
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Do Elephants Eat Chicken?


When David commented on one of my past posts, he mentioned Chicken Shawarma - which inspired me to cook it since the Geek and I hadn't had it in quite a while. We both love Chicken Shawarma and I honestly don't know why we don't have it more often. It is so easy to make.

Chicken Shawarma is a middle-eastern dish - and this is all you need - plus a cup of Greek yogurt for making the sauce:

Chicken thighs (bone- and skinless), garlic, smoked paprika, coriander, cumin, cardamon, cayenne pepper, salt, pepper, lemon and olive oil. The flatbread is for wrapping.

Combine all the ingredients (with the exception of the chicken thighs) and make a marinade. Put the chicken thighs in a ziploc bag, add the marinade and make sure that every piece is coated. Marinate overnight in the fridge.

The next day make the yogurt sauce with the Greek yogurt, garlic, cumin, salt and pepper and lemon juice. Put in the fridge. As you can see I added a little bit too much cumin to my yogurt.

You can grill the chicken thighs, but I prefer to bake them in the oven. Preheat oven to 425F (220C), spread the marinated chicken thighs on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes. The drink in my picture is not wine, but pomegranate juice.

When the chicken is done, cut it in strips and serve with tomatoes, lettuce and the yogurt sauce. Don't forget the flatbread.

Trader Joe's flatbread is not very big, so eating became quite messy. But who cares? It was delicious with a very good spice, but not too hot. (If you don't like too spicy, use less of the cayenne pepper; it really puts the heat in the dish.)

A chilled dry white wine like a Pinot Grigio is a nice companion.

You can find the full recipe here.

Of course we need dessert! When we were in Istanbul we often had Künefe. When I discovered it at Trader Joe's I had to try it. It was very good, but then unfortunately for reason unbeknownst to me, they stopped carrying it. One of the employees who knew how much we liked it warned me about that, so I could stock up. This was the last package... I will probably need to learn how to make it myself.

I'm joining Rain's Thursday Art and Dinner Date - please do yourself a favor and visit some of the other wonderful blogs.

My art for today is this happy patchwork elephant:

This was one of the Kaleidoscope Taster Sessions with Eulalia Mejia, an artist from Colombia. Thankfully she had provided a traceable elephant because I would not have been able to draw it - I'm hopeless at that. She was the only one of the "taster artists" who provided complete step-by-step instructions with pictures to download. Supplies used: acrylic paints and wax pastels.

And no - this elephant doesn't eat chicken.


  1. OMGosh that meal looks sooooo good. Thanks for the instructions. I love this elephant too. The colors and the shape are just wonderful. Have a wonderful day and stay cool if you are in the heat.

  2. I Love your elephant, and your chicken dish sounds really delicious my husband would like those spices. Not familiar with the dessert so will look that up.
    have a good evening and stay cool Kathy

  3. I really must make this recipe. I love the dish, but have never tried it. You certainly make it look easy, and your food photography is beautiful. Thank you.

    The elephant is very appealing, too!

  4. Hmmm, looks yummy - I´d take chicken breast, though. I never marinated meat so far and wonder is it worth the "trouble"?
    Reckon I need to find out!
    The elephant is very cute.

  5. We love middle-eastern flavours. Cummin is one of my favourite spices and I always use it generously.
    Your elephant made me smile broadly. Thank you.

  6. Now you have given me the incentive to try making it at home, Carola. Yours looks absolutely delicious. I expect that soon you will be looking for one of those rotary grills where the chicken is stacked and sliced downwards. No doubt you will be learning Lebanese songs too so that your kitchen will have that authentic Middle Eastern atmosphere. Better start making falafel and tabbouleh too! Best wishes from Ontario - David

  7. I'm a vegetarian, but if there is no fish option, and no veggie option, I will eat chicken. However, I have NEVER cared for dark meat, so I would never fix this with thighs. Thanks for the recipe, though.

    I remember seeing the elephant, but never watched the taster lesson. You did a fabulous job, dear. Happy TADD.

  8. I don't think I've tried chicken Shawarma before. It looks delicious. Yogurt sauce on chicken is very good. I have had that. And I am also not familiar with this dessert. I need to go look this up. You always have such interesting international foods to share with us. I'm loving your elephant too. Have a wonderful end of your week. hugs-Erika

  9. hi there, I have lost the taste for food so I jump to your elephant instead.
    I like it. Could be quite real if seen in the forest :)

  10. Wow, Chicken Shawarma ... I had never heard of it, but it looks and sounds delicious. I am cutting and pasting the recipe then I will have to rummage through my spices to see what I have and what I will need. I will let you know if I accomplish this ... I don't do much cooking anymore, so this is a challenge. Anyway, sounds yummy.
    As for your Elephant, I love elephants ... have since I was a child. Probably influenced by the fact that my first toy(which I still have) was a Dumbo. So I guess what I am trying to say is that your elephant is fantastic ... good job and who cares in you had to trace it ... it is the final result that matters. Great job, Carola ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  11. ...there are so many ways to chicken, we should try this someday.

  12. I love chicken schwarma but have never made it! Your elephant is darling!

  13. Love your elephant Carola. I have yet to finish mine. Have you ever watched The Great Food Truck Race? One year there was an Israeli/Middle Eastern truck that did very well in the comp and one of their bestselling dishes was the chicken shawarma. I've never had it myself but I do like middle eastern flavours. Elle/EOTC xx

  14. If I were an elephant I would eat that Chicken Shawarma!!! brought me back in time a little bit Carola! When I lived in Montreal (Canada), I used to eat lunch out all of the time and Shawarma was a big favourite, I haven't had it in years!!! I will bookmark that recipe because it really is delicious. Your presentation makes it look lovely too with a nice Pinot! ☺☺ I had to look up Künefe, and OMG OMG OMG...the first sentence was "a sweet cheese dessert" - I'm hooked lol! I will add that to my "to try" list!!! Your elephant art is so sweet! You did such a great job!!! Lovely post Carola! I loved it!!! ♥


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