
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Smoky Skies

On Thursday halfway through the morning our skies slowly darkened to an unhealthy gray when smoke and ash were pushed into our region. The sunlight turned orange and it was hard to see the sun at all.

But the worst was the smell. It triggered memories of last year's October fires and heightened anxiety.

The smoke and ash comes from the rapidly spreading wildfire in Butte Canyon, about 100 miles from where I live. While I'm writing this, the fire has become the most destructive wildfire in California (surpassing "our" fire, what a sad record) with a death toll of 42 and the town of Paradise almost completely wiped out. Hell on earth.

Schools were closed here on Friday because of the poor air quality and they are closed again today (yesterday was Veterans Day, so they were closed anyway) which gives me a day off. To be honest though, I'd rather go to work and be able to breathe fresh air. We take fresh air for granted - until we don't have it anymore. Since Thursday I haven't been able to open my windows and can only be outside wearing an N95 mask. I crave fresh air. The smoke is so thick that I can't see my beloved Mount Bennett from our bedroom window. The first two days my lungs hurt and I had difficulties breathing. The Geek still does.

But these are small "sacrifices" compared to what the people in Butte County (and burning areas in Southern California as well) are going through right now. On the one hand I revisit all the emotions and despair that we felt a year and a month ago, on the other hand it is beyond my imagination to picture a community that has been extinguished within less than a day. I have no idea where these people will go to, how they will deal with the loss of their homes AND community, how they will go through the next weeks and months. So many people have lost their lives in this inferno.

It is heart breaking. How often have I said these words...

There is the Northern California Fire Relief Fund that I donated to (feeling completely helpless) and I just pass this on. We had a similar fund last year for "our" fires and it did a lot of financial help. From the experience of my friends who lost everything in the Tubbs and Nuns fires I know that every little bit helps.

The smoke makes for glorious sunrises and sunsets. It always amazes me how close horror and beauty are. Photo on top was taken on Friday morning, one day after the fire started. Second photo was shortly before sunset on Friday night and the last one is the sunrise on Saturday morning.


  1. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. So sorry to hear about the fires, I just saw more on the news here, it looks so scary. Stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

  2. We are getting the hazy skies here too because of the smoke. You are closer to Butte County than we are. These wildfires are so scary. Many lives has been lost, people have lost their homes, and the firefighters are getting so exhausted. I hope and pray they get them under control. It's such a terrible time for these people and their families.


  3. These wildfires break my heart. So many losses of life. No one will ever know how many animals perished. So very sad. My heart goes out to the people in California.

  4. So sad to see. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected

  5. Apart from the sadness of all this anyway -- all the destruction and the tragedy -- I know this has to be very difficult personally and bring back a lot of your own experiences. Sending good wishes (and aid) as this continues.

  6. These fires seem to get worse every year. Or is just because there are more and more people with more stuff to burn? The worst we ever experience is snow. I am grateful.

  7. The fires definitely trigger anxiety. I'm torn between watching the news with a racing heart and trying to distance my feelings. So, what to do? I put my head down and knit. Knitting is my therapy. One of my knitting friends who used to live in Chico (next door to fires) put together a box of knitting stuff to send to a LYS in the area. They will distribute it to the knitters who have lost everything. Maybe it will be a small help. Your home burned down and you want knitting supplies??? I know you are a great knitter so I'll bet you understand.

  8. These fires are so terrible and sad. My heart goes out to all the people who have lost everything. Between the fires of the last couple of years and hurricanes it's been terrible couple of years. I can't complain about all the snow we are suppose to get in a couple of days when others suffer so much worse.

  9. Your photographs are lovely, but to see and hear the news about the fires is so sad.
    My thoughts are with everyone affected.

    All the best Jan

  10. I am so sorry about all of this! You have been in my thoughts and prayers, as I watch everything on the tv. It's so sad! Please take care of your health!! Sending big hugs, and much love to everyone!

  11. Yes, we are facing here. All the outdoor activities are stopped. Last year, almost in same time the devastating fire happened. it is really scary.

  12. Sorry, my computer is playing up... not sure if my comment went through for moderation.
    It's a really awful time for folk near those fires and, yes, when I read about it I thought of how it would most likely trigger those bad experiences you all went through. Take care and I hope the smoke doesn't impact for too long nor, indeed, the fires.

  13. I've been hearing about these wildfires on the news - and am yet so far away that it is difficult for me to imagine the magnitude. Your photos are stunning - and oh my, that red sun in the smoky haze! I hope that the fires will soon be extinguished. We do, indeed, take clean air for granted. It must be difficult to have it otherwise.

  14. Hallo Carola,

    danke für deinen Kommentar zu den Vogelbildern auf meinem Blog. Ja ich mag Vögel und finde es immer eine Herausforderung, sie zu fotografieren. Leider sind es dieses Jahr merklich weniger geworden.
    Ich verfolge schon die ganze Zeit die Feuer in Kalifornien. Meine Tochter war kurz vorher noch in LA zu Besuch. Unter anderem unternahm sie auch eine Tour durch Malibu. Erschreckend, wenn man jetzt diese Bilder sieht!

    Alles Liebe aus dem nun winterlich werdenden Germany


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