To everybody who celebrates it, I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving.
There is much that we can be grateful for. If we're sitting down today with family and/or friends to enjyoy a meal together, we already have everything - food, shelter, good company.
Not only today, but everyday I am grateful for my family - my husband who has been always at my side and who is my rock; my sweet daughter, while living far away has always a place in my heart and stays close to me. I am grateful for our home and the garden, that has kept me sane and grounded and is consistently feeding my soul. My friends are very important to me - I only have a handful of close friends, but those are dear to me and I wouldn't want to miss them. I am thankful that we have enough food, can pay the bills and even enjoy some extras. I love my work and am happy that I finally took the step to get rid of the job that didn't give me joy anymore. My life is full.
I mentioned "difficult times" in my title because I think we are living in difficult times. COVID certainly hasn't made life easier and brought a lot of sorrow and grief to many people. At the same time there is so much resistance to effectively fighting this pandemic and that makes me not only sad but also angry. When I see what is currently happening in our country, all the craziness, hate, greed and selfishness, it is easy to lose hope. I am deeply concerned about the future of our country.
But then I see so many signs of hope. People who volunteer in soup kitchens and food banks, who go to the homeless to give them blankets, food and an open heart. Young people who care for the environment. People all over the country who raise funds so that a little girl can get treatment for her excrutiating pain that her health insurance has denied. People who give their time to listen to those who don't have anybody, who deliver meals to seniors. Decent people who stand up against injustice, who don't look away. Daily courage.
I am so incredibly thankful for these people.