I ever saw.


  1. What a great photo essay on your travels in such unexpected places! The avalanche protection is amazing, as are the many other stone structures you depicted. You are surely right about Swiss chocolate being the best!

    Looking forward to more of your travel photos….. mae at

  2. Sometimes fog adds a lot of atmosphere, but it is too bad you missed the mountain views. It is still beautiful though, even if that narrow mountain road looks a bit scary. But maybe if you could see over the side it would be scary too. (smile). And that is certainly a whole lot of chocolate. I recognize the Lindt labels, but that is good chocolate, and I would love to try some of the others. I'm filling in for Elizabeth this week, and I hope her jury trial goes well. Have a wonderful T day and thanks for linking up Carola. Happy week ahead too. hugs-Erika

  3. Another truly beautiful post. Thank you - and I am still smiling at the reminder to dog owners. Love your family photo too.

  4. What a beautiful place to visit. The mist renders the region even more mysterious!

  5. Stunning views despite the heavy fog. I am all about mist, but it is not what you want when you are sightseeing for a short period of time. Looks like you had an amazing time! Love your family photo and the old castle ruins.
    Happy Tea Day,

  6. Oh weia. Mein Mund ist schon zugeklebt bei der Ansicht!

    Ovomaltine und Toblerone mag ich manchmal allerdings :-)

    Mystisches Foto mit dem Nebel.

    Der Zaun vor der Bank sieht nicht vertrauenserweckend aus! So gar nicht!
    Ebenso die Wegbefestigung der Strasse. Ich glaube ich wäre permanent nahe Herzinfarkt! ;-)
    Dabei dachte ich immer, die Schweizer wären noch korrekter als die Deutschen?

    Wilhelm Tell war Schweizer-Held?! Huch!
    Ich habe eher Heidi und Alm-Öhi vor Augen. Klara und Peter und oh... wir hatten damals ja kaum Programme, um uns was auszusuchen! Wahrscheinlich waren nun das keine Schweizer!

    Tolles Familienfoto!!

    Das Schild!!!! Herrlich!
    Letztes Wochenende... hui.... ganz knapp dem Verlust eines weiteren Paar Schuhe entgangen. Kein Pack-Zack, nur Kack.

    Niedlicher Grenzübergang.

    Danke, Carola, das war informativ und lustig (und irgendwie ist mit jetzt nach Ovomaltine)...

  7. The mist is beautiful! But i'm sorry you missed the view of the snow covered mountains from Luzerne.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  8. Too bad about the fog, Carola. It can be a little atmospheric but I suspect that driving through unfamiliar mountain terrain in fog can be a little daunting. That's a lot of chocolate! I hope you made sure the trunk was empty before going there! I have noticed before but in this post it struck me just how much Kaefer looks like her father. Two handsome people! And you get to enjoy both of them. What a lucky person you are.

  9. I have only been to Bern. I'm not sure i would do well on those roads! Perhaps on a bus tour, definitely not in a car!

  10. What a stunning post. The coffee looks sooooo very good. The photos are just beautiful. It's always nice to see your faces. Have a lovely day today.

  11. Love all the misty mountain photos Carola, and that chocolate wall! Also really like the kack, pack, zack sign lol Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  12. The mountains look beautiful and so atmospheric with those low clouds! I love the selection of chocolate, I bet they all taste delicious - yum 😊. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

  13. All that chocolate! So many delicious choices. Beautiful scenery. Like another world appearing in the mist. Nice family photo. The pick up after your dog made me laugh. Happy T Day

  14. Mountains and mists looks great to me. I wouldn't like to drive in the fog though! The chocolate shelves look great! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  15. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos! The misty is even pretty. Happy T Day.

  16. I"m sorry you had such dreary weather but you certainly maxed out the photo value -- very atmospheric! Love the dog sign, too!

  17. Your trip into the Misty Mountains - did you also take a wizard, an elf, a couple of hobbits? Sorry, couldn't help myself. Lovely photos as usual. My brother used to send me chocolate from Switzerland. Yes, best there is.

  18. What a beautiful trip you took into the misty mountains. Sunny days or rainy ones there is much beauty to admire. Love the family snapshot.

  19. The weather might not have been ideal, but the scenes are lovely regardless and the those were fun shots of your daughter and a great family capture.

  20. The misty scenery is beautiful, Carola, but I'll bet it felt raw and chilly. What a great family photo! Have a good week!

  21. I felt sure I had commented on this post?
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan


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