
Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Thousand Suns

At the end of summer the sunflowers are still going strong, painting a smile on our faces with their brilliant happy color. I used to grow sunflowers in my garden, but stopped doing that since the squirrels always "killed" them and I didn't like those empty stems stretching into the sky.

But entire sunflower fields are a different story!

While we drove through Turkey last year in July we saw many sunflower fields, and finally we stopped on a little dirt road and took some pictures of this wave of yellow suns.

There were so many fields - and they were huge. They stretched over the hills and down to the water, covering wide areas of land. It was quite the sight.

Where there are sunflowers there are birds and the air was buzzing with the sweet voices of hundreds of birds. Unfortunately I didn't have the presence of mind to make a short video and capture this. I also love how the faces of the sunflowers follow the track of the sun - we were standing just in the right position for the pictures above, but not for some below.

It's amazing how far one can see the yellow color glowing in the distance.

A thousand suns. (well, probably more...)


  1. So gorgeous! Loving all those happy suns... such colour :D) xx

  2. Beautiful, beautiful things.
    Some farms in one of our States grow them, and driving past always made me smile.
    I grew multi-headed miniatures last year and hope to do so again.

  3. Nothing is quite so splendid as a field of sunflowers and they have the ability to prolong summer just by being there. I enjoyed the pictures so I can only imagine how you enjoyed the real thing.

  4. These totally take my breath away, Carola. I love sunflowers so much and even the little thumbnail in the blogger reader list excited me. But those FULL FIELDS?! Big wow! Glorious.

  5. I don't think I've ever seen that many sunflowers before. That's amazing. Sunflowers are so cheerful, and they just look like they are saying "hello," don't they? These are beautiful pictures, Carola.

    Have a gentle weekend.


  6. Wow. Sunflowers just make me happy. This must have been an amazin view.

  7. I would love to see a whole field of sunflowers! I love that to yellow goes on and on. In one of the photos, where the sunflowers are turned away from you, the scenery in the background is so beautiful that it’s so worth photographing them from behind!

  8. These are such happy photos, Carola. I know eastern CO has fields of sunflowers, but I haven't been by them for many, many years. I've never tried them at high altitude. I think maybe our growing season is too short.

  9. Wow, truly, truly beautiful!!! Big Hugs!

  10. Goodness me … I've never seen so many.
    They are beautiful, great series of photographs.

    All the best Jan


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