
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Paris in July 2019 - Sur la Table

When I think of Paris and France I often (and foremost) think of the food and drink. In Germany, the saying "eating like God in France" originated and it reminds of the excellent food you can get in our neighboring country. France also is the home of champagne and delicious wine. Eating in France is not only to satisfy hunger - there is a true food culture that starts with a good table, nice dishes and decent flatware. Eating takes time and a good dinner can last for two hours or longer. I am very fortunate to have experienced a decent amount of unforgettable dinners with French friends that weren't only delicious in regards to food, but there was also lots of laughter and lively conversation.

Almost everywhere there are street cafés that invite to sit and watch people. Just order a café au lait or a glass of kir (my choice).

A chocolat chaud is a delicious choice as well - and it's served with style.

Usually tables in a restaurant are nicely set, and you can find a set table with silverware and napkins even in the outdoor area of the smallest restaurants. After all, the art of eating is for the eyes as well. I always enjoy entering a restaurant that is inviting and welcoming.

Wouldn't you like to eat a three course meal here in the arcades of the Place des Vosges, the oldest planned square in Paris?

Post no. 4 for Tamara's blog event Paris in July over at Thyme for Tea.


  1. I've never been there, but I heard their food is elaborate, and they don't like to-go concept.

  2. Your set tables really evoke the essence of Paris.

    Best... mae at

  3. I missed your earlier Paris posts but it was fun to look back and see them. And today's photos are a really clever way to show us the city. Hugs-Erika

  4. It looks and sounds WONDERFUL. Food for the heart and soul, as well as for the tummy.

  5. You are quite right, Carola, eating is far more than masticating food, and the French have it down to a fine art. I too have had memorable meals in France, made all the more memorable by good company and stimulating conversation.

  6. I love the cafes. Even the lowest level cafe or street vendor in Paris seems infinitely better than some of the better restaurants here! These are beautiful shots. Chocolat chaud is my favorite, along with wine, of course, are my go-to choices!

  7. I'd like to slip into any of those seats, and order something. Lovely photos.

  8. I think America needs more of this concept. Too much fast food and lack of manners, I think.

  9. When last in Paris I spent quite a bit of time in the Place des Voges and ate several meals in this very restaurant, it was wonderful.

  10. Beautiful images, evoking dreams and memories at once. Thank you. I love the title of this post - very clever.

  11. When I think of Paris, I think of street cafes. Indulging in a pastry and coffee. It is wonderful to people watch when you are not a native of the country.

  12. These are inviting places to visit and eat and enjoy. Thank you for all these lovely photos.

  13. Wonderful!
    Essen wie ein Gott in Frankreich, ja daran erinnere ich mich mit Freude. I had many wonderful meals in France when we went there, often choosing a recommended gourmet hotel to stay. We went to France for the food and drink as much as the scenery. So many good memories, I will probably not again, not on my own. Besides, Brexit may make it difficult.

  14. A wonderful selection of photographs.

    All the best Jan


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