
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Who Is the Winner?


Thank you to everybody who participated in my giveaway.

Third place in the 2020 photos goes to "Through the Lens".

The beautiful "California Poppies" took second place.

And first place goes to "Autumn Glory"!!!

Now of course you probably can't wait to know who is the lucky person to receive three photo cards with these images. It is

Jeanie of the Marmelade Gypsy!

Congratulations Jeanie! Please let me know your address and the photo cards will be sent your way.


  1. Lucky Jeanie. I am sure she will love them just as I did (and do) love those I received in an earlier giveaway.

  2. Oh that lucky Jeanie! I bet she can use the pick-me-up of receiving your cards, Carola.

  3. Yaaaaay, Jeanie won the giveaway! So glad for her. She's a wonderful lady and a special blog friend. She deserves to have this February surprise coming her way. : )


  4. Three awesome photos!! Would be hard to choose 1/2/3 place.

  5. I haven't been by lately so I missed this. You had some super winning photos. Glad I'm back.

  6. I am elated! Thank you! I'll email you contact info!

    Big grins from Michigan!

  7. Thanks Carola for the update on the winners and the winner.

  8. Such a fabulous three.
    Congratulations to Jeanie.

    All the best Jan


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