
Saturday, September 1, 2018

An Image and Its Story - August 2018

August was the non-photography month. My work at the high school library started again, and as always at the beginning of a new school year it was chaotic and very very busy. I was running around like a chicken without a head (at least it felt like it), distributing heavy textbooks to 1600 students, loading said textbooks from the shelves onto carts, then scanning them and giving to the students. If I was lucky I could sit down for about ten minutes during the entire work day. No wonder I was utterly exhausted when I returned home in the late afternoon. Then I often had to do organisational work for the German School where I'm the lead teacher. On top of that I didn't sleep very well since so many things concerning work were running through my head.

So photography completely fell to the wayside.

However, I didn't mind very much since I knew that the busy first weeks of the school year would be over by the end of August and I would be back at my regular work schedule which gives me way more time. And so, on my first day off, I stepped out into my garden and noticed how beautiful my Autumn Joy was and that the bees were having a feast on the flowers. Looking closer I noticed a little butterfly among the busy bees, and it wasn't a Fiery Skipper that I had seen last year.

This one is a skipper as well, but I'm not sure whether it is a Sandhill Skipper or a Woodland Skipper. Both are common in the San Francisco Bay Area, and maybe someone can tell me which one it is. Just like all the skippers it was a bit jumpy and it took quite some photos to finally get one that is halfway decent. I do love those little skippers no matter what kind they are. They sure find a lot of food in my garden.


  1. Ephemeral magic.
    I hope you are finding time to breathe (and take photographs) again now.

  2. It's hard for me to believe that summer is done and school has started. I can imagine it was a very busy month for you. I'm glad you found a moment to take some photos in your garden - it's nice to find even a small bit of time to take a step away from the chaos.

  3. It isn't the quantity of photos, it's the quality and this is first rate. Hope things settle back into normal soon!

  4. I love these little guys and for some reason I don't see many of them in my garden...lots of Swallow tails and Monarchs, but not these. They bring back memories of my childhood, it seems that they were more prevalent then.

  5. It still makes my heart happy that you have continued this practice of sharing a favorite monthly photo with a story. I do miss doing that, and now that my 365 project is done, I can finally focus on some new things.

  6. You've been busy my friend! I am so happy you had time to capture this gorgeous photo! That little one is so cute! Big Hugs!

  7. What a beautiful picture, Carola. And it remind me of Autumn. I look forward to its arrival here in California. It sounds like your garden brings you much pleasure.

    Happy September!


  8. Liebe Carola, ich kann gut nachvollziehen, dass Du bei der Hektik zu nichts gekommen bist. Aber das Bild mit dem Schmetterling ist wunderbar. Im Augenblick geht es mir auch so, dass ich aufpassen muss, wie ich meine Zeit einteile, obwohl ich nicht mehr berufstätig bin.


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