
Sunday, November 4, 2018

An Image and Its Story - October 2018

October was a busy month at work, especially at the German School where I felt like constantly putting out fires. Pretty exhausting, to be honest, but also good when you see that problems get solved. I am also very lucky to work with a wonderful team there.

But photography was again pushed to the back burner. I took a few photos in the garden and on my walks, but nothing that I thought worth for this post. But one day when I came home in the late afternoon I noticed how beautifully my favorite tree in our street was turning its leaves.

This tree is a Chinese Pistache (Pistacia chinensis), a widely used street tree. It is deciduous, but before it loses all its leaves, it turns into the most brilliant shades of yellow, orange and red. It is a true stunner. I planted one in my own garden a few years ago simply because of its gorgeous color (my tree, however, is far from being such a beautiful mature tree like the one in the photo even though it already displays fiery colors). Every autumn I am in awe of this tree - the colors, the shape, the trunk. When the sun is deep in the sky, the colors are intense.

The show lasts only a few weeks, but oh! what a show!


  1. That tree is amazing and I can see why it is one of your favorites.

    We are just approaching the 1 year anniversary of our fire (I know you are aware of what that is like) and so the hillsides are very bare and the trees that survived are doing just that....surviving. But it was a year of growth and rebuilding and hopefully the holidays will not be filled with the shock and horror of last years. We have a number of friends who have not thrived this last year....too weighed down by their losses. Here's to a new year of changes and family and love.

  2. You got back into the photo groove in good form with this one! What a stunner! I'm sad that I missed much of fall color while we were traveling. There is still a bit and in fact, some leaves haven't even turned, which makes me wonder about them. But many are bare-branched. This one dazzles!

  3. I adore arboreal fireworks and look for them with real anticipation each year.
    Thank you.

  4. Wow - a beautiful, colorful October! I've never heard of this type of tree. It really is spectacular.

  5. That tree is putting on a spectacular show. I'm guessing you're really busy now with work at the school. Glad to catch up with you and your fall colors.

  6. What a beautiful tree with all the colors of Autumn. I see this type of tree around my neck of the woods too, and they are just starting to change color, so I can enjoy them for awhile longer. Oh, California Autumns are so pretty, aren't they, Carola?


  7. That tree is amazing, such gorgeous colour.

    All the best Jan

  8. Truly gorgeous tree! WOW! I hope you are having some quiet time now!!! Big Hugs!


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